Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
There was a contractor hired by border patrol in san diego....if i remeber correctly...ahwile ago...anyways he was tasked to build some border fencing and walls. Got in big trouble for hiring illegal workers to build it. The irony.


Well-Known Member
Cool. Yeah I hate my grandfather and ancestors because they are black and native and we're slaves and went to reservations and we're killed and slaughtered. You know what, you're racist and I bet black people make you really uncomfortable. Are you going to the riu BBQ? I'll bring some of my black friends and you can call me racist there all you want. And you can see how they really feel about that. I'm blocking you now because I get the feeling you really are racist and this is a cop out to make it easier for you to deal with by being pc and calling others racist. Hope to see ya there!
tell us more about how rawn pawl and donald trump appeal to you because you're totally not racist.


Well-Known Member
Borders are controlled with laws not walls.

11 million illegal , That stole our jobs, hmm damn shame we didn't just hand out temporary SS cards w/work or immigration as an option, generating tax revenue while earning citizenship here in the States. After all they are still here and coming.

It would then be too hard to hire some one for less then min. wage.

Well thats not good for Corp bottom line.


Well-Known Member
How many miles would the wall be? 2000? What about giving 2000 more people a job and putting them 1 mile apart in a guard tower. You'd easily be able to see the 1mile in all directions. Ramp up border security if the wall isn't the answer. Either way, secure the borders. That needs to be done.


Well-Known Member
Borders are controlled with laws not walls.

11 million illegal , That stole our jobs, hmm damn shame we didn't just hand out temporary SS cards w/work or immigration as an option, generating tax revenue while earning citizenship here in the States. After all they are still here and coming.

It would then be too hard to hire some one for less then min. wage.

Well thats not good for Corp bottom line.
Illegals do generate billions of taxes that are never collected, through the payroll.


Well-Known Member
To add, it's the people hiring them who are at fault, it's greed as I mentioned earlier, they want low paying employees that work harder than an American, but the same people hiring them are the ones talking about sending them back, it's hypocritical.
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