Viking Fruit 15/16


Well-Known Member
I know this for sure, Azamax in a soil drench three times, 3-4 days apart knocked the fucking spider mites back to wherever the hell they came from. Didn't even have to foliar spray my plants. I did go through and destroy any leaves containing eggs/obvious damage daily until no more were found.

My issue with outdoor is that other species of plants in the area that contain the flies, mites, whatever, will just act as a host until the residual effects of the pesticide wear off your plants and then just come back. You would almost have to treat regularly I would think, which would definitely get expensive.


Well-Known Member
thanks for calling in mate heaps sorry to hear bout your grow being ripped that shit is low as fuck.Did you scout the area a little bit just in case they left the plants somewhere to dry or come back and pick up later? I doubt it but you never know they sounded pretty big like you said...karma will bite their arse ....

wonder woman is going gd again yes not as much looking yield as last year but id be happy with 10 oz plus of her and im thinking a lb give or take.
But hell ive got a battle im fighting white flies and leaf miner worms at the moment.
Hello . Down under hotline,may I help you ?.
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Well-Known Member
Sorry to here about the white flies still there. Do you use any neem oil too ? They seem persistent . With having them last year I have been watching how it goes for you. I was only able to control them last year like you with Spinosad . I will be trying malithon in vegg and in the yard this season.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to here about the white flies still there. Do you use any neem oil too ? They seem persistent . With having them last year I have been watching how it goes for you. I was only able to control them last year like you with Spinosad . I will be trying malithon in vegg and in the yard this season.
Malathion in low doses (0.5% preparations) is used as a treatment for:

  • Head lice and body lice. Malathion is approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for treatment ofpediculosis.[11][12] It is claimed to effectively kill both the eggs and the adult lice, but in fact has been shown in UK studies to be only 36% effective on head lice, and less so on their eggs.[13] This low efficiency was found when malathion was applied to lice found on schoolchildren in the Bristol area in the UK and it is assumed to be caused by the lice having developed resistance against malathion.
  • Scabies[14]
It's the miracle kill all! Lols. Be interested to how see the stuff works for ya


Well-Known Member
View attachment 3630407 Whiteflys had to spray again god damn,see them clearly in this pic im gonna have to start taking some of the biggest leaves of that hold eggs
Seems like one sure way of getting rid of some of them sorry for the explicit pictures @fumble

Sorry to hear about your whitefly problem... Last year I grew in my mothers 1/2 acre vineyard, which she does not tend to whatsoever.... Man I had the worst whitefly infestation, I'm talking maybe 50,000 white flies throughout the entire garden lol.... I would spray my plants with pyrethrins and kill like atleast 500 just on my plants, hang up some fly tape, come back in a few days, and they would be all back on my ladies and the fly strips would be covered in the lil fuckers.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 3630407 Whiteflys had to spray again god damn,see them clearly in this pic im gonna have to start taking some of the biggest leaves of that hold eggs
Seems like one sure way of getting rid of some of them sorry for the explicit pictures @fumble
ouch! hurts just to look at that Ruby. I am having really good luck with 'Flying Skull Nuke Em'
it says it works on whiteflies and supposed to kill eggs, larvae, juvenile, and adults. Also good for PM. It is OMRI and can be used up to day of harvest.


Well-Known Member
I remember those days very well TWS, all night long crop dusting us. Our government :dunce::dunce::dunce: :finger:, what the FUCK were they thinking? No wonder 50% of us will die from cancer.
Amen and the crop dusters every single year cover my property in their poison. Last year Iiterally ran into the yard one morning when they were dusting, chunking rocks, lol, at that asshole pilot. There was a coat of the shit they spray corn for borers all over my vehicles and could feel it on my skin. I threatened to kick old boy's ass on Facebook and made a big fucking deal out of it and noticed when they sprayed in the fall they stayed well back of my property, but cmon man! I'm surrounded in 4 sides by agricultural fields and I've watched prevailing SW winds carry Roundup overspray all over my property from 3 and 4 wheel spray coops. No way I believe in real organic food now after watching that shit. We're all covered up in poison.


Well-Known Member
Amen and the crop dusters every single year cover my property in their poison. Last year Iiterally ran into the yard one morning when they were dusting, chunking rocks, lol, at that asshole pilot. There was a coat of the shit they spray corn for borers all over my vehicles and could feel it on my skin. I threatened to kick old boy's ass on Facebook and made a big fucking deal out of it and noticed when they sprayed in the fall they stayed well back of my property, but cmon man! I'm surrounded in 4 sides by agricultural fields and I've watched prevailing SW winds carry Roundup overspray all over my property from 3 and 4 wheel spray coops. No way I believe in real organic food now after watching that shit. We're all covered up in poison.
^ that right there is some fucked up shit son.....and people wonder why so many people in the States got cancer....More sick, more money. See it the way you want to see it.