Lots of bad news for Denver..


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know where the police auctions are? Lol I bet you can some great deals on lights..
Get a local newspaper and look for the "legal notifications" or "forfeitures" page. It makes excellent reading. Like an inventory of every criminal's shit. Not sure they would sell the lights though. They do for tax seizures though. Denver has been on them like white on rice. Also good reading. "Three neon signs - cannabis leaf motif". But the dispensaries usually raise the dough and stop the auction.


Well-Known Member
Sure but these guys were just being foolish..

But don't get me wrong I still am very aware of the dangers.. Shit is bound to happen sooner or later..

I've literally ran 1000s of cans in my life.. I guess all it takes is static electricity..

But luckly noone gets seriously injured in most of the accidents..
Been following the BHO explosions for a while. Many stories of amateurs blowing up shit making it in there apartment. Yeah. I'm glad I don't live in an apartment. See that's the problem. You legalize and all these not so bright people start fucking with shit and boom! Thankfully your elderly neighbor in the apartment didn't get blown up but, it scares the bejeesus out of her and now she is scared of and hates marijuana. And so do her sisters. And children. Friends. Siblings. There is a real downside with MJ. It's called the stupid people who also use it.

Google this. Pages of news. https://www.google.com/search?q=bho+explosion+apartment&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari

This is one of the first stories I became aware of a long while back.


We have so many stupid laws because we have so many stupid people. Our stoner brothers are the fuck ups that bring the heat. Don't hate the government it's illegal. Hate the fuck ups. They are a real problem.

Ever wonder how they make these big caboom missile fire works? They actually do have manufacturers in the US. One manufacturer I am aware of sets up little buildings like 100 yards apart or whatevs. Put a person in it to make them. That way when they blow up! Yes they blow up sometimes! Only one building is affected and one person possibly injured or killed. Grandma down stars minding her on business in her own apartment watching Jerry Springer is safe. Just saying. It's a real problem.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
The most telling quote to me...

"Brauchler said there is no doubt that Mexican drug cartels are taking advantage of weaknesses in Colorado’s laws. "

Your boy TRUMP! is going to use that as a pretext to collect all the production under one roof with "People We Know"


I will wager money on it.
That's good, then the black market will rise again..

But honestly that's more of a democrat thing. True republicans believe in small government. Look at Denver's laws as is... All democratic and liberal.

Thank god I don't live there.. We have cows and oil field workers, all republicans.

I'm not for trump honestly, I'm just Anti-Hillary.


Well-Known Member
Did they cancel the Colorado Cannabis Cup? Last I heard it was headed to a land-mine testing yard in Pueblo.
I heard Pebulo said to fuck off..

I don't know, but I get alot of insider news. Our buddy owns a couple warehouses and dispensaries.

Things aren't looking to good right now.. The whole weight/millagram laws are changing. I heard they are doing it by potency and not weight. Right now I can legally drive around with a QP of concentrates on me.. That is all about to change


Well-Known Member
Watch ya 6...just sayin

DTA....don't trust anybody

I like what ur doin though

I wish I had the funds, recourses, etc


Well-Known Member
Well, Like most news, it affects only the people who read it.

Here in Denver, nothing has changed that anyone can notice.

In terms of all politics, if you're not in the 1% nothing is going to change.

Legal bud hasn't changed anything in my eyes. I have no issue selling it , no police issues, etc.

Again, unless you're in the 1% growing entire warehouses or making millions, nothing will change no matter what happens.


Well-Known Member
That's good, then the black market will rise again..

But honestly that's more of a democrat thing. True republicans believe in small government. Look at Denver's laws as is... All democratic and liberal.

Thank god I don't live there.. We have cows and oil field workers, all republicans.

I'm not for trump honestly, I'm just Anti-Hillary.
Uh, yeah. There will be a black market. But it will be interfering with official monopolies that are owned by "people we know". Do you not think that they are capable of finding grow ops? The black market thrived because it it had support from the people who knew that marijuana was not a Schedule 1 drug. For the most part, law enforcement had gotten off it's back. You want to see action? Fuck with the 1%'s livelihood and you will see it. Them bitches may not put you in jail but they will go after everything you own with lawyers. How do you think they got rich and stayed that way?

Look, here is an article about the money behind Ohio's proposed medical maryjane program...
The attempt failed, but they tried to give a monopoly of cannabis production in Ohio to the immortal and conservative money and associated descendants of US President Robert Taft. "Because these are people we know - they'll do a great job. We searched high and low for the best people to do this - and the Taft family is it. We know them... not one cent will reach the Mexican cartels" Sorry, I slipped into TRUMP!ese.

I am on record for loathing Hillary for many reasons. But this is when you have to hold your nose and pick the lesser of two evils. Your comment about true Republicans and small government is laughable. History does not bear it out. They say that, I agree. But I think a true Republican these days is about limiting education in order to keep people gullible enough to buy their crap about "personal liberty". They have spent like fucking mad for no reason other than to pay people off for the last 40 years - and guess what my friend? They are coming for the scraps they left behind that you intend to live on.


Well-Known Member
Well, Like most news, it affects only the people who read it.

Here in Denver, nothing has changed that anyone can notice.

In terms of all politics, if you're not in the 1% nothing is going to change.

Legal bud hasn't changed anything in my eyes. I have no issue selling it , no police issues, etc.

Again, unless you're in the 1% growing entire warehouses or making millions, nothing will change no matter what happens.
Weights are about to change.. As I posted above


Well-Known Member
The most telling quote to me...

"Brauchler said there is no doubt that Mexican drug cartels are taking advantage of weaknesses in Colorado’s laws. "

Your boy TRUMP! is going to use that as a pretext to collect all the production under one roof with "People We Know"


I will wager money on it.

Oh man, I remember a couple years ago a buddy and I were talking about that...I'm willing to bet yes the drug cartels and gangs. .ie: ms13..etc

Those are the dudes that's are probably the top dogs. ..there is some underground shit goin on....there is more than just mmj going through. ...maybe