The UK Growers Thread!

Don't act thick mate its a horrible trait.
quite pleasant....calling me a mug....that my friend delusion....
and yes I did considering I've noticed a lot of the same going on so you could likely be looking at a majority ban?

If you're gonna carry this on please at least be productive in what you're saying but bluntly I'm done ...Internet squabbles fs I'm annoyed I've even wasted my time writing this :)
Show me a stoner who ain't lol

Growing a kush find out when budding what 1 lol n a trifle both few weeks into 12/12
what about yourself?
Lol I never asked u lol your like peed with a bag of sweeties haha


Well-Known Member
Show me a stoner who ain't lol

Growing a kush find out when budding what 1 lol n a trifle both few weeks into 12/12
what about yourself?
Lol I never asked u lol your like peed with a bag of sweeties haha
I ain't really thick tho, just thought I'd let on and bring myself to ur level ye know lol. Just chopped some cheese candy, blue cheese coming down soon and then it's all gg on the go.
You brought yourself down a level lol very good usually u aspire?

Boring strains tbh ...good smoke though
youre gonna end up bedding one of they ggs lol


Well-Known Member
zeus but he's pretty expensive but quality is guaranteed. Not 100% but check legaleyez on the fourm this he's ripped off a fee ppl but not sure
He has decent feedback but that's easily faked, don't trust any feedback or reviews on the internet lol. Never thought to check the forums tho. Gunna take a look tomorrow. It's been playing up today and not opening new pages when I've been clicking the links.


Well-Known Member
Man hes totally legit. hes legit on every fecking market lol thats why his prices are so high hes consistent in quality
Was on about legaleyez, can't find anything on the dm forum, but I googled him and apparently he sells fake Coke, the RC stuff. He's got bash advertised on dm at 425 an oz, was thinking of getting it and spinning it after ordering diazepam off him a few times but prob won't now lol. Thanks for pointing that out about the forum.

Not checked Zeus, but will now.


Well-Known Member
£1 a pill of Zues. Might still order the diazepam off legaleyez and order a small amount off Zues and see if there's a big difference. Imagine worse case scenario is they're under dosed off legaleyez but worth a punt for the price. Will let you know if I do. Thanks again, man.