Just a few pics guys things are still going well new seeds starting out buds finishing, buds forming, I am having so much fun lol ....my magic number is 24 plants thats what I can fit in the cab....so the plan will be to average harvesting 6 plants per week, be it one started from seed or a clone , so the guess was 7 grams per plant from our visitor, so lets assume he is correct, I am thinking the clones will average half of the (not sure on that one) so if I can harvest 3 ladies and 3 clones every week, that would give me 7x3=21g plus 3x3.5=10.5g total of 31.5 g a week, hmm about an ounce a week, or a QP a month, umm I think I would be happy with that lol, considering I am using 2 sq feer, and only running 210w for 11.5 hours a day...kiss-ass