Hate to say it...

Any suggestions?
I'm planning my next 5x5 personal garden and would like to get some variety.

looks good. wish I could sample. all of my previous crops had good looking pics, but once sampled, nothing I would ever pay for. but I highly doubt the cuts I grew were legit.

I tried that moxie live resin you show. I like the idea, but seem to find cured shatter more potent. But I'm brand knew to this side.
Yeah that stuff is pretty good too.20160317_184315.jpg
And now you're saying it looks good, but you still don't think it's legit? Why even ask people to post pics then? You knew you couldn't sample the pic.
That is OG champ
And now you're saying it looks good, but you still don't think it's legit? Why even ask people to post pics then? You knew you couldn't sample the pic.
That is OG champ
Actually I didn't say post pics, I just said that I would love to see what you could come up with, but I wasn't explicit enough in not mentioning that I meant actual flowers and that I didn't think it could actually happen (unless I visit your area).
I hope yours is legit, so that whenever I get to wherever you are I won't have to smoke that common haystack.
Michigan if you really do want to visit.I'm sure there are quite a few cities that have crap all over the place though.
I know it's hard to take somebody's word over the internet, especially about cannabis. But I know my shit and I know the real deal when I smoke it. Trust me, I remember the days when the best shit got shipped out here from cali and we were getting ass raped for it, but times have changed.
I would just love to see what most of you could come up with in an absurdly generous timeframe such as 24 hours. That would say a lot.
This whole conversation got so far away from where I started, which was a statement of fact (albeit one that many dudes won't accept). A lot of people think they get the bomb bud, but in my experiences with visiting here and there, it's just no so for most of these people.
If you visit, perhaps I can suggest some places to check out... Dm me
Perhaps "the bomb" was plentiful everywhere you went, but people just don't like you?
Actually I didn't say post pics, I just said that I would love to see what you could come up with, but I wasn't explicit enough in not mentioning that I meant actual flowers and that I didn't think it could actually happen (unless I visit your area).
I hope yours is legit, so that whenever I get to wherever you are I won't have to smoke that common haystack.
I'm thinking that guy won't give you any of his stash, either.
I've grown indoor and outdoor, built my led Cree cxb3590 bars, have a pair sgs160 area 51's, used quality nutes, perfect monitored and controlled temps and humidity....

None of this matters if you don't have access to the right genetics. Your flowers can look high times worthy while you are growing them, but if your strain aint right, when you get to smoking you'll see that the time, care and procedures were just a lot of spinning your own wheels.

Side note: Most people aren't dealing with good weed, no matter what they believe. Most outside of LA don't like to hear that, sorry about that.

I don't have any other experiences in the last ten years, I'm a closet smoker / grower med patient that has grown maybe 50-60 strains over the years and haven't tried other strains grown by anybody except for the time I ran out and had to sneak to Cali to buy from a dispensary. I didn't think their stuff was any better and the prices were 10X higher than I could grow it so no, fuck it. One of the strains (Casey Jones) contained so much fert residue that was so thick the shit made me puke. I never went back. I'm happy with my weed for the price but would really enjoy trying others if the price wasn't so ridiculous. I'm guessing I'm growing average weed but since I'm old I've kinda lost any ego about it. If I was a youngster I'd probably be beating my chest saying that it was the finest ha-ha.
I don't have any other experiences in the last ten years, I'm a closet smoker / grower med patient that has grown maybe 50-60 strains over the years and haven't tried other strains grown by anybody except for the time I ran out and had to sneak to Cali to buy from a dispensary. I didn't think their stuff was any better and the prices were 10X higher than I could grow it so no, fuck it. One of the strains (Casey Jones) contained so much fert residue that was so thick the shit made me puke. I never went back. I'm happy with my weed for the price but would really enjoy trying others if the price wasn't so ridiculous. I'm guessing I'm growing average weed but since I'm old I've kinda lost any ego about it. If I was a youngster I'd probably be beating my chest saying that it was the finest ha-ha.
I'm with this guy, dispensary weed is only ok and it's so over priced. Most dispensaries just grow for the money so it's not very good you got to want to put the work, and time in.
Yeah Colorado has bunk green/strains WTFE!

So if I ordered seeds from a seedbank and grew them in Cali they would be better because of it?? Get off your high horse.

The thing is its hard to get good strain in Co. Because of their laws of all seeds and plants cannot leave the state and cannot enter the state. The majority of grows out there are commercial grows being done by people who don't know the first thing about growing. Even if they do get good genetics they don't know how to grow. And most of those growers could care less about the quality. All they see is the money coming in.

Even rare dankness seeds is based in CO and they have shitty genetics. Their claim to fame is scotts og. That's a horrible a strain. Only 1 out of 20 phenos is decent. The rest are just ......

It's a fact that most of the weed in Co of were in Cali would end up in compost piles. There's a lot of shitty weed here too. My buddy grows great genetics. They just have no taste or smell. It's just the synthetic nutes he uses. I will only smoke what I grow. I have another friend everything he grows all smells and tastes like train wreck. I think it's the plant tone nutes he uses. But theres a lot more people here after high quality than in co.
The thing is its hard to get good strain in Co. Because of their laws of all seeds and plants cannot leave the state and cannot enter the state. The majority of grows out there are commercial grows being done by people who don't know the first thing about growing. Even if they do get good genetics they don't know how to grow. And most of those growers could care less about the quality. All they see is the money coming in.

