Donald Trump

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I dont care that you are too lazy to remember who's party affiliation is what but I dont have a team...

We went over this yesterday. Your ADD is showing.
actually it was earlier today. Maybe you need a break from smoking. Trust me, a tolerance break is needed from time to time.
Dumb ass can't even remember a conversation he just had today. Damn we never going to get weed legalized

I am not on either side. I am an individual.
please try to remember what you say at least for a day.
You are clueless. Rubio is owned by Goldman and Microsoft. Are you actually shilling for the choke-artist? This shit is hilarious, Trump is already the president. Anyone bitching about it should have spent more time developing effective policy and less time worshiping party doners.

Sorry shills, you lose. Point me to numbers that prove otherwise. You can't. You live in a fantasy.
Clinton v. Trump
Sanders v. Trump
Bucks mad because Trump is dominating polls, and Hillary is beating Bernie because she bought all the superdelegates. Get ready to bite the bullet and vote for a neo-con that's going to lose the general. Here's what RT had to say today:

I don't hate Jews UncleCuck, I'm just not blind to special interest groups, and the glaring over-representation of Jewish-Israeli interests in media. You have a penchant for willful denial, cuck.
Bucks mad because Trump is dominating polls, and Hillary is beating Bernie because she bought all the superdelegates. Get ready to bite the bullet and vote for a neo-con that's going to lose the general. Here's what RT had to say today:

I don't hate Jews UncleCuck, I'm just not blind to special interest groups, and the glaring over-representation of Jewish-Israeli interests in media. You have a penchant for willful denial, cuck.
UncleCuck. I get it, because he's a cuckold. That's a good one. I'm stealing it
actually it was earlier today. Maybe you need a break from smoking. Trust me, a tolerance break is needed from time to time.
Dumb ass can't even remember a conversation he just had today. Damn we never going to get weed legalized

please try to remember what you say at least for a day.

LOL!!! Gotta take a break from working ;] I was out all afternoon promoting my new business. I think I made a few good connections. Tracked down a good producer from my old business. Made this morning feel like yesterday :]

And I am smoking some true OG... Won 2nd place in the cannabis cup like 6 years running. I think I know why !!!! ELIPSES ON STEROIDS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
LOL!!! Gotta take a break from working ;] I was out all afternoon promoting my new business. I think I made a few good connections. Tracked down a good producer from my old business. Made this morning feel like yesterday :]

And I am smoking some true OG... Won 2nd place in the cannabis cup like 6 years running. I think I know why !!!! ELIPSES ON STEROIDS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
yeah make excuses for being stupid.
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