Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
If something isn't done it surely won't be here.
When these republicans say that are going to build up the military & balance the budget at the same time where do you think the money will come from?....cutting "entitlments"...they consider SS an entitlement, like I haven't been paying in for 40 years!!! Their political forefathers (previous adminstrations of both parties) have miss appropriated much of SS to fund wars. Now they want to screw us out of our money....Trump would file bankruptsy & say it was a 'good deal'. There are a lot of ways to fix SS if they want too....


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that's much more important than keeping innocent people out of a cage!

Too me it is. I've been shackled for bud.. but the risks outweigh the costs. For me.. this is how I'm funding my retirement and life.
weed is legal where i am, and i still make a killing on it.

TWS is just a weak, insecure little pussy.
Your more then likely not doing it legally. Unless your plants are tagged and monitored by the pigs?
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Well-Known Member
Your more then likely not doing it legally. Unless your plants are tagged and monitored by the pigs?
caregivers don't need RFID tags, only dispensaries. 75 plant limits still exist, even though i don't have that many going.

if you're scared of legalization, boo hoo.


Well-Known Member
isn't the white on white murder rate 85%, while the black on black murder rate is 90%?
It's always the same bunk argument with you. Try not to be a partisan hack all the time. People would have to be complete idiots to believe anything you post. Everyday you want to have the same exact conversation, like deja vu, the movie groundhog day... This is the last time I'm going to explain it to your remedial, tiny little brain.

Percentages of crime rates in terms of black on black, and white on white; do Not factor the frequency in which the crimes are happening. You're cherry picking irrelevant stats to try and confuse ignorant Democrats.


Well-Known Member
caregivers don't need RFID tags, only dispensaries. 75 plant limits still exist, even though i don't have that many going.

if you're scared of legalization, boo hoo.
Not scared. But voting against it. California is not giving sweet heart deals like that. You sound like a carpet bagger chasing those dollars. If it's so sweet legalized go do it in oregon...


Well-Known Member
It's always the same bunk argument with you. Try not to be a partisan hack all the time. People would have to be complete idiots to believe anything you post. Everyday you want to have the same exact conversation, like deja vu, the movie groundhog day... This is the last time I'm going to explain it to your remedial, tiny little brain.

Percentages of crime rates in terms of black on black, and white on white; do Not factor the frequency in which the crimes are happening. You're cherry picking irrelevant stats to try and confuse ignorant Democrats.
so you don't want me to repeat that the white on white murder rate is 85% (as compared to the 90% black n black murder rate).


you want the frequency with which they are happening.


every day, white people kill 6.87 other white people. black people only kill 6.15 other black people in the same time frame.

so if your point was that white people are deadlier than blacks, then congratulations. you have proved your point.


not GOP:



Well-Known Member
Not scared. But voting against it. California is not giving sweet heart deals like that. You sound like a carpet bagger chasing those dollars. If it's so sweet legalized go do it in oregon...
i would love to go back to oregon and do it there too. i miss that place. if you were in hillsboro and smoked weed, chances are you were smoking mine.


Well-Known Member
Percentages of crime rates in terms of black on black, and white on white; do Not factor the frequency in which the crimes are happening. You're cherry picking irrelevant stats to try and confuse ignorant Democrats.
It's hash tag black lives matter with a bullet. They keep killing each other. I just don't get it
Then why did you specifically emphasize black people by mentioning BLM? The white/white & black/black crime rates are statistically the same regardless of the rate of crimes (which is pretty easily explained by socioeconomic factors since black people are more likely to be poor than white people and, shockingly, more crimes take place in poor areas than in not poor areas), so were you just trying to confuse ignorant republicans?


Well-Known Member
It's almost like you're admitting that there's something wrong with the donald, because I can't imagine you giving Dems "credit" for something that you deemed positive.
I am not a valid Trump supporter . I have said before if I have a chance I will vote for Sanders but not Clinton. I just want a better out look on my future and everyone's else. All this racial shit makes me sick to my stomach and the divided country that we are .
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