My outlook definitely isnt rosy, i've cried many times after observing and helping the poverty we have in this country; as well as the oppression we force on our minority groups.
I grew up in an Upper Middle class white family in a conservative suburb (My family was one of the few liberal families in the suburb.)
My experiences at my age are far grander than most people i've met. I've lived a life with a need for understanding and a need to never lose a conversation; scientific or political. It genuinely hurts my heart to see the suffering afflicted on many people in this country, as well as the stories of women from pakistan who have been near victims of things like honor killings.
Again, i'm an upper middle class white male; potentially one of the most privileged groups in the USA. But the pain i've experienced by observing the oppression of our minorities (fucking ALL of them) in the USA is hardening.
I have hope through few politicians; my political views are nearly entirely my own. I feel understanding and education is about the most important thing you can have; but nearly nobody in my age group feels the same.
We probably both feel the same pessimism and the same hope.