Anyone smoke for Anxiety?


Well-Known Member
I smoke for acute anxiety. If I could tell you the situations why I became this way I would! I don't need to escape just slow my brain down to a reasonable level. This is how I feel anyway. I can't stand narrow minded people who stereo type. Foolish


Well-Known Member
I think people who claim that are just hiding from their underlying problems. Pot helps to forget problems, from my experience at least.

Some pot for enjoyment, not for anxiety prevention...

It is people like this that keep the ignorance that cannabis is not a medicine and just a recreational drug for hippies, stoners and losers alive.

I have serious anxiety issues and have developed several auto-immune issues as a result, including ulcerative colitis. Unfortunately, I did not know of the healing effects until I had my colon removed. So, if my 'doctor' spoke to me about cannabis, I may not have a bag of shit attached to my side.

If you want too smoke just to get high...more power to you, not judging you, a lot of people do it (in fact most smokers). BUT DO NOT JUDGE THOSE WHO BELIEVE IN MEDICINAL BENFITS!



Well-Known Member
I smoke for acute anxiety. If I could tell you the situations why I became this way I would! I don't need to escape just slow my brain down to a reasonable level. This is how I feel anyway. I can't stand narrow minded people who stereo type. Foolish
I said what I said only because that's what I've seen and experienced. I could be wrong though, obviously. But think about it, why does she give tips on how to avoid anxiety if it helps her relax? This is very common in people who smoke to prevent anxiety. They have to distract themselves, even while smoking, to prevent theirselves from getting anxious. And from my understanding, pot is a distraction in itself, which is completely ok. It's a hobby just like drawing or cooking. And people enjoy hobbies, they calm you down. If your bills are out the fucking roof and you're stressed out, you can smoke and be happy because it's distracting you and it keeps you busy, same for any other hobby. However, it doesn't solve your problem (anxiety.. which is usually caused by stress). Just like you have your reason for why you "became like this". If those reasons you first gained anxiety were fixed or you found a solution, you wouldn't have so much anxiety. Pot just helps you to cope with it, which I believe is fine.. but like I said, it doesn't solve much. It's a crutch, a very nice and relaxing crutch. Lol past my bedtime, my post might not even make sense haha. Night peeps


Well-Known Member
I agree bk. I sorry to hear that. Your a survivor man, you have strengths beyond that's for sure! Now I want to hit that fool even more!


Well-Known Member
It is people like this that keep the ignorance that cannabis is not a medicine and just a recreational drug for hippies, stoners and losers alive.

I have serious anxiety issues and have developed several auto-immune issues as a result, including ulcerative colitis. Unfortunately, I did not know of the healing effects until I had my colon removed. So, if my 'doctor' spoke to me about cannabis, I may not have a bag of shit attached to my side.

If you want too smoke just to get high...more power to you, not judging you, a lot of people do it (in fact most smokers). BUT DO NOT JUDGE THOSE WHO BELIEVE IN MEDICINAL BENFITS!

Lol...... to your anger at least. Sorry to hear about your problems though.

And I do believe it has many medicinal benefits. But I also still believe what I said earlier. It can help you cope with anxiety and physical problems, but it only helps you move along. It won't solve whatever is causing your anxiety. Again, I might be wrong and you might be right. The OP asked for opinions, I gave him mine. And again, good night. Wtf am I doing awake for? I'm just being called an asshole lol
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