Donald Trump

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Everybody should boycott the Megyn Kelly show," Trump tweeted. "She is sick and the most overrated person on TV."

Who , in their right mind, could believe a talking asshole like this deserves support?

By "sick" he means she neutered him.
Can't wait to see Clinton destroy Trump in the debates. She's going to make him take clear, unambiguous sides on issues. His "It'll be tremendous! We're going to make such a great deal!" bullshit won't fly. He's been pandering to trying to collect independents on the campaign trail by saying shit like he supports universal health care, watch what happens when she pounds him on that
I'll bet trump ducks the debates.....
Hopefully it starts on time. I'm not sure if sheriff Joe is done arresting all the rabble-rousers. If he picks up and body slams a protester, that would so freaking awesome. More than 3 taken to jail so far. Are you ready for the biggest show on the planet?

Hey GOP, Check this shit out. A protester wearing a KKK hat gets a beat down by a black man at the rally. Fuck , that had to leave a mark.
But, since it's a Trump rally, this will obviously not be televised, had it been any others rally, well, you know the drill.
See man, this is why conservative cries about rights is a joke. In one breath you complain that your klan meetings get shut down because of protesters, denying you of your 1st amendment rights, then in the next you openly advocate for committing violence against protesters for exercising their 1st amendment rights..

In one breath, Donald Trump says he'll pay the legal fees of people who get arrested for committing violence, in the next he says he never said that!

Hypocritical inconsistency won't win the white house
So Hilary hasn't a chance?
If you want to know which states issue drivers lisences to criminal illegals, then look it up for yourself.

so people who enter the country illegally don't dare to drive without a license now?

wow, your body is so fat that it seems to be cutting off oxygen to your brain.

Your ideas are too far out there for a civil discussion.

says the guy who quoted niggermania.
Can't wait to see Clinton destroy Trump in the debates. She's going to make him take clear, unambiguous sides on issues. His "It'll be tremendous! We're going to make such a great deal!" bullshit won't fly. He's been pandering to trying to collect independents on the campaign trail by saying shit like he supports universal health care, watch what happens when she pounds him on that
He has supported universal healthcare for years. She tried to pound Bernie on that and made a fool of herself.
So the vast majority of Americans?
It's true, but not just for Trump, it's for all candidates voters. Especially hillarys. It seems about 1/2 of all the candidates voters have a hs diploma or less. But more voters that are educated vote for the left as well, something like 1million more votes for hillary than donald has atm. It doesn't mean much, as I mentioned earlier, many Americans didn't go to college, they chose other paths. Also, a college degree just means you're educated in a certain category, most basic college courses are no different than high school classes. It doesn't mean your stupid if you don't go to college, and it doesn't mean you're smart if you do.
what better place to get under your skin? So easy.

if i were a dozen cheeseburgers, i could get under your skin too.


This country needs Trump so bad.

isn't that what the KKK is saying as well?
Anyone wearing a kkk Hat should get that treatment imo, kkk lives do NOT matter. I'd had done the same.

all talk.

you and the KKK support the same candidate, spew the same rhetoric, and say the same stupid shit.

there is literally no difference between a klansman and you.
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