The great RIU Conquistador grow '08!


Well-Known Member
I... sure do fucking know how to pick 'em. This sort of thing happens to you a lot, doesn't it? :lol: :-P (I'm ribbin' ya, especially cuz I married the guy I met on the internet, how weird is that?)

I.. you know, it could make for some good humorous non-fiction writing. :D

I have no suggestions at this time for boosting bud size. I'm using molasses, but clearly need to bump something up because my boys are looking better than my girls, and once I fingered 'em they're getting nothing BUT my unfiltered well water. Now the girls will start getting it, too. I'm also brainfarting on something, but it's stuck. Pull my finger.


Well-Known Member
There are alot of different ferts out there to choose from but some are better than others. You can probably ask 5 different people what they use and they will tell you 5 different schedules and types. It also depends on whether you go organic or chemical, hydro or soil will enter in on the dosing too. I know I didnt help but before I stick my foot in my mouth do you consider your cab more hydro or soil?

I like the GH and AN lines but try to stay away from the additives. At the moment Im using Grow more chemicals (30-10-10 [grow] and 12-26-26 [bloom] in soil. I start with very dilute concentrations and ramp them up til I see a little stress then flush and back off a bit. I want to change to organic though so I have been reading seamaidens threads with ohsogreen . . . Im stalking you seamaiden >)

On the organic side I know you can apply phosphate rich bat guano or bat teas with little risk of burn but you also need to add other nutes with them like calcium, potassium and micro nutrients. I was also looking at Humbolt Nutrients (have you heard of these Seamaiden?) which I have a link to their site.

I dont know if I helped or not being I am searching too. Sorry didnt mean to go on and on with no end.

Humboldt Nutrients


Well-Known Member
I know I didnt help but before I stick my foot in my mouth do you consider your cab more hydro or soil?
There are tons of pics of my cab in this thread and lots of discussion of it. Take a look back through the last few pages and that question will be answered tenfold! :)


Well-Known Member
Ok ok. My fault for not remembering. Described as hydro in the begining but I saw a plant with soil inside the cab too so both.


Well-Known Member
he he he...sorry about the boy luck on riu...buncha weirdos....if you want bigger buds get more lights :mrgreen:....and DB likes applejuice


Well-Known Member
What's DB? And is apple juice used in the same way as molasses water?

And yes, I have one plant in my cab in soil and two in an aeroponic reservoir. The one in soil is getting Rainbow Mix Bloom, just like my one outdoor Connie. My question was about additives to the aero plants. Oh, and I wish I could fit more lights in there but I can't -- there was a discussion about that in this very thread! The plants seem quite healthy and happy, though. I just want to know if there's anything I can add to the nute solution to boost the buds. :)

And now for some pics taken with my new Sony Cyber-Shot! Yay macro lens! I'm so excited!



Well-Known Member
Very nice closeup pics LB. You can realy see the girly hairs well. Also your first third and 6th pic show nice nodal groth.

Cab - I read about the cab dimensions and you only have about 30 inches in height right? Is that total space or minus light and areo unit? I havent seen a pic after you have topped but how much room do you actually have to the light at this stage?

As far as bloom bosters, I have not used this but heard good things about it. KaBloom. I know it is high in phospate and potassium which are good bloom enhancers. What I was doing too was reading the Humbolt product description for their bloom solution to get an idea what I needed in a bloom fert additive.


Well-Known Member
I have ZERO room to the light! They're touching it. I topped one of them twice, even. Cab is 30" total in height. Should I cut them back yet again or just try to figure out some way to bend them?? Next time I'll cut the veg time in half; I let them go too long before I put them into flower because I didn't know better.


Well-Known Member
I think you're trying to flower them, right? Now, my boys grew their balls back, but not all the way, so my inexperienced suggestion is to get bondage on 'em again. They'll right themselves. I'm in the market for a portable closet, only one in town is from Walmart, and it's fucking dark blue fabric. I need LIGHT! AZZIZ, LIGHT!! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Yup, they're flowering, as I've been writing about the last few pages of the thread. But they still continue to grow vertically as well, thus the light issues.

Seamaiden, I guess I didn't know that your male plants had somehow LOST their balls...?


