Using Boveda on Overdried Bud


Well-Known Member
Harvest time has come and gone, and drying has finished the curing process has begun. The problem: once put into jars, the RH is holding steady at 56%. I'm completely bummed because i am afraid my whole attempt at making sure everything is perfect with this whole process has gone out the window and i'm stuck with some harsh bud.

I've been checking out Boveda's for a while, but am not sure if it is going to help in this situation. I know the proper curing % should be between 60-65, and the Boveda is right there at 62. My question is, if my jars are sitting steady at 56, will bovedas actually get them into the cure zone or are they just going to make the air around the buds at the right %? I don't want to think I'm curing my buds when all i'm doing is making sure my hygrometer is big pimpin in the cure zone and my bud is still too dried out to cure.
Harvest time has come and gone, and drying has finished the curing process has begun. The problem: once put into jars, the RH is holding steady at 56%. I'm completely bummed because i am afraid my whole attempt at making sure everything is perfect with this whole process has gone out the window and i'm stuck with some harsh bud.

I've been checking out Boveda's for a while, but am not sure if it is going to help in this situation. I know the proper curing % should be between 60-65, and the Boveda is right there at 62. My question is, if my jars are sitting steady at 56, will bovedas actually get them into the cure zone or are they just going to make the air around the buds at the right %? I don't want to think I'm curing my buds when all i'm doing is making sure my hygrometer is big pimpin in the cure zone and my bud is still too dried out to cure.
Yes. Throw the proper size in there and they will be fine. Many of us do a short dry and drop in a Boveda and that's it. I actually think that's what the Boveda is for. To keep enough moisture in your smoke so it doesn't dry out and crumple into dust in the grinder.
Boveda will most certainly take care of this problem, put one in each jar and the problem will be solved. A little note on Boveda humipacks, when the pack gets hard inside, it is time to replace, this is not frequent though. Also you can rehydrate the Bovedas (if needed) google it.
Thanks a lot, I started calming down halfway through the day and went ahead and ordered some Boveda 62%. Once I get them in the jar, how often shall i burp them?
Thanks a lot, I started calming down halfway through the day and went ahead and ordered some Boveda 62%. Once I get them in the jar, how often shall i burp them?
You can burp them everyday if it makes you feel better. I would just leave them alone for a few days and occasional open them up to enjoy the aromas. Good thing about overdrying? There ain't none except at least it won't mold. You'll be fine bro.
Every other time i've dried i've put them into the jars at 63-65 so this is a first for me. thanks for the reassurance.
They work great .... I jar up a little around 69%~ 70 % : reason being it is EASIER to STEP DOWN the RH than trying to rehydrate.

There some that say it robs odors , BUT find that not true.
Usually 1 pack per jar but that may vary.


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I love bovedas. I dry untill they start getting crispy. Then jar with boveda 62s. 24hrs later dump each jar (not including boveda) into a brown paper bag. 1-3 days later (depending on size,density,etc) back in jar with boveda.

Then check every couple days and intro the closet they go
They work great .... I jar up a little around 69%~ 70 % : reason being it is EASIER to STEP DOWN the RH than trying to rehydrate.

There some that say it robs odors , BUT find that not true.
Usually 1 pack per jar but that may vary.
For some reason everything dried too quickly after only 4 days. even in 68-70F temps and 50-55 RH environment with very little air circulation. I hung them on their long stem (top of bud all the way to where the stem hits the stalk, approx 6 inches) with the fan leaves removed.

I get it that you would rather bring it down slowly, but haven't faced a situation where rehydration is needed.
My understanding is that curing will happen as long as the stomata stay open to allow air exchange, and they will stay open as long as the RH stays above 40%.

Since your buds only dropped down to 56% before you started pumping up the humidity, you should be fine.
Alright everyone, I have some great news. I drove to the local cigar shop and picked up some 65% rh Bovedas. I then proceeded to drive home and immediately put them in the jar (which had worked its way up to 58%). By sunday afternoon they had leveled out right at 65%. I received my 62% Bovedas today so I went ahead and switched them. As long as it is as 62% tomorrow, i'm planning on taking out the bovedas and seeing if it will stay at 62% after a couple days.

