WW3 might happen this month?

Will it happen?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 3.6%
  • No

    Votes: 4 14.3%
  • Merica Fuck Yeah!!!

    Votes: 8 28.6%
  • Penis

    Votes: 15 53.6%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I thought the global oil shortage was caused by myriad factors including OPECs refusal to slow production, the huge withdrawl of Fracking Natural gas from our own reserves. I'm not sure how many hundreds of billions of oil cash have been lost, and how close to the brink this has brought us, so I don't view any of this as a complete plan.

I can totally see how the US may have pushed private US industry into fracking. That totally makes sense and easily implemented. And puts the nuts to Putin. Totally. I can also see us whispering to Canada and achieving the same. Seems easy to get them to come along with this. Much of the rest is out of our control. And it spiraled far, far beyond any intended action. Our internal fracking system is limping along. Huge layoffs. This was not part of any plan.
I believe this is incorrect. It wasn't OPEC, it was Saudi Arabia who opened the taps. The official excuse was to drive out natural gas production in the US, but they are our friends and we asked them to help us contain Putin.

The fracking boom was a technological and republican administration led event. It was well underway when Mr Obama entered office, and continued the policies with broad bipartisan support. This created the opportunity to fuck with Mr Putin's cash flow and our close ties with the House of Saud helped seal the deal.

Iran's readmission to the world's oil markets was a lucky accident, which will help keep oil prices down for the foreseeable future.

America's Strategic Oil Reserve is nearly full and the world's storage capacity is bursting at the seams to the point where VLCC bulk crude tankers are leasing for up to $100k a week just to use as floating oil storage. This is setting the stage for a major price crash in the oil business. We haven't seen the bottom yet. Shortage? The world is fucking drowning in it!


Well-Known Member
Russia, china, US, governments generally in fact, all the fuking same its to do with the Keynsian economic model they follow of perpetual warfare to stimulate the economy and eugenics to limit the population, WW3 has been beta launched since Ukraine imo or that's what the historians of the future may claim. We are being governed by a Dialectic with the Banksters in the middle controlling both sides and war is their fat imo

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
I live over 50 miles north of Boston so I'm safeish. Hey could be worse you could be in Texas you now that's a State that will take a few Nukes than my power will be out!! But yeah I'm down I haven't been breeding seeds for outdoors in my area for nothing kind of another reason I don't want to live in the city shit has been going down for years. WW2 started in Africa. Just hopefully we don't nuke each other out that's what the crazy Muslims want.
We are safeish? I am in Manch, that is good to know


Well-Known Member
We are safeish? I am in Manch, that is good to know
Yup they nuke Boston and all even if we don't get any fallout all the city people ain't gonna have anything to eat even in the mountains you ain't going to get a deer first day out then soon after their won't be shit for game. I got rabbits now could breed out a bunch if people don't steal them cause their starving but I'd have a crew and take them rich people's fields! Lol

But I'm more hoping for zombies. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
So what I heard is that Turkey has been secretly buying stolen oil from Isis and selling it to the US that is why we will not put ground troops in Syria. Also I heard the reason why we are anti-Assad is because we (US) wants to run a pipeline from Iraq through Syria into Turkey, and Assad said fuck off. So we armed Isis/rebels to take out Assad and staged it to look like a civil war. Then Russia jumped in and Putin said fuck you and your sanctions.

Sounds legit, we are being told one thing but I am sure it's all propaganda.

My chic that lives in Qatar says that it is right.

Any comments?

I know this sounds bad, but I support Russia and Assad. Because I have listened to alot of speeches from both Assad and Putin. My conclusion is that we are the bullies with a motive..

Plus Assad's problem is he is a progressive Liberal and a Christian in a Muslim region.
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Well-Known Member
So what I heard is that Turkey has been secretly buying stolen oil from Isis and selling it to the US that is why we will not put ground troops in Syria. Also I heard the reason why we are anti-Assad is because we (US) wants to run a pipeline from Iraq through Syria into Turkey, and Assad said fuck off. So we armed Isis/rebels to take out Assad and staged it to look like a civil war. Then Russia jumped in and Putin said fuck you and your sanctions.

Sounds legit, we are being told one thing but I am sure it's all propaganda.

My chic that lives in Qatar says that it is right.

Any comments?

I know this sounds bad, but I support Russia and Assad. Because I have listened to alot of speeches from both Assad and Putin. My conclusion is that we are the bullies with a motive..

Plus Assad's problem is he is a progressive Liberal and a Christian in a Muslim region.
America has shot in itself in the foot in inadvertently supporting Islamist movements, but I highly doubt there is a planned conspiracy to use ISIS against Russia like we did with the mujahid in Afghanaland in the 80's. That really bit us in the ass in 2001.

Personally I wouldn't but too much trust in info from Qatar, what with the human rights abuses and Islamist support throughout the country.

Also Assad is an Alawite Muslim, a type of Shia. Hence Iran's financial support and Saudi's unending hatred. And shooting tanks into civilian areas to stop protests is hardly a liberal action.


Well-Known Member
America has shot in itself in the foot in inadvertently supporting Islamist movements, but I highly doubt there is a planned conspiracy to use ISIS against Russia like we did with the mujahid in Afghanaland in the 80's. That really bit us in the ass in 2001.

Personally I wouldn't but too much trust in info from Qatar, what with the human rights abuses and Islamist support throughout the country.

