Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
Start you sentence with a capital Letter, like an educated would, not like the preteen you accuse me of being.

I remember Woodstock,...Do you ?
Why would someone do that ? I know you know, but, Does the poster ? LOL you are a fucking riot of ignorance and cretinism.


Well-Known Member
I said it all along TRUMP will be next in the white house,wheather we like it or not.YES iam a reg, dem, but the truth is the truth just wait and see but if I was beating money mine would be on trump,wheather I like him or not.
I think you are probably right. I don't care for Trump myself, but I think odds are he will be our next President.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
it's gonna be hilarious when both of you are dead in about 4-6 years.

how does that feel on your end?

to me it is funny.
We are laughing with you poopy pants. It looks like the liberals have popped. If I was you I would get to a gun store while you can. LOL TRUMP!
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Well-Known Member
The sculpture of hercules suggests "gay" to you? Know why? Your a closeted man bitch.
Dude youre a clueless bitch of the highest magnitude. If my gear turns you on so be it.
Gay has zero to do with the cowardly piece of ignorant shit you are known to be.

Fucking witless homophobe racist bitch.
Couldn`t fit it all into the frame, Right ? It happens.


Well-Known Member
Brains? Youre joking ass clown.

See, lack of, generates this response, and I gave you the clue.....dude .......ellipses for buck.

I will credit you with better grammar skills than I, I`m actually proof reading.

Otherwise it would like be ..............nevermind.
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