Flint Water Supply

I don't know,what does all your posts about sleazy Democrats and the Clinton's have to do with Flint? My only point was that both sides are just money grubbing scum bags. You repeat a lot of Fox news talking points and seem to defend Snyder so I assumed your a clown car loving Republican.

or related
We really need to get over the political bullshit of trying to hold politicians and bureaucrats accountable, as that will likely never happen. We know that today it takes a ton of lawyers and years of litigation as the facts of the matter just get buried in the process and they/we move on ...

Politics won't fix anything in Flint, it never has. We the people need to concentrate on the scientific, medical and engineering communities to fix the true problem the people of Flint face today with their water. Democrat and Republican bickering won't fix this problem regardless of the fact it was at fault.
My point in evoking other politicians and political events was to play devils advocate and juxtapose your (left wing) hypocrisy, no less the useless political dance.

Look back a decade at this nations emergency response and the media's (left wing) criticism of such. The target of blame for Katrina was the President (R), not Louisiana's Governor (D) or New Orleans Mayor (D). Yet today in Flint's emergency response the media and folks like capainmorgan & Jimbo01 are concerned with blaming Michigan's Governor (R), not the City of Flint (D) or the President (D). Am I missing something? Why isn't this Obama's Katrina :confused:
Holy crap,you really are a right wing nut job and a Fox news zombie. Let me get this straight,it's president blackenstein's fault and Snyder is a victim. Have you ever heard of something called mental illness?
Pointing out the facts of the matter and the ignorance of politics makes me your perceived opposition: a Republican Fox News viewer :confused: I'm automatically the other half of the problem in your Democrat MSNBC world? Wake the fuck up, not all of us are a part of the problem. That's my fucking point ...

I've asked you a few times what the correct Federal response in Flint is, care to actually answer? Or did Rachel Maddow not provide you those talking points :confused:
I'm not spoon fed propaganda from the so called major news outlets but I do recognize political talking points when they're regurgitated. Why should the feds bailout Snyder,he should clean up the mess he created. Flint had safe drinking water,Snyder took it away. Snyder new the Flint river was bad and was warned by professionals. Snyder gave the residents of Flint water to drink from the Flint river. He claims to be one tough nurd,if he's so smart why can't he fix what he broke?
You're of course confused. The Flint water switch was the last bad idea of the City of Flint before they bankrupt the city, it was merely fast tracked by the Emergency Manager appointed by Snyder per the Emergency Manager law. There is a lot of political blame to go around the State, no question about that. I'm not defending Snyder, the Emergency Manager, the Emergency Manager law or the Republican party here (as you suggest), that would be ignorant. But not as ignorant as giving both the city and federal government a pass simply because they're Democrats. In legal terms (but if not for) you're going to have to get past Flint's political liability before you can move on to Michigan's and (much to your chagrin) the FDA and the President years down the road.

The liability of Katrina looks a bit different in retrospect after the past decade of litigation than it had been reported on by the media at the time. A lesson learned :confused:


Mayor Ray Nagin (D) - 10 years in federal prison from a Clinton (D) appointee.
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What was/is the correct Federal Government response to the water crisis in Flint? Anybody :confused:

Most of Michigan's tax $$$ go to DC by design and we've all paid our fair share of the FDA's billion dollar budges. Has anyone seen the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) or the President in Flint? So are we receiving the federal services in Flint for which we've payed so dearly?

Furthermore, where were the feds before and after Detroit and Flint went bankrupt? Did those cities not build this county, it's wealth and make winning world wars possible? Something is just not right here ...
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Look back a decade at this nations emergency response and the media's (left wing) criticism of such. The target of blame for Katrina was the President (R), not Louisiana's Governor (D) or New Orleans Mayor (D). Yet today in Flint's emergency response the media and folks like capainmorgan & Jimbo01 are concerned with blaming Michigan's Governor (R), not the City of Flint (D) or the President (D). Am I missing something? Why isn't this Obama's Katrina :confused:

i think the blame lays at bush (r) for appointing michael brown (horse judge) to head FEMA.

the same way the blame lays at snyder (r) for appointing dan wyant (fast food manager) and keith creagh (tree farmer) to head MDEQ.

all about the appointments. and what those appointees did.