Donald Trump

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Well, if the wall is such a bad idea, why is it winning the election? Just answer me that, if you have a better idea, what would it be? Create infinite government-charity jobs for anyone that decides to pour into the country?

A wall isn't a government agency, therefor it is better at preventing immigration than the alternative. Ipso facto.
Trump is not winning the election with that idea. His core support comes from about 30% of Republican faithful who do love them some boondoggle of a wall. His main source of support comes from his opponents who are so bad they make Trump look good. So, Trump is winning the Republican nomination but he's not winning the election by his divisive tactics.

Check the demographics. Old white men are the mainstay of that party. Women, Latinos, African Americans, the young vote and about 40% of old white men not infected with racism and bigotry won't support that man. Polling data back me up, every time people are asked, Trump loses to the Democratic nominee no matter who they are. Trump, the 45th President? Not going to happen.

I do look forward the another four years of whining from you about that darn Democratic party President.

It goes beyond "bad intelligence" at this point. We are holding ISIS's hand while they sneak oil into Turkey. I'll pull the published Russian satellite photos if you'd like further illustration. The US loves terrorists, Bay of Pigs anyone?

You can't just condemn the idea without offering a solution. The Iraq war wasn't a mistake, it was high-treason. A war based on a deliberate fabrication of "WMDs and ties to Al Qaeda". Remember the first Iraq war? Those famous "Incubator
The only role the US should play in that hornet's nest is containment and cutting off funds by exerting pressure on banks and other tools used to finance that war by ISIS. And oh yes that is working. ISIS is contained and funds are drying up.
Using the excuse "Crackas are bad" for "Why didn't you go to college for STEM if you wanted to make 100k a year?" is a non-sequitur. Yes, there is a cultural problem in law enforcement, I'm well aware and so are the few good cops still employed. There is also a problem with black culture in the United States. Explain gang-violence. Please. And then explain violent crime rate. And then explain why Asian-Americans have higher average IQs and incomes than native whites, despite being in a marginalized minority.

Then explain why none of these problems exist in communities of black Germans that were children of American GIs, and were brought up without Gucci Mane's secret crack formula being beaten into their heads from day one. No deviation in standardized test scores from native white Germans, nor drug abuse rates, violent crime rate, anything. No difference at all. If you could please explain that.

Cry racist all you want, you aren't going to better yourself by bringing everyone else down to your level.
Translation: What about all these talking points that are just made up shit by racist ignoramuses?

No obligation to respond.
Israel is very much part of the problem of ISIS in Syria, as the only country opening bombing the Assad Regime as a directive. Also sponsoring terrorist rebels.
I have trouble speaking wingnut conspiracy code-talk. Are you saying that Israel is sponsoring ISIS as well as the rebels fighting Assad?
Using the excuse "Crackas are bad" for "Why didn't you go to college for STEM if you wanted to make 100k a year?" is a non-sequitur. Yes, there is a cultural problem in law enforcement, I'm well aware and so are the few good cops still employed. There is also a problem with black culture in the United States. Explain gang-violence. Please. And then explain violent crime rate. And then explain why Asian-Americans have higher average IQs and incomes than native whites, despite being in a marginalized minority.

Then explain why none of these problems exist in communities of black Germans that were children of American GIs, and were brought up without Gucci Mane's secret crack formula being beaten into their heads from day one. No deviation in standardized test scores from native white Germans, nor drug abuse rates, violent crime rate, anything. No difference at all. If you could please explain that.

Cry racist all you want, you aren't going to better yourself by bringing everyone else down to your level.

This probably has nothing to do with anything.
Or this:

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Trump is not winning the election with that idea. His core support comes from about 30% of Republican faithful who do love them some boondoggle of a wall. His main source of support comes from his opponents who are so bad they make Trump look good. So, Trump is winning the Republican nomination but he's not winning the election by his divisive tactics.

Check the demographics. Old white men are the mainstay of that party. Women, Latinos, African Americans, the young vote and about 40% of old white men not infected with racism and bigotry won't support that man. Polling data back me up, every time people are asked, Trump loses to the Democratic nominee no matter who they are. Trump, the 45th President? Not going to happen.

I do look forward the another four years of whining from you about that darn Democratic party President.

The only role the US should play in that hornet's nest is containment and cutting off funds by exerting pressure on banks and other tools used to finance that war by ISIS. And oh yes that is working. ISIS is contained and funds are drying up.

You are, without a doubt, facing an existential threat right now. Did you read this?

Did you know the term racist was intended by Leon Trotsky to silence dissidents through thought policing? Wonder why you hear it so often these days......
Do you want money? Will that make America less racist? Do you want dead police? Who's going to clean up the dead toddlers from gang-warfare crossfire? What do you want?
Do you want money? Will that make America less racist? Do you want dead police? Who's going to clean up the dead toddlers from gang-warfare crossfire? What do you want?
I have money, thank you. But let's play like everything is equal. Don't want to offend any white people here.
Calling the country racist may or may not make you feel better temporarily, but it's just a word. What action would you, as a black man, like to see taken to mitigate racism in the United States? I know it hurts man, whatever it is that you're feeling, but internalizing your status as a victim is what's killing your community.
Calling the country racist may or may not make you feel better temporarily, but it's just a word. What action would you, as a black man, like to see taken to mitigate racism in the United States? I know it hurts man, whatever it is that you're feeling, but internalizing your status as a victim is what's killing your community.
Yeah, racism is MY fault.
That's the victim-hood talking. You know you don't want to feel that way. You can't expect young black men to be successful when you are constantly telling them that there is an evil, invisible nemesis that already has a foot on his neck.
That's the victim-hood talking. You know you don't want to feel that way. You can't expect young black men to be successful when you are constantly telling them that there is an evil, invisible nemesis that already has a foot on his neck.
No sense telling them the truth.
As a very proud American, I want my people to thrive and develop themselves, all Americans including black Americans. I just can't see that helping you, to constantly fret about how whitey is keeping you down. Why are east-Asians in a higher average income bracket than even whites, if the country is so racist?
As a very proud American, I want my people to thrive and develop themselves, all Americans including black Americans. I just can't see that helping you, to constantly fret about how whitey is keeping you down. Why are east-Asians in a higher average income bracket than even whites, if the country is so racist?
Both pictures that I posted were taken within my parents lifetime. But shit is all good now right?
Answer: because the Asian-American culture is one of militant hard work at the sake of pleasure. Sorry, that's the truth. If I'm a white supremacist, I'd be a pretty shitty one if I acknowledge east-Asians as smarter and more successful than whites. And why are Jews even higher than Asians?
Answer: because the Asian-American culture is one of militant hard work at the sake of pleasure. Sorry, that's the truth. If I'm a white supremacist, I'd be a pretty shitty one if I acknowledge east-Asians as smarter and more successful than whites. And why are Jews even higher than Asians?
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