No sir. I work for a different corporation entirely.That's President Trump to you.
What a fucking doofusDonald Trump’s discussion with the Washington Post exposes just how clueless he is.
Normally I would describe something in this instance as "unbelievable, but after going back and forth with some of the cats in here, it's completely believable. I promise you that these "non answers" will completely satisfy his fanboi's.What a fucking doofus
That is embarrassing
The fact he is leading the GOP tells you a lot about republican voters
Could you imagine if Obama or Hillary Clinton gave answers like that? The same people that support Trump would have a completely different opinion if it came from one of them.
What a joke
Our ruling
Sanders said that for African-Americans between the ages of 17 and 20, "the real unemployment rate … is 51 percent." His terminology was off, but the numbers he used check out, and his general point was correct -- that in an apples-to-apples comparison, African-American youth have significantly worse prospects in the job market than either Hispanics or whites do. The statement is accurate but needs clarification or additional information, so we rate it Mostly True.
Couple notes on this video
1. How would he improve situations in baltimore.
Trump sees the issues in ALL of the nation as economic issues. Bring businesses to baltimore by making it attractive to do business there. More business equals more jobs which translates to more tax dollars to be spent for the betterment of the city.
2. Racial disparity.
Trump says he sees area where there are problems with officers and places where there arent. He then shifts to his main campaign platform. More business = more jobs.
Black youth ARE losing out in the job market.
So would bringing more jobs into the areas of higher black population (inner cities) help them? Yes it would imo.
The podcasters (?) said he made the perfect political response. All candidates do this to retain as many votes as possible.
My trump fairy dust? Lol. You know I didn't vote for him. Come general election time though, he is cleaner than hillary.maybe we should focus on the systemic racism that denies jobs to black people with the same resume as white people at astounding rates before we give your trump fairy dust a shot at working.
and maybe you should stop giving likes to obvious neo-nazis if you want your opinion on anything race-related to be taken seriously.
My trump fairy dust? Lol.
So you believe in hillary? Or was another candidate that you favored knocked out?i won't even go on to quote the part where you say you'll be voting for that racist, lying sack of shit.
but yes, you believe in magical trump fairy dust.
god knows why. you haven't always been this fucking stupid.
So you believe in hillary? Or was another candidate that you favored knocked out?
Maybe if you weren't such a pompous prick, I would care a little more what you think.
Hillary and bill supported thr deregulation of banks and a crime bill that disproportionately affected blacks. Oh and lest we forget,unlike your candidate, hillary is not racist, and her plans to create jobs have been tried by others in the past, and have worked to astounding success.
also, she know foreign policy backwards and forwards. donald trump couldn't point to most countries on a labeled map.
that's what makes her the most experienced and qualified candidate we have had in a long time.
while your candidate can't even run a fucking business without getting sued or going bankrupt. and he is racist as fuck.
What qualifications does he have for political office? Exactly what legislation has Trump enacted? How is this man qualified to run the country when he can't keep his own businesses out of court for fraud or bankruptcy? You think the pig that wants to legalize interrogation by torture is a clean pig?Hillary and bill supported thr deregulation of banks and a crime bill that disproportionately affected blacks. Oh and lest we forget,
Donald Trump’s discussion with the Washington Post exposes just how clueless he is.
unlike your candidate, hillary is not racist, and her plans to create jobs have been tried by others in the past, and have worked to astounding success.
also, she know foreign policy backwards and forwards. donald trump couldn't point to most countries on a labeled map.
that's what makes her the most experienced and qualified candidate we have had in a long time.
while your candidate can't even run a fucking business without getting sued or going bankrupt. and he is racist as fuck.
No. I've heard the exact same thing at every debate that I've paid any attention to. I really just wanted to hear some defenses of this just figured this out?
there's a radio station that makes fun of him in an ad..the question is asked and his answer is: 'that's a very important question, that deserves a very important answer..just not now'.
he doesn't EVEN have talking POINTS..they're talking words or phrases that someone else 'has told him'..which is why he's non-committal on everything..he doesn't know anything regarding what he's been asked about..reminds me of going on a job interview and not being prepared for a behavioral question or never went to company website.
trump gets an F- at winging it.
Hillary and bill supported thr deregulation of banks and a crime bill that disproportionately affected blacks. Oh and lest we forget,