Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
Do you even know how to read a fuckin' chart?

Jesus Christ, you are the worst poster on RIU

Yes, it says Trump hasn`t got a shot in hell of getting support.

I pointed out that since that has gotten him into the lead, which he is, maybe he should get supported and fall back in the poles to give someone else a shot.


Well-Known Member
We have to go through the primaries first. You're getting way ahead of yourself.
Bernie is only running for president until convention. It's his job to try and round-up young voters for Hillary
So what's so "BIG" about the fact that both democratic contenders beat Trump in the general election?

You guys better be preparing for the loss of the senate, what are you gonna do when democrats take the white house, get a majority in congress and lock in a progressive justice? Hello gun control reform, climate change legislation, and bye bye citizens united :D


Well-Known Member
So what's so "BIG" about the fact that both democratic contenders beat Trump in the general election?

You guys better be preparing for the loss of the senate, what are you gonna do when democrats take the white house, get a majority in congress and lock in a progressive justice? Hello gun control reform, climate change legislation, and bye bye citizens united :D
Those are your two big issues, uncontrolled gun reform and climate change? LOL

Trump hasn't even gotten started on Hillary yet. When it comes to a head to head match up, Trump will squash her like a little bug. Trump will hog all the air time because the media loves ratings, and people will only bring up Hillary in conversation when talking about FBI investigations.
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Well-Known Member
Those are your two big issues, uncontrolled gun reform and climate change? LOL

Trump hasn't even gotten started on Hillary yet. When it comes to a head to head match up, Trump will squash her like a little bug. Trump will hog all the air time because the media loves ratings, and people will only bring up Hillary in conversation when talking about FBI investigations.
I'd say campaign finance reform and economic reform are my two biggest issues, gun control and climate change are absolutely important though. With an all blue government, republican obstructionism doesn't stand a chance

You mean the guy that donated to Clinton's presidential campaign in 2008? Or the guy that invited the Clinton's to his wedding? That same Trump, right? You're banking on winning voters in the debates which isn't going to happen according to every available poll, even the ones you cited yourself! Trump has a yuge unfavorability rating, everybody outside your tiny little Trump clique hates the guy, much more than they hate Clinton. Do you think these polls are just made up? He won't win independents, minorities, Hispanics, women.. Not even actual conservative republicans will vote for the guy! You think people like Glenn Beck are going to cast a vote for Trump in the general? Fuck no they won't, they'd rather stay home. To them, Trump is exactly the same as Clinton. How's he going to beat Clinton in the general election if nobody but people like you are going to vote for him?

Man, we better put you on suicide watch on Nov. 3rd..


Well-Known Member
Those are your two big issues, uncontrolled gun reform and climate change? LOL

Trump hasn't even gotten started on Hillary yet. When it comes to a head to head match up, Trump will squash her like a little bug. Trump will hog all the air time because the media loves ratings, and people will only bring up Hillary in conversation when talking about FBI investigations.
Talking like a fourth grader won't work in the general.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Trump says he is completely self funded for this campaign. That's a lie. Not only is that a lie, but he fucking loaned money to the campaign, so that when the campaign ends, he can pay himself back with donor contributions, which as of now amount to $7.5 million. If he is not able to pay himself back, he can default and bankrupt the campaign and write that off on his personal taxes.

Trump is a scum fuck through and through. He is liar, and a true con artist.
It stings a little bit , I know. TRUMP!


Well-Known Member
Seeing as you're not capable of posting anything other than the text equivalent of sound bites, I'll keep this brief..

..How does Turnip win if he can't secure any votes other than the 'tard demographic like yourself and NOT GOP?

Because your poll was only 17 hundred.


Well-Known Member
Trump says he is completely self funded for this campaign. That's a lie. Not only is that a lie, but he fucking loaned money to the campaign, so that when the campaign ends, he can pay himself back with donor contributions, which as of now amount to $7.5 million. If he is not able to pay himself back, he can default and bankrupt the campaign and write that off on his personal taxes.

Trump is a scum fuck through and through. He is liar, and a true con artist.
Oh unkle fuxk good lord stop trolling we don't care you're ginger... So is my beard so I can understand the tenacity but the spitefulness.
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