Well-Known Member
Cut 'em off, and now had to cut 'em off again because the portable closet Dave got me is dark blue (not good!). Also, I think my clones are all gonna die. After a whole fucking week! Now it's probably too late, even if I could get everything I needed. :cry: I'm gonna go pout.


Well-Known Member
LB - THats what I thought as it looked as though they were up against the light. It must not be hot or they would burn. At this point I would bend them down so you at least have some strech room and to give more of the plant access to light.

One other suggestion but you may not like it . . . take the soil plant out to the outside grow or clone it for veg until the other cab plants are finished then re cab/flower it. Im afraid that the strech will fill the entire cab with plant and less light will penetrate to all parts. If you can remove one (to clone) it will give your remaining plants a better chance of producing more bud. Just a thought to think about.

Seamaiden - can you paint the inside white or is it the outside that your concerned about? Where are your clones that they won't survive?


Well-Known Member
DB is a person...he adds apple juice to his plants and it works very well.....same principle as molasses

here are a couple of pice of the plant I crossed the connie is already a week away from giving me some new seeds....cant wait to grow the cross out and see how it looks:mrgreen:...the short clones you see have not been pollinated....the large ones have been...there are three of them if you can see em



Well-Known Member
greenthumb, the clones are in a plastic bin, recently moved out to the back deck, they've been living in my bathroom and some where starting to yellow, and then the heat made a lot of them wilt. I ended up pulling those ones up last night and they weren't even hinting at roots.

The issue with the portable closet is that I MUST separate my males from the girls, or I won't be able to control whom is pollinated by whom. I don't have an indoor set-up and can't afford to get myself set up just yet. So! my brilliant mind went to working and I realized that many portable closets are made of breathable fabric that keeps the dust and mites and crap out. That means that, unlike vinyl, they'll breathe (yay, breathing!). However, the one Dave got me is dark blue (fabric) and that's going to block too much light. So, I just ordered one from and the fuckers dont' have site-to-store for that product, and I paid for 2-3 day shipping, wanna know what good timing gets you with $15 worth of shipping? A delivery date between one week and one week and a half from now. WHAT THE FUCK? I am not paying for next day, not for a fucking portable closet.

I cut their pollen balls off again. Am I doing the wrong thing, Honkey? I've never bred plants before, so it's a little different from fish and clams and the like in that apparently I have to wait for their BALLS to mature. Nothing else I have ever bred was quite like that. :lol:


Well-Known Member
One other suggestion but you may not like it . . . take the soil plant out to the outside grow or clone it for veg until the other cab plants are finished then re cab/flower it. Im afraid that the strech will fill the entire cab with plant and less light will penetrate to all parts. If you can remove one (to clone) it will give your remaining plants a better chance of producing more bud. Just a thought to think about.
I've definitely thought about that! My one outdoor female is starting to flower now so I'm wondering if the soil plant would continue if I moved it outside, or if it would be too much shock. I thought about topping the aero ones again but you're not supposed to do that once they start flowering, right?


Well-Known Member
Jesus Christ, they have "new" rules about that, too. Some kid named bleezy bitched about someone else (posted his pm's), and I'm not sure, but I think the guy got banned.

Honestly, that sounds schizophrenic, and I am being literal here.


Well-Known Member
Okay, I deleted it from my post, thanks. I don't want to get banned over this. Suffice it to say that I'm getting some seriously bizarre, VERY nonsensical PMs.

I just did the most fucked up thing ever -- I BROKE ONE OF MY CAB PLANTS!!! I tried to LST the one in soil and the second I bent it (not much, either, just barely), the stem snapped about 4" from the soil. I literally shrieked. I dipped the top in rooting hormone and put it in soil outdoors. I also put the bottom 4" of stalk outdoors and moved my one remaining A/MK into the cab. It's still fairly short. Let's just hope to god it's a girl. The top of the one I broke (that I put into soil) is totally wilted now. Does that happen when you take clones? They wilt at first and then they come back?

Dammit, I'm PISSED. If the thing dies or turns hermie I'm gonna scream.

In other news, it LOOKS like the SMS I have outside might be a girl. She's not getting hairs yet, but she's not getting balls either, and given that all my males showed early, I'm crossing my fingers. She just got a big ol' heapin' helpin' of the Rainbow Mix Bloom so let's hope she shows soon.


