Donald Trump

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That's the point, you can't seal it off completely. You can't stop illegal immigration with a wall.

There isn't a border in the entire world that can't be crossed by someone desperate and willing enough

What's his stance on the war on drugs?

I dont need it to stop 100%. 99.999 is good enough for me. You cant stop it without a wall.... Havent you figured that out yet?
Or to prove total idiocy, they claim Mexico will pay for that wall. On a cold day in Hell maybe....

We give mexico aid every year... All trump has to do is have congress reduce that aid in the amount of the cost of the wall and essentially they will have paid for it.

Not really difficult. Maybe the mexican president might figure it out when his welfare check is short...
Sound bytes are the new age of media and ratings. They say Jimmy Fallon is the king of it, Stephen Colbert sucks at it. They may have to replace him soon. Nobody on social media is talking about him. He's even doing worse than Letterman was. Get used to it old timer, things have changed
the very reason the world is going to shit. The GOP is about to nominate a con man to represent them in the running for POTUS...because of sound bites. No substance and the fools scream YEEHAWWW
the very reason the world is going to shit. The GOP is about to nominate a con man to represent them in the running for POTUS...because of sound bites. No substance and the fools scream YEEHAWWW

Rubio started calling him a con-man last night and the parrots are already at it!!
the very reason the world is going to shit. The GOP is about to nominate a con man to represent them in the running for POTUS...because of sound bites. No substance and the fools scream YEEHAWWW
You sound just like Rubio. Almost exactly, word for word. Did you attend his rally today, hoping he competes with Hillary because they both agree on amnesty?
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Rubio started calling him a con-man last night and the parrots are already at it!!
I always viewed him as a con-man. The name suits him well. Any Republican with any sense would vote Kasich, but Trump got you fooled. Not even sure if the guy is even conservative, that would be a big laugh on you
I dont need it to stop 100%. 99.999 is good enough for me. You cant stop it without a wall.... Havent you figured that out yet?
Republicans truly don't know shit about how the world actually works

You idiots think you can bomb away terrorism and end illegal immigration by building a wall..

We have a wall, dummy. Building a bigger, taller, more expensive one won't make a difference. You want to put a band-aid on a broken arm, you can't end illegal immigration without addressing the underlying issues of why people decide to enter the country illegally. You're doing the equivalent with illegal immigration that your party does with the war on drugs, the "tough on crime" stance.
I always viewed him as a con-man. The name suits him well. Any Republican with any sense would vote Kasich, but Trump got you fooled. Not even sure if the guy is even conservative, that would be a big laugh on you

You are 180 degrees wrong buddy. Kasich worked for Lehman Brothers prior to the crash. You found your con-man.
You sound just like Rubio. Almost exactly, word for word. Did you attend his rally today, hoping he competes with Hillary because they both agree on amnisty?
Rubio found his voice. Have no idea why the GOP is afraid of this con-man. I bet if you had a chance you would enroll in Trump University.
Rubio found his voice. Have no idea why the GOP is afraid of this con-man. I bet if you had a chance you would enroll in Trump University.

You are clueless. Rubio is owned by Goldman and Microsoft. Are you actually shilling for the choke-artist? This shit is hilarious, Trump is already the president. Anyone bitching about it should have spent more time developing effective policy and less time worshiping party doners.

Sorry shills, you lose. Point me to numbers that prove otherwise. You can't. You live in a fantasy.
Can you take a second, just a second, to realize what Trump did last week:

Told the Pope to go fuck himself, calling him a bad Christian, and won SC same day. The Pope apologized like the worthless pedo he is.

Trump won the Hispanic vote in Nevada, running against two Hispanics on a campaign promise of deporting Hispanics. The man is untouchable. Prepare your anus.
You are clueless. Rubio is owned by Goldman and Microsoft. Are you actually shilling for the choke-artist? This shit is hilarious, Trump is already the president. Anyone bitching about it should have spent more time developing effective policy and less time worshiping party doners.

Sorry shills, you lose. Point me to numbers that prove otherwise. You can't. You live in a fantasy.
I guess you really don't know me. I only vote GOP in the primary, only to put up the best idiot to get smashed in the general. You guys should be ashamed after that joke of a debate, but yet the uneducated scream YESSSSSSS.
Can you take a second, just a second, to realize what Trump did last week:

Told the Pope to go fuck himself, calling him a bad Christian, and won SC same day. The Pope apologized like the worthless pedo he is.

Trump won the Hispanic vote in Nevada, running against two Hispanics on a campaign promise of deporting Hispanics. The man is untouchable. Prepare your anus.
prepare yours, for you know not what Trump will actually do if he became POTUS.
I'm financially set...pray that you are. I doubt it.
Republicans truly don't know shit about how the world actually works

You idiots think you can bomb away terrorism and end illegal immigration by building a wall..

We have a wall, dummy. Building a bigger, taller, more expensive one won't make a difference. You want to put a band-aid on a broken arm, you can't end illegal immigration without addressing the underlying issues of why people decide to enter the country illegally. You're doing the equivalent with illegal immigration that your party does with the war on drugs, the "tough on crime" stance.

I never said we can bomb away terrorism. That is your buddy Obama!!!

Yes, I also mentioned legislation.

I dont have a party, I am a registered independent. Stop lumping me with other groups.

If you want to know what the rest of the world thinks about what's going on. Get outside the Zio-media anti-Trump machine.
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