Facebook gun rights activist shot and wounded by 4-year-old son who “gets jacked up” to target shoot


Well-Known Member
This country is fkt up, but not just because of the politicians and greed. It's ppl like you that believe the riots were justified and cop killers are doing a service, that blm is actually a group trying to level the playing field. Your train and fm thought is a virus to this country


Well-Known Member
This country is fkt up, but not just because of the politicians and greed. It's ppl like you that believe the riots were justified and cop killers are doing a service, that blm is actually a group trying to level the playing field. Your train and fm thought is a virus to this country
Uh huh


Well-Known Member
Call me what you will, but any adult who allows a fucking 4 year old access to a firearm in the backseat of a car deserves to be shot. And I'm going to laugh, and laugh heartily. No sympathy here. That is completely irresponsible parenting. Fuck her.
What she did was really foolish and irresponsible. It's not just this post of yours that my opinion comes from. I'm sure you could care less what ppl think of you. What you are runs deep with poison. I've followed your comments and threads and find most of what comes from you could fill a sewage plant.


Well-Known Member
What she did was really foolish and irresponsible. It's not just this post of yours that my opinion comes from. I'm sure you could care less what ppl think of you. What you are runs deep with poison. I've followed your comments and threads and find most of what comes from you could fill a sewage plant.
I know. If only I could slap on my white privilege goggles and play like racism in America doesn't exist.


Well-Known Member
It exists....but distorted by ppl like you. Black ppl are more racist than white.
Bearkat is a VICTIM!!! Cry for BEARKAT!!
it looks like your buddy is calling himself the victim here. the victim of all that black on white racism.

i've never seen bearkat cry like you losers do though. he in fact states that his mission is to rile up you fucktards.

looks like mission accomplished for him there.


Well-Known Member
Why are you here? We've already clearly established the fact that you don't possess the intellectual capacity to participate in these types of discussions with me.
Evil white people ruined your life and you continuously cry about it. We need to get a movement going to cry for Bearkat!!! The poor victim Bearkat needs YOUR tears now!!!!


Well-Known Member
Evil white people ruined your life and you continuously cry about it. We need to get a movement going to cry for Bearkat!!! The poor victim Bearkat needs YOUR tears now!!!!
You just stay proving my point, don't you?