Well-Known Member
Since you guys are peeing in the gene pool and running before you can even walk I thought some data might be helpful.

allele - An alternative form of a gene, located on corresponding loci of homologous chromosomes. They have different effects on the same trait or development processes and can mutate, one to the other.

They may affect the phenotype quantitatively or qualitatively. >Note: In a population, many different alleles may reside at a particular locus; in a single diploid plant though, a maximum of 2 different alleles are possible at any one locus.

allele frequency ( gene frequency) - The frequency of the occurrence of a particular allele in relation to the frequency of all the alleles at that locus in a given population.

allozyme - enzymes differing in electrophoretic mobility (i.e., which migrate different distances through the substrate when an electrophoresis test is performed) as a result of allelic differences in a single gene; allozyme variation thus indicates genetic variation. One of the oldest lab tests for genetic analysis.

autochthonous - "sprung from the earth," native to a particular region from a very early time. The Siberian sled dog is an autochthonous dog in Siberia. (Pronounced "aw-TOC-thun-us.")

autosome - A typical chromosome rather than a sex chromosome.
10.breeding: The propagation and genetic manipulation by hybridization or deliberate self-crossing of plants, for the purpose of selecting improved offspring.

breeding value - The value of an individual as defined by the mean value of its progeny. It is equal to the sum of the average effects of the genes it carries, derived from the sum of the effects of pairs of alleles at each locus and over all loci.

chromosomes - structures within the nuclei of living cells which are made up of nucleotide sequences, the biochemical information carriers which we call genes. All genes exist as tiny portions of chromosomes; although we may speak of particular genes individually, in isolation, they do not exist as separate entities, but are always found as subunits of chromosomes.

codominance (partial dominance, or incomplete dominance) - A type of gene action, which results in the heterozygote showing the phenotypic effects of both alleles. >Note: Its a basic genetic premise that any two alleles at a locus may show from 'complete dominance' through to 'no dominance'.(codominance)

correlated response - A change in one character(phenotype) occurring as an incidental consequence of selection for a seemingly independent character, i.e. where different traits are controlled by the same gene(s) or conditions, e.g. the various responses to low temperatures on different traits, would be correlated.

crossing over - The mutual exchange of corresponding segments between chromatids of homologous chromosomes, during meiotic prophase, which results in the recombination of linked genes.

cytoplasm - All the material between the nuclear membrane and the cell wall. i.e. the protoplasm excluding the nucleus. > Note: inheritance of cytoplasmic genes is yet to be explored by DC breeders, and may hold much valuable information related to pest and pathogen resistance, sex linkage, adaptation.

deleterious · harmful or injurious.

diploid - the body cells of most complex animal organisms such as birds and mammals all have their chromosomes in pairs derived from sexual reproduction, such that one chromosome of a pair comes from the father, the other from the mother. The sex cells from only one parent have only half the number of chromosomes of cells in other parts of the body: the normal chromosome number is known as the diploid number, the chromosome number of sperm and egg cells is called the haploid number.

disequilibrium - imbalance or instability.

dominant - said of an allele which by itself alone will produce a particular phenotype regardless of which other allele may be present on the other matching chromosome of the diploid pair; thus it takes only one copy of the chromosome to cause a dominant trait to be expressed in the phenotype.

electrophoresis - one of the most useful lab techniques for revealing genetic variation. which came into widespread use in the 1960s. It involves placing sample material (blood, e.g.) on a gel substrate. An electrical field is then applied between the two ends of the substrate, causing protein molecules to migrate through the gel. Proteins with different ionic charge will travel different distances across the substrate. Staining subsequently makes bands of protein in the substrate visible, so that various samples can be "read" in much the same manner as a supermarket bar coded label.

elite germplasm - Germplasm that has been manipulated for use in a breeding program, such as advanced-, inbred-, or pure lines.

endosperm - Triploid tissue which develops from the fusion of a sperm nucleus with the two polar nuclei of the embryo sac.

epistasis - Interallelic interactions between two or more loci that control the expression of a character.

expression - not all genes possessed by an organism will result in detectable physical traits or differences in that organism; the genes that do are expressed. Dominant genes are always expressed, but recessive genes may be present for many generations without physical expression in the phenotype.

