Anyone smoke for Anxiety?


Well-Known Member
Then his escape and hiding is RIU! Oh boy whatever. Some people are in dier need of a bj a joint something for uptigtness. (Laugh now) I did massage for 20 years! Pretty good with ALL kinds of people. I used to be anyway. Ha old age.


Well-Known Member
Only one time zone sweet thing in my world ak. We think were our own breed kind of are. Up here. What you puffin this chilly pm anyways? Igot some athabaskian. Nice goldenish no burn throat smooth. Good


Well-Known Member
OK time to turn on ole Larry David a little curb your enthusiasm. God him & Leon sooo fucking funny! Nothing but political crap on


Well-Known Member
Im on a break from smoking as it becomes a anxiety trigger for me
I find anxiety is a strain dependent thing for most people. It has a lot to do with potency of the cannabis and how early it was chopped, also how long it has been off the plant. I say this because my weed gives me anxiety. One strain i wont even smoke because i get all parinoid for no reason like clock work. Its super strong, but i tend to cut early most of the time. But the plants that dont get cut early, the late ones, seem to not be as bad. As for the freshness of the product, i find that if it sits in jars for a month i dont feel all sketch off of a pretty sketchy strain.


Well-Known Member
Wait. I believe in s long prolonged jar cure. I cut late as possible jar for 6-8 wks. Sounds long but. It's the dutch way. As I saw in Amsterdam. I will do no other ever as long as I live


Well-Known Member
I've tried but it doesn't work, how do you do it so it works?
This is a good reply from AW, strain dependent and early harvest are the two main factors. Experiment with different sativas and mostly clear trics.
I find anxiety is a strain dependent thing for most people. It has a lot to do with potency of the cannabis and how early it was chopped, also how long it has been off the plant. I say this because my weed gives me anxiety. One strain i wont even smoke because i get all parinoid for no reason like clock work. Its super strong, but i tend to cut early most of the time. But the plants that dont get cut early, the late ones, seem to not be as bad. As for the freshness of the product, i find that if it sits in jars for a month i dont feel all sketch off of a pretty sketchy strain.
I'll also add, attempt to place yourself into possibly sketchy situations to compliment the noid weed. Anything new, away from your 'norm' comfort zone and also maintaining a lower tolerance will help when you're going for a paranoia type buzz.
It is people like this that keep the ignorance that cannabis is not a medicine and just a recreational drug for hippies, stoners and losers alive.

I have serious anxiety issues and have developed several auto-immune issues as a result, including ulcerative colitis. Unfortunately, I did not know of the healing effects until I had my colon removed. So, if my 'doctor' spoke to me about cannabis, I may not have a bag of shit attached to my side.

If you want too smoke just to get high...more power to you, not judging you, a lot of people do it (in fact most smokers). BUT DO NOT JUDGE THOSE WHO BELIEVE IN MEDICINAL BENFITS!

I agree 100% My current best medicine is Charlotte's Web that is 9% CBD and less than 1%THC. It has no recreational benefits.


Active Member
I use cannabis to treat both social and generalized anxiety disorder:
but I know a bunch of people who are afraid to even try it for anxiety. I'm not sure why. What do you guys think?
Then why post shall I take mushrooms alone that ain't gonna help anxiety AT ALL your head needs to be straight before fucking with trips stick with weed that helps if in moderation otherwise and depending on the person of course could lead to paranoia.. Best advise I can give you stick to weed NOTHING eles know your limits you'll be fine
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Well-Known Member
I use cannabis to treat both social and generalized anxiety disorder:
but I know a bunch of people who are afraid to even try it for anxiety. I'm not sure why. What do you guys think?
if your a growers and fill anxiety coming on, try eating a couple of leaves, as it can really help
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