Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
Well, I guess it just hasn't sunk in yet for you. Nobody gives a shit. And good luck with that lying bitch. TRUMP WINS!
tell me more about this delusion of yours.

a friendly assistant at the your future home will be asking you this same question soon enough.


Well-Known Member
The Mexican consulate is holding workshops for Mexicans to try and stop Trump. It's walking a very fine line, and possibly crosses it. Foreign influence in elections is illegal. It's bad enough they invade our borders by the millions. Most other countries would consider it an act of war.
The 1% says Boeing moves to China, they won't pay 440b in back taxes even though we are hemorrhaging, nah, the 1% wouldn't have any influence in Mexico.


Well-Known Member
Its time to start dippin bullets in pigs blood and kill the families of these camel jockeys. FUCK MUHAMMED. FUCK ISLAM AND FUCK EVERY DIRTY, NASTY, STUPID ASS RAGHEAD MUSLIM!!!


Well-Known Member

Mornin fuckers hahaa . its always funny every time I look in here. Just blazed some Purple maroc , was reading the political posts here, I thought buck was being nice and civil was thinking maybe folks were calming a bit , must have missed some posts, then saw the wife crack, which is bad.. man not cool , but I spit coffee all over the place. then read all these morning opinions , always interesting after a toke lol

Any thoughts on his AIPAC speech?
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nitro harley

Well-Known Member

Mornin fuckers hahaa . its always funny every time I look in here. Just blazed some Purple maroc , was reading the political posts here, I thought buck was being nice and civil was thinking maybe folks were calming a bit , must have missed some posts, then saw the wife crack, which is bad.. man not cool , but I spit coffee all over the place. then read all these morning opinions , always interesting after a toke lol

Any thoughts on his AIPAC speech?
Hey I will take a hand full of that. I like popcorn. Trumps speech rocked the planet. Pull up a chair and enjoy the show. TRUMP!


Well-Known Member
Then go fight for your country. You sound angry but only type about it. The usa is done proetecting soft ass europe. The weak type about their problems. Man up and strap some boots on..
We shouldnt be letting in refugees or letting them build a mosque at ground zero. I have killed before and been shot at. Do you think the muslim take over of europe cant happen here. I am angry, did you see what happened in belgium because of lax immigration laws? I dont believe in long drawn out wars, I believe in understanding your enemy, hence the bullets dipped in pigs blood and punishing the families of terrorists would absolutetly work. Instead we give these BASTARDS halal meals and a quaran after we capture them. NO MORE!!!


Well-Known Member

Mornin fuckers hahaa . its always funny every time I look in here. Just blazed some Purple maroc , was reading the political posts here, I thought buck was being nice and civil was thinking maybe folks were calming a bit , must have missed some posts, then saw the wife crack, which is bad.. man not cool , but I spit coffee all over the place. then read all these morning opinions , always interesting after a toke lol

Any thoughts on his AIPAC speech?
TRUMP was spot on with his AIPAC speech when he addressed how muslims glorify terrorism and muslim kids grow up wanting to murder.


Well-Known Member
We shouldnt be letting in refugees or letting them build a mosque at ground zero. I have killed before and been shot at. Do you think the muslim take over of europe cant happen here. I am angry, did you see what happened in belgium because of lax immigration laws? I dont believe in long drawn out wars, I believe in understanding your enemy, hence the bullets dipped in pigs blood and punishing the families of terrorists would absolutetly work. Instead we give these BASTARDS halal meals and a quaran after we capture them. NO MORE!!!
So killing shouldn't be hard again for you. Go arm and fight the muslims. I don't understand why your still typing on your keyboard. Or you can stop being so afraid at least.


Well-Known Member
So killing shouldn't be hard again for you. Go arm and fight the muslims. I don't understand why your still typing on your keyboard. Or you can stop being so afraid at least.
I'm just saying if I felt that my family's or my life is in danger I would not wait for someone to save us. Less typing more action


Well-Known Member
I happen to know for a fact he is over there, doing exactly what you keep flaccidly prodding him to do. Whoops. Does he get to express his opinion now?

Is your signature/sign off jagoff? Very appropriate. If he is as you say. He's not doing a good job. I never stopped him from stating his opinion. You have reading comprehension problemos. And as far as flaccid, I joined the US military 2 weeks post 9/11. Hardly afraid here boy. But waisted my years serving under bush and his well paid contractors.
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