fecundity - the number of progeny produced by animals when reproducing.

fertility - the relative degree of reproductive success, i.e. the frequency with which mating is followed by pregnancy.

fitness, Darwinian fitness: The relative probability of survival and reproduction of a genotype or species.

gametes - the sex cells of sexually reproducing organisms, i.e. spermatozoa and ova.

genetic diversity - The range of a genepool; the amount of genetic variation present in a population or species as a consequence of its evolutionary pathways. >Note: Improved genetic combinations depend on genetic diversity. A population with only slight variation can only be slightly improved. Outcrosses are made to increase genetic diversity in a line, cultivar or population.

genetic drift - Deviation from the population mean due to the limited size of a sample. The random fluctuation of gene frequencies in a population from generation to generation due to significant chance factors rather than natural selection. It is most apparent in small, isolated populations.

genome - the total genetic information possessed by an individual, a breed or a species.

genotype - the invisible genetic makeup of an individual organism, which includes alleles which may be recessive and therefore have no visible physical expression.

half-sib: Progeny with only one common parent.>Note: full-sibs are individuals that have both parents in common.

heritability - The capacity of a character to be inherited; the proportion of the phenotypic variance which is due to genetic effects; h^2.

heterosis, hybrid vigor: The increase with respect to one or more of size, yield and performance, found in some heterozygous genotypes by comparison with either homozygous parent.

heterotypic - displaying different types. A breed which has more than one distinct and recognizable set of "type" characteristics is heterotypic.

heterozygote - an organism that possesses different alleles at a given gene locus.

heterozygous - possessing different alleles at a given gene locus.

holistic - relating to or focussing on the entirety of a thing or an organism and the interrelationship of its component parts, instead of emphasizing different aspects or parts in isolation without considering their interactions.

homozygote - an organism that possesses identical alleles at a given gene locus.

homozygous - Having identical alleles at corresponding loci on homologous chromosomes. i.e. AA, aa, A1A1, or A2A2. > Note: The term "fixed" refers to a locus that is homozygous in an entire population

hybrid: The progeny of genetically dissimilar parents; a heterozygote

inbred line (IBL) - A line produced by at least five generations of sequential inbreeding, self fertilization or backcrossing accompanied by selection within and between lines so that the individuals are considered to be homozygous, or nearly so.

inbreeding coefficient - a number used to quantify the probability that an organism will have identical alleles from the same ancestral source, usually computed by analyzing the pedigree for "loops" in which the same ancestor is found on both the male and female sides of a mating.

lethal - likely to cause or capable of causing the death of an organism. A lethal gene is one which could either cause an aborted fetus or the death of the organism at some later stage of its life.

landrace - An early cultivated form of a crop species, evolved from a wild population.

locus (pl. loci) - the physical location of a given gene on a particular chromosome.

maternal inheritance, matrillinear inheritance - certain traits controlled by genetic factors in the cytoplasm and transmitted to the offspring only from the seed parent.

meiosis - the kind of cell division which produces spermatozoa and ova or gametes and which reduces the chromosome number to half the normal complement.

microsatellite - a kind of DNA testing which detects short DNA sequence variations at particular highly variable sites; used in so-called "DNA fingerprinting."

mutation - A sudden variation in the hereditary material of a cell, due to changes in either gene(s) or chromosome(s).

phenotypic - The observable(structural and functional) characters of an organism due to the interaction between genotype and environment. >Note: the phenotype does not always represent the genotype. There are numerous reasons for this including epistasis, dominance, and polygenes.

plasticity, plastic response: Morphological and physiological changes, in the expression of an individual’s genotype, caused by environmental factors.

pleiotropy, pleiotropic effect:The effect of an allele or gene that affects several traits at the same time.

polymorphism - difference or variation in form, diversity. Molecular geneticists study protein polymorphism, different forms of proteins in an organism indicating different alleles. Polymorphism studies show that from 20 to 50 percent of gene loci in most species have two or more allele forms. recessive - a gene which contributes to the phenotype only if it is present in homozygous form. It takes two identical copies of a recessive gene to produce the trait it governs in the phenotype. In practice many genes are neither clearly dominant nor recessive, in which case geneticists speak of variable expressivity or incomplete penetrance.

polyploid - An organism with more than 2 sets of chromosomes in its body cells. >Note: Seek to understand these associated terms: allopolyploid,autopolyploid,aneuploid,tetraploid,t riploid,diploid,haploid.

quantitative variation - This term is loosely synonymous with continuous variation - continuous variation caused by polygenes. >Note: Most of the traits of focus in the drug cultivar genepoool are quantitative. Seek to understand the difference between qualitative and quantitative variation/characters.