Even rare dankness seeds is based in CO and they have shitty genetics. Their claim to fame is scotts og. That's a horrible a strain. Only 1 out of 20 phenos is decent. The rest are just ......

It's a fact that most of the weed in Co of were in Cali would end up in compost piles. There's a lot of shitty weed here too. My buddy grows great genetics. They just have no taste or smell. It's just the synthetic nutes he uses. I will only smoke what I grow. I have another friend everything he grows all smells and tastes like train wreck. I think it's the plant tone nutes he uses. But theres a lot more people here after high quality than in co.
Do you have a source to the facts? Just curious. The point is the arrogance that cali is the be all and end all is BS.
Do you have a source to the facts? Just curious. The point is the arrogance that cali is the be all and end all is BS.

No just experience . Been to a lot of dispensaries. In denver, Fort Collins, evergreen and Breckenridge. We ended up walking out of most without grabbing anything. The quality is so bad. Worst then most of the cali dispensaries. Those are not that good either. Humboldt County produces shitty weed now too. It's not like it used to be. The best weed in Cali comes from Socal organic growers.

The only good I've seen in Co was one dispensary that had solventless wax made by Nikka t. It was too expensive for us at the time. So didn't get it

I've grown scotts og before. I know several other people who have too.
The thing is its hard to get good strain in Co. Because of their laws of all seeds and plants cannot leave the state and cannot enter the state. The majority of grows out there are commercial grows being done by people who don't know the first thing about growing. Even if they do get good genetics they don't know how to grow. And most of those growers could care less about the quality. All they see is the money coming in.

Even rare dankness seeds is based in CO and they have shitty genetics. Their claim to fame is scotts og. That's a horrible a strain. Only 1 out of 20 phenos is decent. The rest are just ......

It's a fact that most of the weed in Co of were in Cali would end up in compost piles. There's a lot of shitty weed here too. My buddy grows great genetics. They just have no taste or smell. It's just the synthetic nutes he uses. I will only smoke what I grow. I have another friend everything he grows all smells and tastes like train wreck. I think it's the plant tone nutes he uses. But theres a lot more people here after high quality than in co.
You think scotts og is their best? From my limited experience I liked the ghost train haze#1 better than the scotts og, way more flavors and more sativa.
You think scotts og is their best? From my limited experience I liked the ghost train haze#1 better than the scotts og, way more flavors and more sativa.

I didn't say I think it's their best. I said it's their claim to fame. Scotts og is Scotts pride and joy. Scott is the owner / breeder of rare dankness
No just experience . Been to a lot of dispensaries. In denver, Fort Collins, evergreen and Breckenridge. We ended up walking out of most without grabbing anything. The quality is so bad. Worst then most of the cali dispensaries. Those are not that good either. Humboldt County produces shitty weed now too. It's not like it used to be. The best weed in Cali comes from Socal organic growers.

The only good I've seen in Co was one dispensary that had solventless wax made by Nikka t. It was too expensive for us at the time. So didn't get it

I've grown scotts og before. I know several other people who have too.
I wasn't talking about dispensary product. I didnt think OP was either. Dispensary stuff is mediocre a lot of times. It doesn't mean some of the strains aren't solid. I don't grow the "colorado" strains only because I like to do my own thing and like variety. The only real good stuff I have smoked has been Lavender and Bubba White from dispensaries here. My shit beats most anything I have seen or tried from dispensaries. For me the only reason to go to a dispensary is if friends are in town, or to get something unique, or cheap coils for my wifes vape pen. Or if I am thinking about growing a strain that I haven't tried.
I wasn't talking about dispensary product. I didnt think OP was either. Dispensary stuff is mediocre a lot of times. It doesn't mean some of the strains aren't solid. I don't grow the "colorado" strains only because I like to do my own thing and like variety. The only real good stuff I have smoked has been Lavender and Bubba White from dispensaries here. My shit beats most anything I have seen or tried from dispensaries. For me the only reason to go to a dispensary is if friends are in town, or to get something unique, or cheap coils for my wifes vape pen. Or if I am thinking about growing a strain that I haven't tried.

I was visiting friends I'm from cali. . The only growers one of them knew ran a delivery service and didn't know shit either. One friend there used to grow. I taught him. He travels so much for his job as a geologist for a drilling or mining companies he didn't have time to take care of them especially after his girlfriend at the time killed them off while he was out of town So all.we had was the dispensaries. Most of them were pretty pretty bad
I was visiting friends I'm from cali. . The only growers one of them knew ran a delivery service and didn't know shit either. One friend there used to grow. I taught him. He travels so much for his job as a geologist for a drilling or mining companies he didn't have time to take care of them especially after his girlfriend at the time killed them off while he was out of town So all.we had was the dispensaries. Most of them were pretty pretty bad
I agree.