

Well-Known Member
i was wondering if i could get some quick help, i started out with 6 outdoor seedlings, 20 days ago, as of yesterday the 4 remaining i moved inside, 2 of the 4 are growing like there on steroids,the other two are small but very healthy, i was just wondering though what would be a generally good light routine for some plants that are 20 days old i mean from what ive scene in convo on the site the 12/12 looks good i have them sharing a 100 watt cfl there in tight with one another and ive got the bulb centerd above them just a few inches, so would 12/12 be the way to go
depends on what you are trying to accomplish, if you are ready to sex your plants then 12/12 would be the way to go, and if you are going to be using cfls the rest of the way then yes you need to flip now, your plants are going to get pretty big after you start flowering


Well-Known Member
Dont you just love it when experiments work:eyesmoke:......my cloning in 12/12 has worked to perfection, pictured below are the mom and clone as you can see the clone has grown just fine and honestly since it hasnt shown sex yet AND its already big enough,I could top it and take yet another clone, so that would be 3 ladies from one seed all 12/12:weed:, and if I really want to stratch the boundaries, I could top the mom again (taking both the tops) giving me an un precindented 5 for 1 lol..............ok here are the pics guys



Well-Known Member
okay all i have to say is your getting 7 grams max from each plant...LMAO...LMAO....LMAO..... how are you gonna tell me that my info was from da internet and then give me a link wit 79 pages of gay shit on the internet, buddy obviously your the one who gets his info from bull shit internet websites and y da fuck would you wanna crop seven grams of a plant when its just as illegal as cropping 112 grams per plant dumbass if your gonna do it go hard or dont go at all, and you must be the first retard who is using regs seeds and actually thinking he's doing a good job, regs plants are suppose to grow for longer periods of time so they can get big and actually give out a good amount of buds plus regs are supposed to be grown outside bcuz of there sizes, when was the last time your heard someone say yo i got some good homegrown regs...LMAO....you do the math i got 7 plants that are about 3 and a half feet tall and i get four oz(112grams) per plant every three months. and you my little micro dick get 7 grams a plant.....LMAO... and your hoping you can get an ounce a week...LMAO...listen if you start your gay little seeds, and start 10 at a time by the time their done growing including flowering and all, they should be ready to cut in about 2 and half months to 3 and a half months(even though regs take longer i'll give u the benefit of the doubt)at the most, but you said your hoping for 7 grams max..LMAO..so that would give u 70 grams at the end of your grow and thats only if all your wack ass seeds are females but chances are fifty fifty so you might just end up with a grand total of 35 grams..LMOA..ne ways i was just trying to help u get more bud cuz what your doing is pretty sad and pathetic sorry buddy but you need to step your game up and stop wasting time..LMAO .. oh the only way your clones can grow root that fast is if your using some kind of aeroponics system and by the looks of you micro crap i dont see any clones or aeroponics, any ways stop talking about things you dont know.... to everybody on this website if you want a sad little pathetic crop that gives you seven grams aplant this is the guy you should talk to but if you want to get some real results when growing come holla at a real king cropper... oh and the reason i dont much about micro dicks is bcuz i'm king dinggaling and i dont have time for little baby shit that isn't even gonna guarantee all female plants with tons of buds!!!!


Well-Known Member
and y the hell would you say you cloned something without knowing its sex?????????????????????????????????????females females females females you probably dont have any!!you sound really smart buddy!!!


Well-Known Member
ypu are right my pictures are made up so you should find a better journal to visit and post your useless BS...........I have pics to support what I a doing you have post that seem to be worded by a 15 year old, find a life....and by the way since you obviously cant read, but you call it a waste with 70 grams at the end ITS A PERPETUAL GROW DUMB ASS READ THE TITLE....perpetual by definition doesnt end......lol what a tard, I cloned my plants after 3 weeks the probability of a male showing at this point is unlikely IME, but I am sure this is all over your head so find a journal that suits your reading pleasure I will ask the mods to delete your post thank you.......


