Clinton is the next POTUS

Who is going to be the next President?

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Name three.

I can do better than three: Longest economic expansion, 22 million jobs added, ending the Bosnia genocide, highest home ownership in US history, lowest unemployment in 30 years, largest expansion of college opportunities since the GI Bill was made, Family Medical & Leave Act, lowest poverty in 20 years, lowest infant mortality rate in US history, through negotiations Russia dismantled 1,700 nuclear warheads, paid of $360 billion of the debt, largest surplus, lowest tax burden in 35 years, and ended the genocide in Kosovo. Now, that we have that out of the way, can you do something useful?
Why did the Secret Service keep the DC police from entering his home and office for 3 days while they removed everything from them? Why did 3 different FBI handwriting experts sign affidavits that the suicide note was not written by Foster? Why did Foster use a stolen weapon when he was a registered owner of his own weapon? There is no proof, because the Clintons destroyed it. Just as they hid the billing records from White Water, and Hilary's famous attemps to hide her emails. The Clintons have a long, proven record of coverups.

Did you get your BS info from Alex Jones again? VF killed himself, even Kenn Starr said he did and he was like a dog with a bone he investigated the Clintons and found nada, zilch. Can you back up any of your statements or is this BS speculation on you part as usual.

I can do better than three: Longest economic expansion, 22 million jobs added, ending the Bosnia genocide, highest home ownership in US history, lowest unemployment in 30 years, largest expansion of college opportunities since the GI Bill was made, Family Medical & Leave Act, lowest poverty in 20 years, lowest infant mortality rate in US history, through negotiations Russia dismantled 1,700 nuclear warheads, paid of $360 billion of the debt, largest surplus, lowest tax burden in 35 years, and ended the genocide in Kosovo. Now, that we have that out of the way, can you do something useful?

repeal of glass steagall under his watch which lead to 2008..

why don't we elect someone who really deserves 'their turn'..?

repeal of glass steagall under his watch which lead to 2008..

why don't we elect someone who really deserves 'their turn'..?


I think this is a highly flawed way of thinking of the Presidency; whomever is the best qualified should be President not who's "turn" it is, and no as much as I like Bernie Sanders I don't think it's "his turn," just like I don't think it's Hillary's "turn," or any Republicans'. Further, I wasn't speaking to Hillary Clinton I was speaking of Bill Clinton's Presidency.

What you're also forgetting is the legislative history of Glass-Steagall, how it was passed in 1933 (dated), and how Congress had been debating and trying to repeal its four provision since the 80s. Moreover, Glass-Steagall was not repealed, but provisions 20 and 32 were repealed by the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act. Also it has been argued that the 2008 Financial Crisis would have happened in spite of provisions 20 and 32 of Glass-Steagal being repealed; really it depends on which economist you want to listen to.
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Repeal Glass Steagal or more precisely remove the requirement for banks to be banks and Investment houses to be Investment houses. Oh yeah, he shouldn't have oughta done that. Really and truly a very bad idea. Cooked up and passed by Congress but it had Bill's signature on it, so there is no running away from it for him.

And NAFTA, and Lewinsky.

Still and all, you can't ignore his successes which way out balance his negatives. Compare him to Bush jr's disasters and its not even close.