Does anyone see anything bad happening by using the process? I know mold risk is in environments with 60% rh and higher, especially at cooler temps. However, would i be fine just burping my jar about every 3-5 days for 5-10 minutes as long as it goes back to 62% once jar is closed again?

Hopefully this all works out fine and i can be happy about my harvest; and this set of questions and answers will stay here for future reference to people who have a similar problem.

Here is a jar of Papaya cured since feb.22 ( about 4 weeks ) ago.
I put 1 pak ONLY to stabilize it at this range - It's been this way for 4 weeks !
The result is a dense sticky bud ...... i could now lower it further If i want to by ADDING another pak or keep it at this range .... Remember there is Drift of + or - ( percentage of accuracy ) in the hygrometer meters , So i " Range " my buds as close to 65-70 as possible ( for me ). I had tried 55-56 RH cured bud , it was fine , but its the " consistent " relative humidity ( keeping it controlled ) is the key in my book.

But to each their own ...... :bigjoint:

Alright everyone, I have some great news. I drove to the local cigar shop and picked up some 65% rh Bovedas. I then proceeded to drive home and immediately put them in the jar (which had worked its way up to 58%). By sunday afternoon they had leveled out right at 65%. I received my 62% Bovedas today so I went ahead and switched them. As long as it is as 62% tomorrow, i'm planning on taking out the bovedas and seeing if it will stay at 62% after a couple days.

Does anyone see anything bad happening by using the process? I know mold risk is in environments with 60% rh and higher, especially at cooler temps. However, would i be fine just burping my jar about every 3-5 days for 5-10 minutes as long as it goes back to 62% once jar is closed again?

Hopefully this all works out fine and i can be happy about my harvest; and this set of questions and answers will stay here for future reference to people who have a similar problem.

Here's where I am at now. Everything worked out with rehydrating using boveda 65% then changing to boveda 62%. I went ahead and dropped out the 62% bovedas and watched my jar for the next 24 hours and it went from 62% to 63%. I burped it the next day (5 minutes with jar off in 45% humidity environment) to make sure i wasn't just getting a false reading. I saw the humidity in the jar was at 59% when i put the lid back on. It has risen and leveled out at 63% again within a couple hours.

I'm going to call the rehydration a success!
what size packs are you guys using in the jars? im thinking the 8g packs is what im gonna order but want to be sure! thanks in advance
I am not sure of the size of the jar i used, but it fits about 2 oz's with some extra space at top. 1 60g didn't do the trick quick enough for me (over night it raised 2%, 57 to 59%) so i added another and it worked within a couple hours (raising the additional 6%).
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I have had good luck with 2- 60 gram packs in a 2 quart jar and 1 60 gram pack in a 1 quart jar. I do jar mine maybe a bit early, always seems to read 65% to 68% when I get them in, but two day into burping they settle at 62% and hold fast for months.
I have some dried up bud that I never trimmed or cured, was going to make hash with it but never did. Now I have a bunch of hash and not much bud so I've been smoking it but its rough. I got some Bovedas so i'll give it a try.

Does rehydrating make it feel fresh again or is it different? Does it bring back some of the flavor?
I have some dried up bud that I never trimmed or cured, was going to make hash with it but never did. Now I have a bunch of hash and not much bud so I've been smoking it but its rough. I got some Bovedas so i'll give it a try.

Does rehydrating make it feel fresh again or is it different? Does it bring back some of the flavor?
It's worth a try, but if your bud is beyond the point of 40% there is no chance. Try it out for a week and report back with what you did and what happened.
Hi Guys, is there a way to calculate ROUGHLY how may bags per gram you require when in a sealed container ?

I have TERRIBLE problems drying as my attic space is very dry and it dries too quick and turns to dust !!

I will start a thread on it i think (perhaps cutting bigger branches will help).

This is the first time i have ever heard of

Hi Guys, is there a way to calculate ROUGHLY how may bags per gram you require when in a sealed container ?

I have TERRIBLE problems drying as my attic space is very dry and it dries too quick and turns to dust !!

I will start a thread on it i think (perhaps cutting bigger branches will help).

This is the first time i have ever heard of

Do you have to use the attic to dry? No closet or corner in the basement?