Well-Known Member
Hey Big, so I have this closet that was built in my master bathroom, it has adjustable shelves and i think i'll be great for micro grow, each of the 4 sections is about 1.5/2 feet tall and there is a powerful fan that sucks all smells from the bathroom, I'll move my flower closet into this since my bedroom closet is getting a little suspicious and I dont want my teenagers to find the shit, I can just lock my master bathroom and problem solved....I'll use a big rubbermaid for my mothers and clones wich I'll be able to hide with no problem...


Well-Known Member
LMAO dont be mad cuz every thing i said puts your growing style to shame like i said b4 i just wanted to help but you tried to tell me i dont know about growing and shit when i'm the real king cropper here.. oh and it doesnt matter how i spell or write bcuz its good enough for everyone to understand that what your doing to these plants is a dam shame but dont worry i'm sure there will be plenty of lil boys who find your method useful....LMAO....hey are you doing it like this so your mom wont kick your ass? if so then good job! cfl's are a joke just like your your grow!sorry buddy and dont worry this is the last time i put you to shame on i promise.........peace out playa!


Well-Known Member
okay all i have to say is your getting 7 grams max from each plant...LMAO...LMAO....LMAO..... how are you gonna tell me that my info was from da internet and then give me a link wit 79 pages of gay shit on the internet, buddy obviously your the one who gets his info from bull shit internet websites and y da fuck would you wanna crop seven grams of a plant when its just as illegal as cropping 112 grams per plant dumbass if your gonna do it go hard or dont go at all, and you must be the first retard who is using regs seeds and actually thinking he's doing a good job, regs plants are suppose to grow for longer periods of time so they can get big and actually give out a good amount of buds plus regs are supposed to be grown outside bcuz of there sizes, when was the last time your heard someone say yo i got some good homegrown regs...LMAO....you do the math i got 7 plants that are about 3 and a half feet tall and i get four oz(112grams) per plant every three months. and you my little micro dick get 7 grams a plant.....LMAO... and your hoping you can get an ounce a week...LMAO...listen if you start your gay little seeds, and start 10 at a time by the time their done growing including flowering and all, they should be ready to cut in about 2 and half months to 3 and a half months(even though regs take longer i'll give u the benefit of the doubt)at the most, but you said your hoping for 7 grams max..LMAO..so that would give u 70 grams at the end of your grow and thats only if all your wack ass seeds are females but chances are fifty fifty so you might just end up with a grand total of 35 grams..LMOA..ne ways i was just trying to help u get more bud cuz what your doing is pretty sad and pathetic sorry buddy but you need to step your game up and stop wasting time..LMAO .. oh the only way your clones can grow root that fast is if your using some kind of aeroponics system and by the looks of you micro crap i dont see any clones or aeroponics, any ways stop talking about things you dont know.... to everybody on this website if you want a sad little pathetic crop that gives you seven grams aplant this is the guy you should talk to but if you want to get some real results when growing come holla at a real king cropper... oh and the reason i dont much about micro dicks is bcuz i'm king dinggaling and i dont have time for little baby shit that isn't even gonna guarantee all female plants with tons of buds!!!!
and y the hell would you say you cloned something without knowing its sex?????????????????????????????????????females females females females you probably dont have any!!you sound really smart buddy!!!
LMAO dont be mad cuz every thing i said puts your growing style to shame like i said b4 i just wanted to help but you tried to tell me i dont know about growing and shit when i'm the real king cropper here.. oh and it doesnt matter how i spell or write bcuz its good enough for everyone to understand that what your doing to these plants is a dam shame but dont worry i'm sure there will be plenty of lil boys who find your method useful....LMAO....hey are you doing it like this so your mom wont kick your ass? if so then good job! cfl's are a joke just like your your grow!sorry buddy and dont worry this is the last time i put you to shame on i promise.........peace out playa!
lol what a dumb ass, I am sure anyone with half a bnrain can tell who the kid is grow up, if I was ashamed of what I was doing I wouldnt have a journal now would I ..........lol all you have done is made a total fool of yourself...but take care king cropper lol what a shit head, lol...