RFLP - "restriction fragment length polymorphism" -- a DNA analysis technique which involves the use of enzymes to break the DNA chain at specific nucleotide sequences: the resulting "restriction fragments" are then analyzed by the use of electrophoresis and blotting techniques. RFLPs are used as markers for known genetic traits and can be employed for genome mapping.

recurrent parent - The name of the parent to which a hybrid is crossed in a backcross.

selection - Any process, natural or artificial, which permits an increase in the proportion of certain genotypes or groups of genotypes in succeeding generations, usually at the expense of other genotypes.

stigma - The portion of the pistil which receives pollen in pollination.

sublethal - having known deleterious effects which by themselves will not usually cause the death of the organism but which handicap it in some way. Several sublethal genes may nevertheless combine to form a "lethal equivalent."

subvital - having known effects which work to reduce the overall vitality and health ofthe organism.

typology - the study of types or groups of distinguishing characteristics. Typological thinking involves emphasis on visible superficial characteristics, often mere cosmetic traits which have little to do with the health and viability of the animal possessing them.

variance(V), sample variance (s^2): The sum of the squared deviations about the MEAN. >Note: the sum of the squared deviations is divided by “n” for variance, and divided by “n-1” for Sample variance.)
The square root of variance is known as standard deviation.

viability - the relative survivorship of the fertilized ova resulting from a reproductive event. Nonviability may involve ova which simply fail to develop, fetuses which abort, nestlings which die or juveniles which fail to survive to maturity.

xenia - A phenotypically evident effect of the pollen genotype on the character of the endosperm or embryo. >Note: Although xenia is NOT phenotypically evident when expressed within a thick opaque seedcoat, (as with cannabis), exploring xenia for educational purposes will lead you to much data about pollen, pollination, and endosperm.

*nearly all the definitions are taken directly from Elsevier’s Dictionary of Plant Genetic Resources. 1991 ISBN0444889590


Well-Known Member
This is a great study on how things work.

If we mate two individuals that are heterozygous (e.g., Bb) for a trait, we find that
25% of their offspring are homozygous for the dominant allele (BB)
50% are heterozygous like their parents (Bb) and
25% are homozygous for the recessive allele (bb) and thus, unlike their parents, express the recessive phenotype.
This is what Mendel found when he crossed monohybrids [Link]. It occurs because
Meiosis separates the two alleles of each heterozygous parent so that 50% of the gametes will carry one allele and 50% the other.
When the gametes are brought together at random, each B (or -carrying egg will have a 1 in 2 probability of being fertilized by a sperm carrying B (or . (Left table)
Results of random union of the two gametes produced by two individuals, each heterozygous for a given trait. As a result of meiosis, half the gametes produced by each parent with carry allele B; the other half allele b. Results of random union of the gametes produced by an entire population with a gene pool containing 80% B and 20% b.
0.5 B 0.5 b 0.8 B 0.2 b
0.5 B 0.25 BB 0.25 Bb 0.8 B 0.64 BB 0.16 Bb
0.5 b 0.25 Bb 0.25 bb 0.2 b 0.16 Bb 0.04 bb

But the frequency of two alleles in an entire population of organisms is unlikely to be exactly the same. Let us take as a hypothetical case, a population of hamsters in which
80% of all the gametes in the population carry a dominant allele for black coat ( and
20% carry the recessive allele for gray coat (.
Random union of these gametes (right table) will produce a generation:
64% homozygous for BB (0.8 x 0.8 = 0.64)
32% Bb heterozygotes (0.8 x 0.2 x 2 = 0.32)
4% homozygous (bb) for gray coat (0.2 x 0.2 = 0.04)
So 96% of this generation will have black coats; only 4% gray coats.
Will gray coated hamsters eventually disappear?

