Hs Jibber Jabber Thread

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There were scenes that I remember so vividly, and when I watched the "sober" version... Lots of those "scenes" did not even exist. Such as where the turtles continually warp into a DMT like box (black and white puzzle piece looking tiles that constantly flipped and changed position) I never saw one of those scenes even though I saw it like 6 times. Also there were only 4 turtles. Duh, but... Watching the acid version, there were like 1.000.000 turtles all different

The acid version sounds way better...
I had a beautiful day today.

What I ate was probably the equivalent of about 1.5-1.75g dry because they were pins. Also felt like just under 2g by experience. Very low dose...

I came up quick and experienced wonderful sensory and creative increases immediately. I was having fun dancing and listening to music with the kids, talking to my wife and having a really good time

Decided I wanted to go out headphones on and listen to some music. Shortly after my wife and I begin to get into an argument :) this quickly proceeded into us having one of the best conversations we've had in many years that continued until about an hour ago. Any psychedelia all turned off a few hours ago.

No confusion or inhibition of intellect today at all. Quite the opposite.
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