DIY Gravity Water Chiller


Well-Known Member
Using a water stand cooler from 2006.

You carefully remove the hot water heater along with all of its odds and ends electrical, plumbing etc from it.

The main water line that comes directly out of the bottom of the water cooled area. Use this to drain water back into the main resivor. This is the line you'll cut initially from the hot water heater.

Spray paint a 5 gallon water jug black. Run a pump from the main resivor into a hole cut into the top of the 5 gallon jug.

You've now got a water cooling machine having water from your resivor pumped into a back 5 gallon jug which holds the water and cools it as gravity drains the water back into the main resivor.

Water chiller.
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Any chance you have some statistics on how well it works? Temps time wct

Ill have a whole thread this next grow when I use it full time. But when I had warm water to drink in the past and no bottle on it is just poor it and and boom 66* F water
I've got one of these sitting in the garage I thought about doing this with, I just wasn't sure if it was up to the task. How's yours setup? How does it regulate temp? Is temp preset or adjustable? I was going to have it cool a res that I would run coils out of to each res. I'm mainly worried about duty cycle, these aren't meant to run continuously, only for a few seconds at a time. I might try using both the heat/cool, but I'd need to figure out a control board.
I hadn't considered the one and off cycle. I just know when if pour warm water in it and pour it out the tap it'd be in the lower 60s even after just running it through.

I'm going camping this week and when I get back Friday or Sarurday I'll be getting it all going. If it doesn't work out you can always just leave the heater in and unplug the lines for it instead of ripping it out like I did.
It works! Way better than expected too. Cooling from 72* F down to 61-60* F

Once the whole system veins circulating the water should even out to 65-66* F

Quiet! It's silent. A little water trickle.