Donald Trump

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Latino endorsements for Trump are not allowed. 1st amendment shutdown in progress

Good job on only reading headlines and not having a clue what the article contains. It's a nonpartisan position she filled, and she's openly endorsing Trump. Same thing with that one dipshit down in WV who was pushing her religion on gay people even though the law said she couldn't.

But hey, at least you're proving @since1991's point that Trumpets have no education.
Good job on only reading headlines and not having a clue what the article contains. It's a nonpartisan position she filled, and she's openly endorsing Trump. Same thing with that one dipshit down in WV who was pushing her religion on gay people even though the law said she couldn't.
We can't have that. What gives her the right to speak words from her mouth? Fascists demand that she resign immediately
We can't have that. What gives her the right to speak words from her mouth? Fascists demand that she resign immediately

It's a minority advocacy group, Trump's rhetoric is against minorities, why would any of them want a retard at the helm endorsing a bigot?

Just like you wouldn't want somebody at the front of your White and European American advocacy group endorsing the leader of the New Black Panthers for president

You should learn the definition of fascism since you're actively supporting it
We can't have that. What gives her the right to speak words from her mouth? Fascists demand that she resign immediately

Once again you're proving how uneducated you are since fascism lies on the right of the political spectrum and you're arguing that some Democrats (center-left) in the same commission have asked for her to resign. Her role is nonpartisan. She cannot use her office to endorse a partisan candidate. If I were the CEO of a 501.3c nonprofit and I openly endorsed Sanders/Clinton/Cruz/Trump/whoever via my nonprofit and my position, I'd lose my 501.3c status and be asked to resign, and I would.

Really, it's not that hard to figure this one out unless you're just having trouble doing anything beyond what Fox News tells you.

Edited to add: Even going further than this, her office since it's part of the state's government represents the governor who has not endorsed Trump and therefore once again she's in violation of her position. As a private citizen she can say whatever she wants, just like the one lady in WV as a private citizen can have whatever view she wants. As a public servant she cannot.
Once again you're proving how uneducated you are since fascism lies on the right of the political spectrum and you're arguing that some Democrats (center-left) in the same commission have asked for her to resign. Her role is nonpartisan. She cannot use her office to endorse a partisan candidate. If I were the CEO of a 501.3c nonprofit and I openly endorsed Sanders/Clinton/Cruz/Trump/whoever via my nonprofit and my position, I'd lose my 501.3c status and be asked to resign, and I would.

Really, it's not that hard to figure this one out unless you're just having trouble doing anything beyond what Fox News tells you.
Hes just trying to start can tell he has no brain with his mocking and condescending posts. Hes trying to hide the fact that hes not much of a thinker. He got goosebumps from a trump speech....thats all.
It's hilarious to see liberals so jacked up over this. You're right, it's fun. :bigjoint:
This is the most heavily trolled thread on RIU, what better place to get under your skin? So easy.

Obama can tell Democrats to get behind Hillary, but somebody suggesting Trump has good ideas is intolerable.
..This country needs Trump so bad. He is long overdue
It's hilarious to see liberals so jacked up over this. You're right, it's fun. :bigjoint:
This is the most heavily trolled thread on RIU, what better place to get under your skin? So easy.

Obama can tell Democrats to get behind Hillary, but somebody suggesting Trump has good ideas is intolerable.
..This country needs Trump so bad. He is long overdue
Bro, you're not even original. You steal all of your troll posts from Reddit
It's hilarious to see liberals so jacked up over this. You're right, it's fun. :bigjoint:
This is the most heavily trolled thread on RIU, what better place to get under your skin? So easy.

Obama can tell Democrats to get behind Hillary, but somebody suggesting Trump has good ideas is intolerable.
..This country needs Trump so bad. He is long overdue
What ideas? I havent heard the douche say anything concrete....thats substantial. Hes way out of his can you not see that? This country needs an outsider yes....but not Trump. Cmon man. Id rather wait 4 more years than to have that douchebag as a leader.
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You know he started his campaign as a sort of amuse himself dont you? He didnt start to get serious until later. As his bullshit picked up steam (yeah I said it) he was quite suprised. Just as much as the the GOP. None of whats become was initially intentional.
It's hilarious to see liberals so jacked up over this. You're right, it's fun. :bigjoint:
This is the most heavily trolled thread on RIU, what better place to get under your skin? So easy.

Obama can tell Democrats to get behind Hillary, but somebody suggesting Trump has good ideas is intolerable.
..This country needs Trump so bad. He is long overdue

Trump clowns heres your chance to score big. Place your bets before the odds shift.


Hillary Clinton
Donald Trump
John Kasich
Bernie Sanders
Ted Cruz
Joe Biden
Mitt Romney
Paul Ryan
Can't wait to see Clinton destroy Trump in the debates. She's going to make him take clear, unambiguous sides on issues. His "It'll be tremendous! We're going to make such a great deal!" bullshit won't fly. He's been pandering to trying to collect independents on the campaign trail by saying shit like he supports universal health care, watch what happens when she pounds him on that
Trump clowns heres your chance to score big. Place your bets before the odds shift.


Hillary Clinton
Donald Trump
John Kasich
Bernie Sanders
Ted Cruz
Joe Biden
Mitt Romney
Paul Ryan
Ryans odds should be better.
He said no to running 3 times already.
He also said no to being speaker of the house 3x so there you go
Can't wait to see Clinton destroy Trump in the debates. She's going to make him take clear, unambiguous sides on issues. His "It'll be tremendous! We're going to make such a great deal!" bullshit won't fly. He's been pandering to trying to collect independents on the campaign trail by saying shit like he supports universal health care, watch what happens when she pounds him on that
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