Also Assad is an Alawite Muslim, a type of Shia. Hence Iran's financial support and Saudi's unending hatred. And shooting tanks into civilian areas to stop protests is hardly a liberal action.
I hate it when people say conspiracy that is against US news. Are people really stupid enough to believe our beloved news wouldn't lie to us. Isn't this all proxy wars anyways. If the American people knew the truth they would outraged.

But hey thanks for correcting me. I thought Assad was Christian, lol not sure why, I guess because he supports christians so much.. But you are right regardless. I just like to think outside the box


Well-Known Member
So what I heard is that Turkey has been secretly buying stolen oil from Isis and selling it to the US that is why we will not put ground troops in Syria. Also I heard the reason why we are anti-Assad is because we (US) wants to run a pipeline from Iraq through Syria into Turkey, and Assad said fuck off. So we armed Isis/rebels to take out Assad and staged it to look like a civil war. Then Russia jumped in and Putin said fuck you and your sanctions.

Sounds legit, we are being told one thing but I am sure it's all propaganda.

My chic that lives in Qatar says that it is right.

Any comments?

I know this sounds bad, but I support Russia and Assad. Because I have listened to alot of speeches from both Assad and Putin. My conclusion is that we are the bullies with a motive..

Plus Assad's problem is he is a progressive Liberal and a Christian in a Muslim region.
Both Assad and Putin are war criminals.


Well-Known Member
So what I heard is that Turkey has been secretly buying stolen oil from Isis and selling it to the US that is why we will not put ground troops in Syria. Also I heard the reason why we are anti-Assad is because we (US) wants to run a pipeline from Iraq through Syria into Turkey, and Assad said fuck off. So we armed Isis/rebels to take out Assad and staged it to look like a civil war. Then Russia jumped in and Putin said fuck you and your sanctions.

Sounds legit, we are being told one thing but I am sure it's all propaganda.

My chic that lives in Qatar says that it is right.

Any comments?

I know this sounds bad, but I support Russia and Assad. Because I have listened to alot of speeches from both Assad and Putin. My conclusion is that we are the bullies with a motive..

Plus Assad's problem is he is a progressive Liberal and a Christian in a Muslim region.
sounds about right except the bit about the US being responsible, it is a criminal faction within the US responsible for this so chill and don't blame yourselves it will all change soon imo bush and Clinton are on the slide


Well-Known Member
I hate it when people say conspiracy that is against US news. Are people really stupid enough to believe our beloved news wouldn't lie to us. Isn't this all proxy wars anyways. If the American people knew the truth they would outraged.

But hey thanks for correcting me. I thought Assad was Christian, lol not sure why, I guess because he supports christians so much.. But you are right regardless. I just like to think outside the box
Assad is undoubtedly more pro-Christian than the raving Sunni lunatics over there, be he's still a pretty ruthless autocrat. But looking at Saddam, that's what that area needs to keep people in check. The area is just not ready for Western style democracy, and it's sad that the Great Powers can't recognize that.

And it is a conspiracy to think the US is actively supporting ISIS not because of the media, but because its so dumb. Now lots of their weapons and gear are undoubtedly US made, but we didn't just give them to ISIS. They had to pick them up after the cowardly Iraqi Army dropped them. The US gains absolutely nothing by supporting a group like ISIS. They are anti every ally and enemy we have in the area, with the stated goal of raising a black flag over the White House and the world.

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
So what I heard is that Turkey has been secretly buying stolen oil from Isis and selling it to the US that is why we will not put ground troops in Syria. Also I heard the reason why we are anti-Assad is because we (US) wants to run a pipeline from Iraq through Syria into Turkey, and Assad said fuck off. So we armed Isis/rebels to take out Assad and staged it to look like a civil war. Then Russia jumped in and Putin said fuck you and your sanctions.

Sounds legit, we are being told one thing but I am sure it's all propaganda.

My chic that lives in Qatar says that it is right.

Any comments?

I know this sounds bad, but I support Russia and Assad. Because I have listened to alot of speeches from both Assad and Putin. My conclusion is that we are the bullies with a motive..

Plus Assad's problem is he is a progressive Liberal and a Christian in a Muslim region.
Honestly, I agree. Putin's a strong leader and if we go to war with Russia, there's going to be some serious fucking trouble. We don't belong in the Middle East still. Hajj attacked France, let them spearhead this one.

..On second thought, fuck that, we'll just get pulled in if we let that happen. Send all of the EU.


Well-Known Member
Assad is undoubtedly more pro-Christian than the raving Sunni lunatics over there, be he's still a pretty ruthless autocrat. But looking at Saddam, that's what that area needs to keep people in check. The area is just not ready for Western style democracy, and it's sad that the Great Powers can't recognize that.

And it is a conspiracy to think the US is actively supporting ISIS not because of the media, but because its so dumb. Now lots of their weapons and gear are undoubtedly US made, but we didn't just give them to ISIS. They had to pick them up after the cowardly Iraqi Army dropped them. The US gains absolutely nothing by supporting a group like ISIS. They are anti every ally and enemy we have in the area, with the stated goal of raising a black flag over the White House and the world.
Did we not arm the Taliban in 1984 to fight Russia? And do you think that we really thought that those arms would stay in the hands of the Iraq army?

One thing comes to mind, operation fast and furious or are we really just that dumb as a nation.. Lol
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Well-Known Member
Don't dismiss the info just because it's Alex Jones channel

Yeah you can talk shit about Alex Jones, he is an easy target. But not everything the report is fake. And it's not really fake anyways it's just a different perspective of opinions.
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