Basement grow room


Well-Known Member
Glad you decided to go with concrete. Those other ideas were alright I guess but breeding grounds for mold. If your going to do something you might as well do it right the first time & be done with it! The concrete also will add value to your home.


Well-Known Member
Yeah that will be best for ya.

BEFORE you pour more, take this advice....

Dig out a spot for a couple water reservoirs / wort chillers and incorporate this into your concrete.

You will thank me later!!
Bombshell is I've never grown a single plant in my life other then tomatoes basil etc, but I got the license to do so. I have however smoked most of my life and have a sertain kinda love for these plants. I feel like if the law allows and I love her I better grow some dank fuckin weed. So here I am trying to get their home right before the fun stuff begins.


Well-Known Member
Geesh could have saved a ton of time and money by tilling the old floor and doing an indoor outdoor grow
Geesh could have saved a ton of time and money by tilling the old floor and doing an indoor outdoor grow
Its to
Geesh could have saved a ton of time and money by tilling the old floor and doing an indoor outdoor grow
What are you
Geesh could have saved a ton of time and money by tilling the old floor and doing an indoor outdoor grow
I have thought about growing straight from ground dirt. Elaborate if u may. Seems like none since.
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