Oregon's govt. control freaks - Man Gets Prison Sentence For Collecting Rainwater On His Property


Well-Known Member
It is once its processed. Look if you're gonna address water collection, at least know the components and how it all fits. I even gave you the materials list and you still post this nonsense.


Rain collected from rooftops is not potable. That is a true statement.

Rain collected from rooftops THEN sanitized is potable, is also a true statement.

You need to learn how to qualify statements more clearly. ie. Stop being stupid.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
The numbers just don't add up to a victory come November, it's nice to think that by election time huge negative numbers like those will somehow flip but we'll see if the dumpster wins come election time, oh and let me not get started on how his party really hates him, shit the dumpster will implode before the elections.

Well, maybe so, who the hell knows. I have been hearing that sense last june and the opposite seems to happen, so time will tell. TRUMP!

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Hey Nitro how can you square the fact that 59% of NATIONWIDE VOTERS don't like the dumpster and 89% of Hispanics hate him, how then can you say he's going to win with numbers like that? Ain't enough bigots out there to put him over the top! Fuck the dumpster!

News alert!,

Earlier I mentioned Trumps hispanic support in Nevada at 34%. Well it turns out that he picked up 46% of the hispanic vote , so that is a lot of hispanic bigots. Who would of thought? TRUMP!
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Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
News alert!,

Earlier I mentioned Trumps hispanic support in Nevada at 34%. Well it turns out that he picked up 46% of the hispanic vote , so that is a lot of hispanic bigots. Who would of thought? TRUMP!
46% of an estimated low turnout for a republican primary is a far cry from a general election.

Estimates vary but what is agreed upon is that less than 2,000 Hispanics voted in a REPUBLICAN primary, so that 46% translate to less than 1,000 votes, out of 800,000 Hispanics comes out to be 0.12%, oooh boy what a landslide relax NH I know you saw that number and it gave you a hardon, you can put your pom poms away now.



Well-Known Member
46% of an estimated low turnout for a republican primary is a far cry from a general election.

Estimates vary but what is agreed upon is that less than 2,000 Hispanics voted in a REPUBLICAN primary, so that 46% translate to less than 1,000 votes, out of 800,000 Hispanics comes out to be 0.12%, oooh boy what a landslide relax NH I know you saw that number and it gave you a hardon, you can put your pom poms away now.

The rest didnt vote for anyone else.... So.... Ellipses....

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
46% of an estimated low turnout for a republican primary is a far cry from a general election.

Estimates vary but what is agreed upon is that less than 2,000 Hispanics voted in a REPUBLICAN primary, so that 46% translate to less than 1,000 votes, out of 800,000 Hispanics comes out to be 0.12%, oooh boy what a landslide relax NH I know you saw that number and it gave you a hardon, you can put your pom poms away now.

I read about 8% of the voters were hispanic out of 74,000 voters so that would be 5920 hispanic voters and nearly half voted for Trump so Trump picked up 2723 hispanic votes at 46%. Who would of thought? TRUMP!


Well-Known Member
46% of an estimated low turnout for a republican primary is a far cry from a general election.

Estimates vary but what is agreed upon is that less than 2,000 Hispanics voted in a REPUBLICAN primary, so that 46% translate to less than 1,000 votes, out of 800,000 Hispanics comes out to be 0.12%, oooh boy what a landslide relax NH I know you saw that number and it gave you a hardon, you can put your pom poms away now.

@nitro harley is too dumb to understand this. Trump likes people like him. The uneducated.

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
I read about 8% of the voters were hispanic out of 74,000 voters so that would be 5920 hispanic voters and nearly half voted for Trump so Trump picked up 2723 hispanic votes at 46%. Who would of thought? TRUMP!
If those numbers are correct (which I doubt) that still leaves 71,000 who gives a rats ass about him.

Not good!


Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
Did you forget that Trump won with 46% of the 74k?
Your math is way off, it's 46% of 8% who voted that's 2,723 votes which means 54% who voted for Rubio, Cruz, Kasich!

Don't get all worked up the dumpster is still upside down with Hispanics across this nation and there's nothing you can say that can change that.

Nice try!


nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Your math is way off, it's 46% of 8% who voted that's 2,723 votes which means 54% who voted for Rubio, Cruz, Kasich!

Don't get all worked up the dumpster is still upside down with Hispanics across this nation and there's nothing you can say that can change that.

Nice try!

Hey no big deal. I was just adding cruz and rubio and it was less than trump. Some of the 8% didn't vote I am sure. Legal Hispanics can vote. How does an illegal vote? Maybe they can, who the hell knows? TRUMP!