No. Let's see why not.
All the gametes formed by BB hamsters will contain allele B as will
one-half the gametes formed by heterozygous (Bb) hamsters.
So, 80% (0.64 + .5*0.32) of the pool of gametes formed by this generation with contain B.
All the gametes of the gray (bb) hamsters (4%) will contain b but
one-half of the gametes of the heterozygous hamsters will as well.
So 20% (0.04 + .5*0.32) of the gametes will contain b.
So we have duplicated the initial situation exactly. The proportion of allele b in the population has remained the same. The heterozygous hamsters ensure that each generation will contain 4% gray hamsters.

Now let us look at an algebraic analysis of the same problem using the expansion of the binomial (p+q)2.
(p+q)2 = p2 + 2pq + q2
The total number of genes in a population is its gene pool.
Let p represent the frequency of one gene in the pool and q the frequency of its single allele.
So, p + q = 1
p2 = the fraction of the population homozygous for p
q2 = the fraction homozygous for q
2pq = the fraction of heterozygotes
In our example, p = 0.8, q = 0.2, and thus
(0.8 + 0.2)2 = (0.8)2 + 2(0.8)(0.2) + (0.2)2 = 064 + 0.32 + 0.04
The algebraic method enables us to work backward as well as forward. In fact, because we chose to make B fully dominant, the only way that the frequency of B and b in the gene pool could be known is by determining the frequency of the recessive phenotype (gray) and computing from it the value of q.

q2 = 0.04, so q = 0.2, the frequency of the b allele in the gene pool. Since p + q = 1, p = 0.8 and allele B makes up 80% of the gene pool. Because B is completely dominant over b, we cannot distinguish the Bb hamsters from the BB ones by their phenotype. But substituting in the middle term (2pq) of the expansion gives the percentage of heterozygous hamsters. 2pq = (2)(0.8)(0.2) = 0.32

So, recessive genes do not tend to be lost from a population no matter how small their representation.

So long as certain conditions are met (to be discussed next),
gene frequencies and genotype ratios in a randomly-breeding population remain constant from generation to generation.
This is known as the Hardy-Weinberg law in honor of the two men who first realized the significance of the binomial expansion to population genetics and hence to evolution.

Evolution involves changes in the gene pool. A population in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium shows no change. What the law tells us is that populations are able to maintain a reservoir of variability so that if future conditions require it, the gene pool can change. If recessive alleles were continually tending to disappear, the population would soon become homozygous. Under Hardy-Weinberg conditions, genes that have no present selective value will nonetheless be retained.
When the Hardy-Weinberg Law Fails to Apply
To see what forces lead to evolutionary change, we must examine the circumstances in which the Hardy-Weinberg law may fail to apply. There are five:
gene migration
genetic drift
nonrandom mating
natural selection
The frequency of gene B and its allele b will not remain in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium if the rate of mutation of B -> b (or vice versa) changes.

Link to Mutations
By itself, mutation probably plays only a minor role in evolution; the rates are simply too low.
But evolution absolutely depends on mutations because this is the only way that new alleles are created. After being shuffled in various combinations with the rest of the gene pool, these provide the raw material on which natural selection can act.

Gene Migration
Many species are made up of local populations whose members tend to breed within the group. Each local population can develop a gene pool distinct from that of other local populations.

However, members of one population may breed with occasional immigrants from an adjacent population of the same species. This can introduce new genes or alter existing gene frequencies in the residents.
In many plants and some animals, gene migration can occur not only between subpopulations of the same species but also between different (but still related) species. This is called hybridization. If the hybrids later breed with one of the parental types, new genes are passed into the gene pool of that parent population. This process, is called introgression. It is simply gene migration between species rather than within them.

In either case, gene immigration increases the variability of the gene pool.

Genetic Drift
As we have seen, interbreeding often is limited to the members of local populations. If the population is small, Hardy-Weinberg may be violated. Chance alone may eliminate certain members out of proportion to their numbers in the population. In such cases, the frequency of an allele may begin to drift toward higher or lower values. Ultimately, the allele may represent 100% of the gene pool or, just as likely, disappear from it.
Drift produces evolutionary change, but there is no guarantee that the new population will be more fit than the original one. Evolution by drift is aimless, not adaptive.

