
Well-Known Member
In general no,,, but you've got to realize that some of these 16 or so years old are as dangerous as grown men,, these days with all the pills and strong drugs you never know wth the fuk is gonna go down,, look at the news for 10mins and see what's going on,,, I'm not saying this case is right ,, but I've seen a lot of cases where this is what was missing, kids now a days don't fear anything ,, I've seen too many drug zombies teens armed robbing stores and murdering friends

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
In general no,,, but you've got to realize that some of these 16 or so years old are as dangerous as grown men,, these days with all the pills and strong drugs you never know wth the fuk is gonna go down,, look at the news for 10mins and see what's going on,,, I'm not saying this case is right ,, but I've seen a lot of cases where this is what was missing, kids now a days don't fear anything ,, I've seen too many drug zombies teens armed robbing stores and murdering friends
I agree, some young men can be quite dangerous; this was not one of those situation, if it was you have 2 well trained city police officers against 1 smaller young man who could handle whatever came their way, and they can tell a drugged out person from someone who's not.

I disagree, there was no justification for that kind of treatment, I might see 1 or 2 slaps (depending on what happened off screen) but what I saw was a cop abusing a minor.



Well-Known Member
I agree, some young men can be quite dangerous; this was not one of those situation, if it was you have 2 well trained city police officers against 1 smaller young man who could handle whatever came their way, and they can tell a drugged out person from someone who's not.

I disagree, there was no justification for that kind of treatment, I might see 1 or 2 slaps (depending on what happened off screen) but what I saw was a cop abusing a minor.

You're better than me, because I don't even argue these. I know what I saw, and so does he.


Well-Known Member
That's a fuckup, kid probably spit on him or smtng ,, in witch case , fuckim,,, his buddy wasn't recording that shit for nothin,,, some kids need this, maybe not the kick at the end but,,, you know what I mean,,, man ,,, kids these days are brought up in a fuktupp soc ,, they do all sorts of crazy shit,,, some of them where never diciplined and where always bullies,, they are used to getting away with everything, they don't even fear the law,,I'm willing to wager that that kid did something either really offensive physically or grotesque, to merit this,,, if not the cop needs to be cainned with 12' bamboo sticks
If the officer can't control himself enough to avoid abusing the children he's supposed to be protecting, then he doesn't need to be there, nor does he have any right to wear that badge ever again.


Not some damned slush fund that pays out for them when they VIOLATE CITIZEN'S CIVIL RIGHTS!


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Meanwhile, at a Baltimore high school...

Pretty clear case of assault. If the guy wasn't wearing a badge he would have absolutely been charged with assault

I had a daydream while rehashing this..

Imagine the kid KO'd the cop, cuffed him, radio'd to his own goddamn HQ "Officer down, need assistance", then waited for the other pigs to arrive and arrest him...

This guy might be fucking dead.

This even being considered means the shit needs to be fixed

What kind of man slaps a KID?

No man slaps a kid. You're not a man if you slap a kid in anger. If you can't fuckin' handle the tiny fraction of discomfort a kid provides just by being a kid, what kind of a person will you be in society where your meter to accept/understand/and deal with shit as an adult reaches 100% compared to that kid you're raising who doesn't know shit yet?

If you can't handle that, I shouldn't see you in public


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Pretty clear case of assault. If the guy wasn't wearing a badge he would have absolutely been charged with assault

I had a daydream while rehashing this..

Imagine the kid KO'd the cop, cuffed him, radio'd to his own goddamn HQ "Officer down, need assistance", then waited for the other pigs to arrive and arrest him...

This guy might be fucking dead.

This even being considered means the shit needs to be fixed

What kind of man slaps a KID?

No man slaps a kid. You're not a man if you slap a kid in anger. If you can't fuckin' handle the tiny fraction of discomfort a kid provides just by being a kid, what kind of a person will you be in society where your meter to accept/understand/and deal with shit as an adult reaches 100% compared to that kid you're raising who doesn't know shit yet?

If you can't handle that, I shouldn't see you in public
I think I was trying to say the same thing, you put it more eloquently than I.
