Donald Trump

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Do I have to dislike someone for them to not be my first choice for president?
Ok, so you also say you don't think he's going to be a great president. Why are you supporting a candidate that you think will be a poor or at best mediocre president? And before you deny saying so, here is your quote. My god you have a bad memory. Is it lead or mercury poisoning that's affecting you?

When did I ever say trump would be a great president? You wont find it. I think it is always about Trump with Trump which will not make him a great president.


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All aboard ! Catch the Trump train to the top .
Losers and belly scratchers, don't miss the train.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
The DNC is going to have a field day with Trump.
Have you seen the DNC turn out? You better pray for a miracle. The Trump Train is coming. In some states Trump had as much or more votes than Bernie and Hillary combined. So where are the DNC voters you speak of? TRUMP!
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Bush killed that party.. That's why a reality TV character can step in and not only compete but win several States. The GOP party was buried with that complete moron Bush.
I'm not going to argue with you there.

After Obama crushed McCain/Palin in 2008, there was talk that Bush and McCain weren't "conservative enough". At least that's what I heard coming from talk radio at the time. There was this denial that the problem was failed leadership and claims were made that the real problem was impure ideology.

With the meltdown on Wall Street and bail outs, GOP base -- the less educated workers or fourth grade level readers like @NLXSK1 -- were put on notice how bad it can be when the 1% get their way and the Tea Party republican came out of that.

Trump shatters any misconception by Republican leadership that their base wants conservatives as leaders. The base wants authoritarian leadership. The strongman that will return this country back to its glory days and soothe the fearful voters that want a big daddy to make all the social change currently in play to go away. Make America Great has nothing to do with conservative ideology such as small government, balanced budgets, freeing the poor and minorities from government dependency and so forth. Limbaugh is already abandoning conservative ideology and embracing Trump wholeheartedly. Scumbag that he is.

And yet, the 1% who control the purse strings, "think tanks" and right wing radio for the party don't want a dictator that they can't control. It is going to be something to watch the GOP snake eat its own tail. The authoritarian right wing voter isn't going away. We'll see more wannabe dictators from them in the future. For now, its all about the GOP death spiral.

Or at least that's what I think is going to happen this summer.


Well-Known Member
Have you seen the DNC turn out? You better pray for a miracle. The Trump Train is coming. In some states Trump had as much or more votes than Bernie and Hillary combined. So where are the DNC voters you speak of? TRUMP!
DNC = Democratic National Committee, the people who run the campaign. Nice try at a Straw man though (take note @ThaMagnificent what nitro just did was a Straw man). The DNC has already started their attack on Trump and the GOP with by launching a campaign ad for Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick in AZ.

On to the point you mistakenly made: Weren't you righties saying the same exact thing in 2008? And then again in 2012?

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
DNC = Democratic National Committee, the people who run the campaign. Nice try at a Straw man though (take note @ThaMagnificent what nitro just did was a Straw man). The DNC has already started their attack on Trump and the GOP with by launching a campaign ad for Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick in AZ.

On to the point you mistakenly made: Weren't you righties saying the same exact thing in 2008? And then again in 2012?
You better hope that what I am seeing in voter turn out is my imagination. TRUMP!


Well-Known Member
You better hope that what I am seeing in voter turn out is my imagination. TRUMP!
The Republican primary was a high school rehearsal for student class president. Trump is going to hit a giant wall in the general election, and not the wall he wants to build. Hillary is going to have a field day with Trump. He is terrible at debate and panics when he gets pushed around. If he plays the same silly games he is playing in the Republican primary he is undoubtably going to lose the general election, by a wide margin.

But we shall see, right old man? I mean you are so confident in your candidate that you refuse to take my bet. Very cowardly thing to do. Typical of a Trump supporter.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
DNC = Democratic National Committee, the people who run the campaign. Nice try at a Straw man though (take note @ThaMagnificent what nitro just did was a Straw man). The DNC has already started their attack on Trump and the GOP with by launching a campaign ad for Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick in AZ.

On to the point you mistakenly made: Weren't you righties saying the same exact thing in 2008? And then again in 2012?
Here is some info on the turn out comparisons from other years. The GOP is setting records as much as 50% more. So that is what I am seeing and was wondering how people can think that Hillary will win anything?

By Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times - Updated: 12:04 a.m. on Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Republicans continued to shatter turnout records in their presidential primaries and caucuses Tuesday, while Democrats lagged behind in what analysts said was a clear indication of an enthusiasm gap heading into the general election.

Virginia’s GOP primary tallied more than 1 million votes, shattering the record set in 2000 by more than 50 percent. Democrats, meanwhile, were 200,000 votes shy of their own record, set in the contested 2008 primary.

In Tennessee, GOP turnout crossed the 800,000-vote mark, leapfrogging the previous record by nearly 50 percent.

SEE ALSO: Florida Gov. Rick Scott reportedly will endorse Donald Trump

Records were also likely to be set in Georgia, Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Oklahoma and Massachusetts.

Democrats, though, were struggling, seeing turnout drop by massive levels in all of their races Tuesday night. That included Vermont and Arkansas, where their two candidates had home-state advantages of sorts, yet still couldn’t match the enthusiasm of the 2008 contest.

GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump said he’s the chief reason for the shifts in both parties, saying he’s drawn Democrats and independents into the Republican process this year, boosting his party at the expense of Democrats.

SEE ALSO: Generation gap emerges in GOP as millennials give Trump cold shoulder

“The Republicans have tremendous energy. The Democrats don’t,” he said at his victory party.

All told, about a dozen states held caucuses or primaries on Tuesday.

The strong GOP showings follow record turnout in the first four contests: Republican turnout in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada was up 27 percent compared to 2012.

By contrast Democrats’ turnout is down 25 percent compared to their record-setting 2008 campaign, when then-candidate Barack Obama faced off against Hillary Clinton, who is trying again this year.

That 2008 campaign saw contests on both sides of the aisle, and vote-counters said the deep interest in Democrats’ race that year drew voters away from the GOP and into the Democratic primary.

Mr. Obama won the nomination and went on to an easy victory in November, drawing minorities and young voters into the process.

Analysts said the enthusiasm this year is on the Republican side, and said Mr. Trump is driving much of it. They also said they expect that enthusiasm to carry over as the race continues.

“I think it’s a harbinger of things to come,” said David Yepsen, director of the Paul Simon Public Policy Institute at Southern Illinois University. “All those people who line up for Donald Trump rallies and also lining up at the ballot box and the caucus site. Trump’s winning and nothing succeeds like success.”

Turnout has been strong for Republicans across the board. Iowa, which kicked off the campaign season, saw a 50 percent increase for Republicans over their previous record. Indeed, turnout was so high that Mr. Trump and Sen. Marco Rubio, the second- and third-place finishers, got enough votes that they would have won in any previous year.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
The Republican primary was a high school rehearsal for student class president. Trump is going to hit a giant wall in the general election, and not the wall he wants to build. Hillary is going to have a field day with Trump. He is terrible at debate and panics when he gets pushed around. If he plays the same silly games he is playing in the Republican primary he is undoubtably going to lose the general election, by a wide margin.

But we shall see, right old man? I mean you are so confident in your candidate that you refuse to take my bet. Very cowardly thing to do. Typical of a Trump supporter.
You got one thing right. "We will see" . I am not sure where the wide margin is going to come from?

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Relax Nitro this is just a primary it is historical that Republicans come out in droves in primaries but loose in the general. Primaries don't mean shit.

Well the GOP just set records in every state so far by a lot. And that is actually very relaxing. This primary could be what keeps us out of a mini civil war, so no big deal.
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