Dr. Chronic seeds ?


Well-Known Member
I ordered from the doc on July 24, and got the "incoming" email the next day (July 25). On August 14 I sent the doc an email saying that I know you said it could take 7-28 days for delivery and I know it's only been 20 but I wanted to make sure that it was sent out because when I ordered before it only took 10 days. That was 4 days ago and I still haven't gotten a response from him. I didn't receive a letter from customs either, which I know doesn't mean they didn't get nabbed but that's what I'm trying to figure out. So those are my experiences with that site, I haven't ordered from anywhere else yet. If they come, or I hear from him I'll post if you'd like. Good luck.
Well I got a response from the doc on monday the 18th which said, "seems to be taking some time? we sent it on the 25 july, is your mailbox secure?". I then replied instantly with, "Yes, it requires a key to open. I don't mean to be a pest, I'm just excited to get them". The next day he responded, "Hello i figure your item has been lost or stolen we are sorry you have lost you goods". I still haven't received it, or a letter from customs.


Well-Known Member
I've ordered twice from the Doc, the 1st was sent in two letters, which were both confiscated, and the 2nd order never came. I emailed him and was told that I was trying to scam him and it was clear before I ordered that I knew the risk. Excellent Customer Service I say, I'm going to try a third time and see if I can smuggle some more money to hm!!! I love Scamming people by giving them U.S. dollars they aren't worth shit over seas. :spew:Doc Chronic


Well-Known Member
The doc is ok man

Probably so :roll:, but I've had horrible results with him. So far his only opinion of me as a customer is a scammer :confused: and I feel his service is garbage. Believe me it's all good, I've found excellence, reliability, and consistency do to the misfortunes with him so I'm glad things worked out in the end the way it did :mrgreen:. I'm sorry Doc I should be kiss-ass Right!!


Well-Known Member
Yep me 2 i
i have used the the doc a many many times i have also sent a lot of biz his way i was happy now he will not return mt emails needless to say i will never use him again.the doc seed bank is changing not for the good if u live in the us
good luck to all keep us posted on any emails or orders recived in u,s


Well-Known Member
Just go on the site then and post your trouble im sure he,ll rush to help you rather then his costumers running ..

On the forum they have nothing but praise for him . Both times i used him i got my beans the next day or so .


Active Member
I love the doc, Ordered from him many times,only had 1 problem all seeds shipped fast, but one batch was a bit crushed and I contacted him just before placing another order and w/ my order showed up 15 free early queen beans.


Well-Known Member
I'm waiting on a 1st time order from the Doc..it's been 12 days, not a real long time lol, but I'm already looking for a new source. I read a bunch of threads and most people who get them seem to get 'em in 6-7 days.


Well-Known Member
I ordered from the doc last monday, he sent them out on tuesday and I got them the following monday. Six days to the states, not bad!


Active Member
I ordered from Doc and first order came in 10 days but he had to split the order. Second order was shipped on the 13th and still nothing after 13 days. Hopefully they'll make it here. I didn't think the first package was real stealthy but to be honest I don't know how customs checks.


Bluntus McSmokey

Active Member
I'm waiting on a 1st time order from the Doc..it's been 12 days, not a real long time lol, but I'm already looking for a new source. I read a bunch of threads and most people who get them seem to get 'em in 6-7 days.
You and I are in the same boat. I had heard such good things that I placed a decent size order, too...damnation.

Everyone has their "use this bank, they got it to me in 6 days" kind of posts, but I think really its more the luck with the US mail and customs than anything else. A roulette wheel.

I don't blame Dr. Chronic, or the other bank that didn't work for me. I'm just wondering who do I really try now?

(and how do I relax and admit I'm out $250 with nothing to show for it?)


Well-Known Member
The doc is only a good distributor if things go smoothly. He owes us quite a large sum of money!
Once Problems occur your left out to dry.
If your tired of this shit check out one of these tried and trusted distributors who not only run there businesses correctly but stand behind there shipping and there Breeders!


The best packing and shipping online today!!!Insane Breeder pricing

Trusted and True and located in Canada

Marijuana Seed(s) Cannabis Seed(s) buy purchase (cannabis, pot) shipped worldwide

I personally guarantee these cats



Well-Known Member
I don't blame Dr. Chronic, or the other bank that didn't work for me. I'm just wondering who do I really try now?

(and how do I relax and admit I'm out $250 with nothing to show for it?)
well what you do is send your $$$ to these guys Attitude, Bcseedking, or Marijuana-seeds.nl and you should forget all about it in a week or so. Don't be led down the dark alley again, follow the light bro :peace:


Well-Known Member
The doc is only a good distributor if things go smoothly. He owes us quite a large sum of money!
Once Problems occur your left out to dry.
If your tired of this shit check out one of these tried and trusted distributors who not only run there businesses correctly but stand behind there shipping and there Breeders!


The best packing and shipping online today!!!Insane Breeder pricing

Trusted and True and located in Canada

Marijuana Seed(s) Cannabis Seed(s) buy purchase (cannabis, pot) shipped worldwide

I personally guarantee these cats

Subcool...thanks for the info...I know everyone appreciates it!

Have you ever done business with www.seedbay.com?



Well-Known Member
Anyone who has read through know what happened to me with Dr Chronic, so I placed an order with Nirvana last thursday and received them yesterday. I'm saying this will happen for you, but I just figured I'd throw it out there.

white widower

Active Member
This is my first post and I hate it to be a negative one ;but I have used the doc for 3-4 years now without a problem goods in 3-4 days everytime (east coast). Now on this last order the first part came and the second part never has come no letter and only generic email responses from the doc to find out if they even shipped out yet. It has been over a month. Needless to say I am in search of a new bank to get my gear.


Well-Known Member
well guys have yu hear about rhino seed's ?? if yu have.. ill say it is little fuck up firm
my friend ordered over a month ago and just fwe days back they sent the packet and no infromation or anything why it take so long to send.. and i have problems too..

about 1.5month ago i order some seed's.. they fuckd up that order i only get half of it and they have no answer my questions where is my other half or my money and that orde was cancelled by the way.. so strange's and now they send my other order and say terrible sorry but still not got answer to my first order or get my refund oooh yes i got mail refund is pending but nothing else.. so

ill say never guys buy rhino seed's!!! ok now i get some beer more... bye!


Well-Known Member
This is my first post and I hate it to be a negative one ;but I have used the doc for 3-4 years now without a problem goods in 3-4 days everytime (east coast). Now on this last order the first part came and the second part never has come no letter and only generic email responses from the doc to find out if they even shipped out yet. It has been over a month. Needless to say I am in search of a new bank to get my gear.
I believe my 1st post was kinda like that as well, and not by choice. It was the only time I could not find the ansrwer on here, from what I understood was that the Doc was the best, as stated by you and others who used him before. I'm sure he was n his prime, but obviously the game has changed, and old ways are too shakey and don't fly. STOP FEEDING US ITS A RISK CARD AFTER YOU'VE GOT OUR MONEY AND STEP UP TO THE PLATE AND TAKE CARE OF YOUR CUSTOMERS .




Well-Known Member