Open Show n' Tell 2016

haha you'll be ok. you have done good to keep it that long. that would have been long gone over here ;). I dont panick I just start snipping early racy testers from flowering crops hahaha
I know ill be right in my job i need to tone down smoking between days oz if i dont share last a month to 6 weeks
Thank fuck its not 20 bongs a day like 10 yrs ago
I know ill be right in my job i need to tone down smoking between days oz if i dont share last a month to 6 weeks
Thank fuck its not 20 bongs a day like 10 yrs ago
Yea we smoke to much at my house. I bet we go through atleast an oz a week plus hash and rosin. I have been a heavy smoker since high school though. Shit keeps me from being a anti social dick all the time:)
BC you should really start a worm bin i started one like 2 months ago 1 tote now i have 3 totes and worms coming out my ass lol let alone castings will post some pictures of some super rich soils, i put `10 worms in my second bin and in like 2 weeks i had hundreds of eggs as well as hundreds of new worms it fascinating how fast one can get a worm bin going rather idiot proof seriously to simple only thing was sourcing out couple pounds of live worms and like i said man o man so looking forward to transplanting new seedlings into 50 / 50 mixture then 100 percent mixture
Now with a well balance greens there is no slowing down waiting for soil to break down so plant can obsorb nutrients its just like chelated and ready to go add good green ratio to top soil and compost and water only :)
I know I need too, I've wanted to for a while but I'm only home for 8 days a month and it always seems I have enough on my plate for while I'm home. I'll just have to keep buying em I guess.
Yea we smoke to much at my house. I bet we go through atleast an oz a week plus hash and rosin. I have been a heavy smoker since high school though. Shit keeps me from being a anti social dick all the time:)
Go through about 8 grams a day here so few ounces a week if all is kosher and same here I have been a heavy smoker since was about 20.
View attachment 3614675 Ya get to your last jar before the next harvest ...and kinda start panicking :o

I'm kinda in the same position with an indoor harvest at least 6 weeks away, so I'm saving my best buds and smoking some airy little shit I pulled off the lowers and doctoring it up with a little topdress from my jar of dry ice kief.

Like vnsmkr said, lack of smoke is some serious truth serum around this mfer.