Donald Trump

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The new authoritarian right are showing exactly how committed their leader and they themselves are to free speech. This is not surprising to me. During a rally in Eugene Oregon for supporters of Bush Jr's second term, a protester was beaten before security could get there. The violent attitude towards free speech has only intensified after 8 years out of power in the White House.

The Lurking Menace of a Trump Rally

An undercurrent of violence courses through Trump’s events, and his speeches—and in North Carolina, it erupted into the open.

The Republican frontrunner made it through just four more sentences before the next one stood up. “Hello! Go home to mom.”
That’s how it went through Trump’s rally in this military town, home to Fort Bragg, on Wednesday. At least 18 times during Trump’s speech, police came and plucked people out of the crowd, each time creating a large disturbance. The frequent disruptions added to an already charged atmosphere at the Crown Coliseum. In several recent nationally televised appearances at his resorts following election wins, Trump has seemed subdued—even “low energy,” to borrow an epithet. TheAP argues he’s moderating into a general-election candidate. But there was little of that on display Wednesday.

Just below the surface of a Trump rally runs an undercurrent of violence. There are few overt threats. But there are thousands of people who are deeply angry at the state of the nation, whose anger is being intensified by the speaker on stage.


Trump encourages the crowd to vent its fury at the protestors. “See, in the good old days this didn’t use to happen, because they used to treat them very rough,” he said. “We’ve become very weak.” At least one supporter felt the same way:Videos shot at the event showed a man punching a protestor as he was removed. The puncher has been charged with assault.
A few weeks ago, a Guardian journalist wrote, “Attending a Trump rally is a nervy thing for a journalist … It is quite a feeling to be among a crowd of thousands who would gladly tear you to pieces, given the right circumstances.” That’s not my impression. Yes, Trump always takes time to bash the media; in Fayetteville, he mocked photographers every time they swung their lenses around to snap the latest protestor removal. Several attendees gently scolded me over what they see as unfair coverage. But suggesting many of them wish to engage in direct violence against reporters gives them too little credit. They’re perfectly able to distinguish between an individual reporter and the press they loathe as a whole. Two recent moments of violence against journalists at Trump events have come at the hands of a Secret Service agent and Trump’s campaign manager, not attendees.

Great, Trump supporters didn't beat a reporter, it was Trump's security team. That makes me feel so much better.
Trump rally's are the modern day KKK rally's!

Trump rally's are the modern day KKK rally's!

Yep. His rallies allow these cowards to be themselves. I'd honestly be interesting is finding out the average income/education levels of those who actually attend. I'm willing to bet that both are on the lower end their respective scales. And these are the types of people who look at me and call me an "animal". :roll:
Democrats are the reason why Trump won Massachusetts. Tens of thousands in Pennsylvania have also switched over to support Trump. There are even reports that Democrats in Chicago plan to vote for him as well. This is the type of thing Republicans have been dreaming about for years.
Democrats are the reason why Trump won Massachusetts. Tens of thousands in Pennsylvania have also switched over to support Trump. There are even reports that Democrats in Chicago plan to vote for him as well. This is the type of thing Republicans have been dreaming about for years.
You forgot to cite the source *KKK Buleten, struggleville chapter, junior intern, Not gop.
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