The full story is on my thread, link in my signature page.
Short version; 96 x CXB3590 3500K CD bin COB LED chips, all in four chip modules with their drivers.
48 chips in 12 modules all face one way, 4 modules to a 4' wide by 6' tall trellis panel. The other dozen face the opposite way, lighting three more plants for a total of six plants in the batch.
You've already seen these panels and what I do with them even in front of cheesy ass low efficiency 860W CDM lamps, and only 30W per square foot at that!
The modules actually pull 224W apiece; the COBs each get 54W plus 8W in driver losses. 24 of them pull 5400W, just about exactly the same as 5 x 860W CDM lamps on magnetic ballasts. Did I mention they were cheesy ass inefficient?
By contrast, the COB LED chip in question, run at 50W, is apparently capable of 56% efficiency. With the very same trellis panels and the very same wattage draw, the chips will just about double the light shining on the plants.