Antonin Scalia is dead party thread


Well-Known Member
So, a photo showing no piles of shit is proof of piles of piles of shit is common sense?
Do you just not wear pants or something? Because it is pretty common knowledge that you lose all muscle control once you die, so typically people who die do defecate themselves. If he were wearing pants, and underwear, it would not be on the bed but contained there in. I mean, really, do I need to explain this to you? Are you an animal or something?


Well-Known Member
Congress doesn't have a constitutional duty to appoint any judge. Funny how Daschle and Reid failed to bring hundreds of bills before the Senate and that was no problem even tho the Constitution says they SHALL do so. The Constitution about appointing SCOTUS-- advice and CONSENT.
All I care about is how awesome the
so you saying he cheated on his wife ? Is that really one of the last acts you say about your man
Why not? One last piece of strange before you take a dirt nap. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. It is most likely he died peacefully in his sleep. The fact his political enemies rejoice at his death is incotrovertible proof he was successful at derailing their agenda. I don't believe in the whole afterlife thing, it boils down to, he lived, he kicked ass, he went out at the top of his chosen endeavor. All the vitriol you can muster, won't ever be able to take that away. Winning!


Well-Known Member
All I care about is how awesome the

Why not? One last piece of strange before you take a dirt nap. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. It is most likely he died peacefully in his sleep. The fact his political enemies rejoice at his death is incotrovertible proof he was successful at derailing their agenda. I don't believe in the whole afterlife thing, it boils down to, he lived, he kicked ass, he went out at the top of his chosen endeavor. All the vitriol you can muster, won't ever be able to take that away. Winning!
will see how you feel when we get the next appointment to the SCOTUS. For the record dying is not winning its only dying . I bet if you ask most people they would want to die surrounded by family....while except people like Red.
Scalia died alone, without family.


Well-Known Member
will see how you feel when we get the next appointment to the SCOTUS. For the record dying is not winning its only dying . I bet if you ask most people they would want to die surrounded by family....while except people like Red.
Scalia died alone, without family.
What the fuck does how I feel about the next appointment have to do with the subject under discussion? Lol, you're trying so hard, it's making you look desperate to get a rise out of me. Not gonna happen, son.

And dying at the top of the food chain, having achieved the pinnacle of your chosen profession, financially secure, with a large family who loves you, while sleeping the kind of peaceful sleep that only victors winning. Sorry.

Actually, if you ask most people, they want to die peacefully in their sleep.


Well-Known Member
First it's my anus, and now its my ass? Your next post will be letting me know you're on the way over to scratch and sniff my dirty laundry.

Don't tell me what I'm implying, or wtf is happening on reddit. You're a complete fool. A California liberal of the lowest order. A Marxist who believes Bernie is not yet far enough left. The last thing I need, is to be hearing from a retard about what I may or may not be implying.

There needs to be a third party investigation. Not a Loretta Lynch "conserv-estigation". The very fact that Obama wants her as a supreme court justice makes it conflict of interest.
You have the balls to call someone a fool?
Just how would you feel if someone called you an imbecilic clown for instance, instead of the derogatory comments you made about Paddybowannasomefkingthing2, or, is it that you just like's to spew shit, that you hope will elicit a response to certify your belief that you really are a twat,
OK, in order to make (help) you feel like you mean something (nothing), which you don't (man I'm mean),
(are you happy now?)
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Well-Known Member
@Not GOP said that in this very thread. He even said that if an autopsy isn't performed people will revolt!

You can't even quote people correctly. I posted that if the government incinerates his body, against his family's wishes, and without an autopsy, there will be a revolt. It would mostly come in the form of votes this November. Your true colors come out in situations like these.

If it were a Democrat, I'd just wait to see what happens. But you insist the best thing to do is sweep it all under the rug, move on, and forget it ever happened. And for what? Which political purpose do you believe it could possibly serve? Do you think Obama can appoint a new justice via executive order? If so, you're even dumber than I thought.


Well-Known Member
You have the balls to call someone a fool?
Just how would you feel if someone called you an imbecilic clown for instance, instead of the derogatory comments you made about Paddybowannasomefkingthing2, or, is it that you just like's to spew shit, that you hope will elicit a response to certify your belief that you really are a twat,
OK, in order to make (help) you feel like you mean something (nothing), which you don't (man I'm mean),
(are you happy now?)
Wtf are you? Nevermind. I don't care...