EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

I'm not convinced. Chump would be a mess but he'd be reined in pretty quickly as he has no broad base of support on either side of the aisle. The Democratic National Committee being shamed and shaken up for what they did during this election cycle. A GOOD thing. Americans would realize that actually being heard and represented in government is important and they'd take it far more seriously in 2020- of not sooner. Mr Chump might even find himself bring the first American president who was the target of a successful recall election.

I'm not convinced that's a worse outcome.

that bitch DWS needs a good swift kick in the ass out the door.
first things first....

Not good enough, by half. Let's hear your reasons. I believe I've addressed them, but if there are more I do want to hear them.

Clinton won't get the base excited. She isn't a Democrat, she's an apologist for abusive corporate power in politics.

I want to see the electorate RILED UP. They need to get MAD AS HELL AND NOT TAKE IT ANYMORE.

Because that's the only time Washington, DC ever actually listens.
Not good enough, by half. Let's hear your reasons. I believe I've addressed them, but if there are more I do want to hear them.

Clinton won't get the base excited. She isn't a Democrat, she's an apologist for abusive corporate power in politics.

I want to see the electorate RILED UP. They need to get MAD AS HELL AND NOT TAKE IT ANYMORE.

Because that's the only time Washington, DC ever actually listens.
Trumps ego would get us into wars all over the place with his belligerent confrontational attitude, and your ego will give him the power to do it....o_O
Trumps ego would get us into wars all over the place with his belligerent confrontational attitude, and your ego will give him the power to do it....o_O

Lol what I started? You have a high opinion of my influence!

In case you haven't been listening, EVERY CANDIDATE BUT SANDERS has been eager to send our troops to go generate profits for our military industrial complex.

I fail to see the difference between Mrs Clinton and the rest of the Republican candidates on this point.
have you seen cruz's advisors?

KKK material all the way.

rubio is a dumb shit, but not awful. i predicted him to win. i was wrong. maybe not. it'll be him, kasich, or ryan walking away with the nomination.

Chump will win the most delegates. Then I will enjoy watching the Republican party throw away every shred of credibility they might have left by rigging the convention to give the nomination to someone else.
Chump will win the most delegates. Then I will enjoy watching the Republican party throw away every shred of credibility they might have left by rigging the convention to give the nomination to someone else.


trump will win the most delegates, but not 1237, unless he starts really winning big. the math is not there for him.

meanwhile, the GOP establishment is going around and wooing delegates. bound delegates have to vote for trump on the first vote, but not after. there are not enough bound delegates to give trump the nomination. unless, of course, trump starts winning way bigger than he has been winning.

so be prepared for the biggest breakdown of the GOP in modern history come convention time.

it will be hilarious, i promise you.

meanwhile, hillary will be poised to win it all. she will be laughing too.
Lol what I started? You have a high opinion of my influence!

In case you haven't been listening, EVERY CANDIDATE BUT SANDERS has been eager to send our troops to go generate profits for our military industrial complex.

I fail to see the difference between Mrs Clinton and the rest of the Republican candidates on this point.
Male EGO......o_O
Male EGO......o_O

Which, when we're talking about their relative proclivity to start wars for profit, means exactly dick.

If you don't believe me, believe my relatives who served under her at State.

C'mon man, she would be the first female president. You think she's NOT going to talk and act tough, just to prove she isn't a pushover?

trump will win the most delegates, but not 1237, unless he starts really winning big. the math is not there for him.

meanwhile, the GOP establishment is going around and wooing delegates. bound delegates have to vote for trump on the first vote, but not after. there are not enough bound delegates to give trump the nomination. unless, of course, trump starts winning way bigger than he has been winning.

so be prepared for the biggest breakdown of the GOP in modern history come convention time.

it will be hilarious, i promise you.

meanwhile, hillary will be poised to win it all. she will be laughing too.
Wait! trump said that there will be riots in the streets of he's denied the nomination. And I'm sure that he'll offer to pay the legal fees of all of the rioters. :rolleyes:
Which, when we're talking about their relative proclivity to start wars for profit, means exactly dick.

If you don't believe me, believe my relatives who served under her at State.

C'mon man, she would be the first female president. You think she's NOT going to talk and act tough, just to prove she isn't a pushover?
Not to mention the fact that she's a fucking neo-con.
that bitch DWS needs a good swift kick in the ass out the door.

Doncha go talkin' bad about your ruling class - Ms. Brillo Head.
