EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

No but they got a hell of a "Larry the heavy set guard" watching the bank.

And a lot less bank robberies. It probably sucks as much as the rest of that overpopulated shit hole we all escaped from! I'm just saying there's tons of guns there and everyone is doing just fine. FBI statistics prove that there is less crime in States with higher gun ownership rates. There are mass shootings that get prevented occasionally because they didn't take place in gun free zones, and someone happened to be packing and stop the shooter. This happens a lot more than you would think. But since and armed American population is the biggest threat to any type of globalist agenda, we never hear about these things.
And a lot less bank robberies. It probably sucks as much as the rest of that overpopulated shit hole we all escaped from! I'm just saying there's tons of guns there and everyone is doing just fine. FBI statistics prove that there is less crime in States with higher gun ownership rates. There are mass shootings that get prevented occasionally because they didn't take place in gun free zones, and someone happened to be packing and stop the shooter. This happens a lot more than you would think. But since and armed American population is the biggest threat to any type of globalist agenda, we never hear about these things.
You are fucking delusional if you believe all that
Bernie is smart enough to know when to quit. He won't split the party like Trump is doing. Bernie will fully endorse Hillary for president..
if you're gonna vote Green Party you might as well write in Sanders.

stick to your convictions.
If I'm going to throw my vote away, I'd like to render my support to a true leftist party rather than a Bernie Sanders non-starter write-in vote to support a man who will be too old to run next cycle.

My reasoning is that the Democratic Party might be in the process of becoming the Republican Party of old, located center of right. Listening to Hillary kind of reminds me of the rhetoric expressed of maybe not Nixon but other Republicans of that era. Her line about "never universal healthcare" tells me the scourging she and Bill took about 20 years ago changed her mind about the politics of health care. So, a moderate Republican party of old is the new Democratic party, the real conservative party, almost Reaganesque. Maybe, I don't know if this is true and will listen to the rhetoric for a while before I make up my mind.

The Republican party is becoming Fascist, or as I like to say, the new authoritarian right.

This means a split in the Democratic Party is coming with the abandonment of the party by the true liberal left. If so, I want to be a part of that. The Green Party can be that new Liberal leftist party. They are there already. A lot of their platform aligns with my beliefs.
If I'm going to throw my vote away, I'd like to render my support to a true leftist party rather than a Bernie Sanders non-starter write-in vote to support a man who will be too old to run next cycle.

My reasoning is that the Democratic Party might be in the process of becoming the Republican Party of old, located center of right. Listening to Hillary kind of reminds me of the rhetoric expressed of maybe not Nixon but other Republicans of that era. Her line about "never universal healthcare" tells me the scourging she and Bill took about 20 years ago changed her mind about the politics of health care. So, a moderate Republican party of old is the new Democratic party, the real conservative party, almost Reaganesque. Maybe, I don't know if this is true and will listen to the rhetoric for a while before I make up my mind.

The Republican party is becoming Fascist, or as I like to say, the new authoritarian right.

This means a split in the Democratic Party is coming with the abandonment of the party by the true liberal left. If so, I want to be a part of that. The Green Party can be that new Liberal leftist party. They are there already. A lot of their platform aligns with my beliefs.
are you forgetting that the House & Senate are made up of Republicans & Democrats?...I can't see the Green Party gaining majority control of either....
are you forgetting that the House & Senate are made up of Republicans & Democrats?...I can't see the Green Party gaining majority control of either....
Not this year. Whoever thought Trump would have pulled in so many with his fascist rhetoric? If I can't support Hillary, and it is up to her and what she says over the next few months, then I'm going to register my protest by voting Green.
OK Bernie fans it's time to band together and bring down trump. If you thought Hillary was bad, trump would be your worst nightmare. The Democrats need your help in stopping trump. Do the right thing & defeat Trump...
Alternatively, Trump will lose the congress for the GOP. Oppose the sucker. Same way that they did with Obama. Not what I want, but its better than installing another conservative in the White House. My mind isn't made up on Hillary but that's how she seems to me right now.
Nobody knows what he's gonna do.....not even trump......that's the problem......loose cannon

Here`s a clue. He`s gonna get a briefing that`s in progresses, and will do`s. Then his entire stay in the white House is on a strict schedule. He`s not taking control of the ship, he`s taking control of the fleet, ships can still turn this way or that way on him.

Same with Hillary.

That is gonna leave little time for personal thinking. When it comes time for spending, I trust Trump over Hillary.
When it comes time for rules and regulations, I take Trump over Hillary. When it comes time for taxes, I think Trump knows more about who and where than Hillary. When it comes time for tax cuts, Trump and Hillary will be hit by people way smarter than them but with no power over the decisions. Foreign Affairs, Hillary will keep Kerry, Trump will replace him.

To me, the one with the most favors to return, is our worst nightmare. Hillary`s gonna owe a lot.
Good point. Hilary 2016....Call it a right wing conspiracy if you want but the last time I checked, your canidate was being investigated for arming "moderate terrorists"...or what ever the fuck there calling the free syrian army these days.

For all you uneducated idiots, here is a video of former DIA director and LT General Michael Flynn under Obama. On Al Jazeera, he admits he was instructed by his superiors to continue arming the rebels opposed to Assad, even after he voiced his concerns that these rebels were al queda and other extremist sunni groups...aka isis. QUOTE "it was a decision to fund arm isis"

He's not the only one saying it! Don't you people understand that most of the weapons and a lot of the same sunni mercenaries that we used in Libya were being shipped to Syria in 2012 and THAT IS WHY SHE LIED AND SAID BEN GHAZI WAS ABOUT A VIDEO...SHE ADMITTED THIS IN HER TESTIMONY...WHY THERE FUCK WEREN'T YOU PAYING ATTENTION!

Let's not forget the Clinton foundation just happened to get tens of millions in donations from app the countries that later got favorable treatment from the state department. Let's not forget China gate, when bill did the same thing with defense secrets and actually invited chinese officials over for tours!!!

The Republicans talk openly about fucking you with sand. Democrats just use lube and rape you in your sleep.

the losers here can't even understand the connection of money in politics..you think they're gonna get what you just posted?
Sen. Bernie Sanders concedes the Missouri Democratic primary to rival Hillary Clinton, the Associated Press reports.

Burnie is burned out!!!
Not this year. Whoever thought Trump would have pulled in so many with his fascist rhetoric? If I can't support Hillary, and it is up to her and what she says over the next few months, then I'm going to register my protest by voting Green.

Given her track record what could she possibly say to make you vote for her?