yup you have to prove your marriage is real
you also have to do an interview with some fancy pants head of department in order to prove your marriage is real
they ask you a lot of personal questions. to see if your stories are straight
i just recently sent in my first "proof of marriage evidence" it had to include our story, photos of us together, passport photos, all of our employment histories , places of living, etc etc
its very indepth , huge list of shit basically.
hefty price tag to send along with it as per usual. and the best thing is if its denied they dont refunds so you have to apply again with money again. and they will deny you for simply having the wrong folder used.
all in all i still have a long way to go to get my green card to be able to work, and my process is sped up because im married to a military member, so you really need to be sure when you sponsor someone you are able to afford a one income household.
like i said previously nothing will ever make me want to work illegally in this country there is no amount of money that would make me want to do it.
because if im deported /caught than im seperated from my husband and possibly my child. and i will never take that chance.