Nonrandom Mating
One of the cornerstones of the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium is that mating in the population must be random. If individuals (usually females) are choosy in their selection of mates the gene frequencies may become altered. Darwin called this sexual selection.

Nonrandom mating seems to be quite common. Breeding territories, courtship displays, "pecking orders" can all lead to it. In each case certain individuals do not get to make their proportionate contribution to the next generation.

Assortative mating
Humans seldom mate at random preferring phenotypes like themselves (e.g., size, age, ethnicity). This is called assortative mating.

Marriage between close relatives is a special case of assortative mating. The closer the kinship, the more alleles shared and the greater the degree of inbreeding. Inbreeding can alter the gene pool. This is because it predisposes to homozygosity. Potentially harmful recessive alleles - invisible in the parents - become exposed to the forces of natural selection in the children.
It turns out that many species - plants as well as animals - have mechanisms be which they avoid inbreeding. Examples:

Link to discussion of self-incompatibiity in plants.
Male mice use olfactory cues to discriminate against close relatives when selecting mates. The preference is learned in infancy - an example of imprinting. The distinguishing odors are
controlled by the MHC alleles of the mice;
detected by the vomeronasal organ (VNO).
Natural Selection
If individuals having certain genes are better able to produce mature offspring than those without them, the frequency of those genes will increase. This is simple expressing Darwin's natural selection in terms of alterations in the gene pool. (Darwin knew nothing of genes.) Natural selection results from
differential mortality and/or
differential fecundity.
Mortality Selection
Certain genotypes are less successful than others in surviving through to the end of their reproductive period.

The evolutionary impact of mortality selection can be felt anytime from the formation of a new zygote to the end (if there is one) of the organism's period of fertility. Mortality selection is simply another way of describing Darwin's criteria of fitness: survival. Link to an example of powerful mortality selection in a human population causing a marked deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.

Fecundity Selection
Certain phenotypes (thus genotypes) may make a disproportionate contribution to the gene pool of the next generation by producing a disproportionate number of young. Such fecundity selection is another way of describing another criterion of fitness described by Darwin: family size.
In each of these examples of natural selection certain phenotypes are better able than others to contribute their genes to the next generation. Thus, by Darwin's standards, they are more fit. The outcome is a gradual change in the gene frequencies in that population.

Calculating the Effect of Natural Selection on Gene Frequencies.
The effect of natural selection on gene frequencies can be quantified. Let us assume a population containing
36% homozygous dominants (AA)
48% heterozygotes (Aa) and
16% homozygous recessives (aa)
The gene frequencies in this population are
p = 0.6 and q = 0.4
The heterozygotes are just as successful at reproducing themselves as the homozygous dominants, but the homozygous recessives are only 80% as successful. That is, for every 100 AA (or aa) individuals that reproduce successfully only 80 of the aa individuals succeed in doing so. The fitness (w) of the recessive phenotype is thus 80% or 0.8.
Their relative disadvantage can also be expressed as a selection coefficient, s, where

s = 1 − w
In this case, s = 1 − 0.8 = 0.2.
The change in frequency of the dominant allele (Äp) after one generation is expressed by the equation

s p0 q02
Äp = __________
1 - s q02

where p0 and q0 are the initial frequencies of the dominant and recessive alleles respectively. Substituting, we get

(0.2)(0.6)(0.4)2 0.019
Äp = ________________ = ______ = 0.02
1 − (0.2)(0.4)2 0.968
So, in one generation, the frequency of allele A rises from its initial value of 0.6 to 0.62 and that of allele a declines from 0.4 to 0.38 (q = 1 − p).
The new equilibrium produces a population of

38.4% homozygous dominants (an increase of 2.4%) (p2 = 0.384)
47.1% heterozygotes (a decline of 0.9%)(2pq = 0.471) and
14.4% homozygous recessives (a decline of 1.6%)(q2 = 0.144)
If the fitness of the homozygous recessives continues unchanged, the calculations can be reiterated for any number of generations. If you do so, you will find that although the frequency of the recessive genotype declines, the rate at which a is removed from the gene pool declines; that is, the process becomes less efficient at purging allele a. This is because when present in the heterozygote, a is protected from the effects of selection.