Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
So did you cool off after the complete meltdown you had yesterday?
Trump is not even conservative, he supports abortion, expanding the federal government, increasing the debt/deficit, murdering family members of ISIS, invading people's personal privacy in regards to the internet and expanding NSA spying programs

People like you like him because he's openly bigoted against Muslims and minorities (like you are), he's a billionaire (impressive to people who place value on personal wealth accumulation like you do -even though Trump inherited his wealth-), he speaks in childlike soundbites and takes advantage of corporate loopholes which, to people like you, looks like he's business savvy, not corrupt

With the KKK's endorsement, the picture becomes even more clear, so why even try to deny it? There are people in full KKK cloaks and hoods out there showing support for Trump because they feel his political positions best reflect their values, again, just like you do

So I hope you guys enjoy this time before the general election because he has no chance of winning in November, and when he loses, you'll still be here with the same views and the same excuses for why he didn't. Then what? Four more years of complaining. At least this time the candidate's white so we won't get another birther movement or accusations that the president is a "secret Muslim!"... I'm sure you guys will come up with something even dumber than that though, always pushing the boundaries on stupid, Republicans are.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
If you had a chance would you have went to Trump University ?
Sorry about their luck. I am not in that business. Who the hell knows , maybe some of them got rich? School is not for everyone, look where you ended up right here at RIU trying to convince a retired guy that he should get a diploma. I don't think your papers helped you much either. If I were you I would sue your school district. TRUMP!

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
i'm not the one who just made 9 shitposts in a row. calm down, racist.

if i am a racist, then care to quote some of it?

for example, i have this hilarious quote from you where you call all blacks and hispanics poorly educated. i have another one from you where you are literally counting the number of hispanic babies at the hospital and stating that you don't "see a solution anytime soon".

and now, you are literally allied with the grand wizard of the KKK.

so the fact that you are a bitter, hate-filled racist is well established. care to do the same, you uneducated high school dropout klanman?


Yep, you are racist. you just can't get enough candy. You do know that candy will rot your teeth and it could lead to health problems if you keep stuffing your mouth full everyday. I would hate to see you unable to install other peoples windows. Pace yourself, because we have a few more months to go. TRUMP!


Well-Known Member
Sorry about their luck. I am not in that business. Who the hell knows , maybe some of them got rich? School is not for everyone, look where you ended up right here at RIU trying to convince a retired guy that he should get a diploma. I don't think your papers helped you much either. If I were you I would sue your school district. TRUMP!
So it doesn't bother you guys that Trump started a scam school that conned people out of thousands of dollars? They had a couple class action lawsuits against Trump University here in CA, and I believe he's due to testify in another one coming up

Or is Trump right that he could murder someone and his supporters would just support him even more?

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
So it doesn't bother you guys that Trump started a scam school that conned people out of thousands of dollars? They had a couple class action lawsuits against Trump University here in CA, and I believe he's due to testify in another one coming up

Or is Trump right that he could murder someone and his supporters would just support him even more?
When I listen to collage kids on the news it sounds like they all got scammed . They should be able to sue the university if they can't get a job. So get the word out. Sue Sue Sue. TRUMP!


Well-Known Member
the KKK call themselves "white nationalists". so you are white, and also a nationalist. and you support the same candidate as the white nationalists in the KKK.

is it sinking in yet?
I'm not a "white nationalist" That is the first I've ever heard of the term.
You clearly know far more about the kkk than I do. You're obsessed


Well-Known Member
Yep, you are racist.
i had to fix your post since you are too stupid to quote someone correctly.

maybe you can blame that on hispanic kids? or maybe blacks?

do you like to stop by the hospital to count the number of hispanic kids being born? or is that part of your klan duties?


Well-Known Member
So it doesn't bother you guys that Trump started a scam school that conned people out of thousands of dollars? They had a couple class action lawsuits against Trump University here in CA, and I believe he's due to testify in another one coming up

Or is Trump right that he could murder someone and his supporters would just support him even more?
Would that person be related to a member of ISIS?? :P


Well-Known Member
I'm not a "white nationalist" That is the first I've ever heard of the term.
You clearly know far more about the kkk than I do.
you don't even keep track of your fellow trump supporting allies? i find that hard to believe coming from a spamming little newshound like you, chumlee.

so you are white, and a nationalist, but somehow not a white nationalist, like your allies in the KKK are?

how does that work?


Well-Known Member
i had to fix your post since you are too stupid to quote someone correctly.

maybe you can blame that on hispanic kids? or maybe blacks?

do you like to stop by the hospital to count the number of hispanic kids being born? or is that part of your klan duties?
Correct me if I'm wrong UncleBuck but are you not a racist yourself?
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