I am currently growing in soil, I just got my growers toolbox in and I was wondering which setting I should use the 500 or 700? I plan on switching to hydro soon so will I have to switch it then?
I am currently growing in soil, I just got my growers toolbox in and I was wondering which setting I should use the 500 or 700? I plan on switching to hydro soon so will I have to switch it then?
Ok thank you! Is it better to measure conductivity? I'm new to this whole meter thing.Change the unit to EC. Hold "units" button for 3 seconds and change the conductivity unit to EC. But if you wanna measure your solutions in PPM, PPM 500 is american conversion factor and PPM 700 is european.
Ok thank you! Is it better to measure conductivity? I'm new to this whole meter thing.
Why is that? Also what ranges should I be in at different stages of my grow using ec?EC is very simple IMO.
Thank you! I tested my veg mixture and its at 910, but my plants seem to be loving it. I'm not sure what the ph is yet though because the ph meter is still soaking for the 24hr period so they might not be getting 100% of everything. I'm growing dinafems blue hash so it's mainly indica.I have the same meter, I use 500 ppm- it's what I feel comfortable using.
300-500 ppm young plants
500-800 ppm veg
1000-1200 ppm flowering
But I let the plants tell me when it's too much or not enough. Sativa's need less fertilzer too.
Depends on what nutes your running. My understanding is that all of the botanicare nute recommendations are based on the 700 scale so that's what I use
You are correct about the botanicare solution being too hot. I should have mentioned that.I use Botanicare Pure Blend Pro but DO NOT FOLLOW their feeding schedule....it's way too hot and the plants don't need that much fertilizer.
I calibrate the meters once after each crop...no need to do it more often.
And yes, NEVER let the pH meter sit in fresh water (fert water only) and don't let it dry out or you'll be buying a new one.
Cool man. Sounds like thats working great for you!More simply than that........I watch the plants very closely, and visually make fertilizer adjustments each watering. I don't use any set schedule, as I've been doing this a very long time and have a good feel for it all.
I basically use the Pure Blend Pro as I stated above with 10ml Cal/mag each gallon, Z7 from Flying Skull which acts as an enzyme so the fertilizer can be better absorbed and, Floralicious by General hydroponics- but it's hard to give exact measurements as they vary from watering to watering. As the buds move further along, I add a bud booster but the manufacturer various from crop to crop. I'm currently, or about to, use something from Advanced Nutrients but I can't remember the name right now. I used it last crop with good success. I'll edit the name in later when I'm in the basement to check. (Overdrive by AN and Hydroplex by Botanicare)
As I'm coming into week 5 on monday, I'll only be using bloom fertilizer thru the end of week 7, then very little of anything the last 2 weeks. Weeks 6 and 7 I really up my ppm as this strain I'm doing loves it- maybe up to 1300-1400 ppm but generally I'm never above 1200 ppm and usually around 1100 ppm.
I'm on the 500 scale, so our numbers don't transfer equally.
I'm using humboldt grow micro bloom and botanicare cal/mag with an piranha, tarantula, voodoo juice and bud candy.Depends on what nutes your running. My understanding is that all of the botanicare nute recommendations are based on the 700 scale so that's what I use
And yes, NEVER let the pH meter sit in fresh water (fert water only) and don't let it dry out or you'll be buying a new one.