Sounds like a good idea Darkstar:weed:


Well-Known Member
Just a few pics guys things are still going well new seeds starting out buds finishing, buds forming, I am having so much fun lol ....my magic number is 24 plants thats what I can fit in the cab....so the plan will be to average harvesting 6 plants per week, be it one started from seed or a clone , so the guess was 7 grams per plant from our visitor, so lets assume he is correct, I am thinking the clones will average half of the (not sure on that one) so if I can harvest 3 ladies and 3 clones every week, that would give me 7x3=21g plus 3x3.5=10.5g total of 31.5 g a week, hmm about an ounce a week, or a QP a month, umm I think I would be happy with that lol, considering I am using 2 sq feer, and only running 210w for 11.5 hours a day...kiss-ass



Well-Known Member
bigd you could probably drop an extention cord down and use a plug in socket. Just one to help them veg alittle. That spectrum bulb is that a led? your gona get a red one right? hempy bucket??? Kinda new toall the lingo.


Well-Known Member
thanks for stopping by koolhand, those are cfls I use a couple of different color spectrums, and I like to keep my lights at a fixed position, growing 12/12 from seed the plants naturally stay short so I need to induce strtech, so far it is working perfectly, what most dont realize and something i recently learned about cfls (and I am not looking to start any cotroversey here) when the lumen output is measured it is done at a distance of 1 ft....so keeping them further away gives me about 1/4 of an inch spacing between knodes, I will take some closeups of some of my seedlings tomorrow, they are probably 8-12 inches away from a bulb at any given time and they are not stretched they look healthy and normal , the leaves are broad they look good IMO, but I will post some pics and let you guys tell me what you think I have 2 that are young


Well-Known Member
I looks like you have them in rockwool from your first pic? Any ideas about using somthing else? I can't get my hands on rockwool. grrr


Well-Known Member
so sad that people have to be so rude, were all in it together/



Well-Known Member
I looks like you have them in rockwool from your first pic? Any ideas about using somthing else? I can't get my hands on rockwool. grrr
cool hand those are jiffy peat pellets you can find them at any walmart or garden center....I use to use rocwool but no more, as it stands I never have to make a trip to a hydro store or order anything online everything I use I can buy at walmart or home depot or a local garden store


Well-Known Member
so sad that people have to be so rude, were all in it together/

thanks AMD and welcome friend, I never understand why people do it, if you dont like it or dont agree thats cool just move on.......but it is definetley working out better than I had expected to the point my WIFE said hell build another box double it up lol but honestly that would produce much more than I would ever need.....


Well-Known Member
ok alot of pics on this update, although no news to report everything is doing what it should lol, just some catching up, I am now running the dr bud nute mix exclusively, for those that dont know it is 1 gallon r/o or distilled water 1 tblspn fish emulsions 4 dropperfuls shultz 10-20-10 1 tblspn molasses 4 drops superthrive ( I use only 2 since I use it in my plain water also).......my containers are water bottles with the tops cut off and a hole about an inch from the bottom, the bottom 1/4 of the bottle is 100% perlite, the remaining is filled with a 4 parts perlite, 1 part seedling soil mixture, I water every 2 days and alternate betwenn plain water with superthrive and the nute mix....... I actually prefer using the MG perlite (now that I know what I am doing) the combination of that and the seedlign soil provide enough nutes for about 30 days no burn and no deficencies that I can see, my seedlings gorw fast and stong..... I have alot of pics to attach.. I will do them in groups again so it will take a few post...........

this first set of pics are seeds and seedlings I tried to get close on the seedlings so you can see the stretch isnt bad at all......... the large one is ready for its topping and cloning probably will gicve it til sunday and make sure no balls show then off with its head and a new lady will be born hopefully

