Well-Known Member
I would name my county but my industry aint legal in my county o:
My point was comparing growing up in the USA as opposed to Pakistan, Iran, Palestine, Israel, Russia, etc...
I definitely don't say we suck, but we are absolutely a better country to live our lives/raise our children than some countries with sometimes drastically different values.
To say we are the best would be directly wrong. Whether or not its a comparison to other countries or if its a theoretical view on the USA itself.
We are not the best a country can be because we can be better. There are definitely political actions that you do not agree with, and if all political actions taken were direcly in line with your views than in your opinion the country would be "better." Point being, even you could see a better America than we have; even though we have a great America.
My guess is that ultimately we would end up arguing the same points so it would all end up irrelevant. I bet you and I have nearly the same political agenda, you just misread or I did a poor job of displaying how I feel.
Edit: After re-reading my post i noticed many issues, mostly regarding the USA and my opinion on whether or not its the "best country." I think its up there, and probably ties with other countries for first. But if we had appropriate policies we could easily be first un-disputably[/
Ironic how you use the some of the worst places to live if you looked at stats USA which was one land of the free you had opportunity
Only ones now are the ones that know how the game is played .. Today's era or life in USA is nothing to write home about your Education is below grade , heath care well lets not get into that
what about peoples savings ?? mean i would bet there is maybe a hand full of american members on this site that have 10 - 20,000 in there bank ??? the rest are a week away from being bankrupt and sure as fuck your kids will be even worse off
When you look at what kids are doing they know how this country Values trades ? they all know where the the money is and that is corporate law
you know what there doing sueing the last corporate giants that still call USA Home like google
Why not talking about a better life or living places like Germany there booming. Singapore , Canada , Switzerland or even Australia i mean most americans dream of living abroad but for many there dreams never come true