Yet another terrorist attack


Well-Known Member
What the hell is going on,what are we gonna do with these twats,its hard to fight a man or woman dressed in normally clothing ,but with a bomb belt on.what a religion that is,what the hell kinda world is my grand kids gonna grow up in,i have never hated any one has much has i hate these fuckers,

Lets pray for those who lost there lives and there family's very sad.
It's the religion of chicken shits suffering from diarrhea.


Well-Known Member
I read somewhere that he was going to rush over to Brussels, but then he realized that it wasn't in the United States.
Brussels is the last place Obama wants to play some rounds of golf right now

"The whole premise of terrorism is to try to disrupt people's ordinary lives" -Barry from Honolulu



Well-Known Member
You don't agree?
He said it on ESPN at a baseball game. After putting it in context, it appears he doesn't want to be bothered with doing his job. It's his last year in office, and he'd like to enjoy and live it up on the taxpayers dime, because afterwards, he might have to start paying for his own vacations. Bummer


Well-Known Member
He said it on ESPN at a baseball game. After putting it in context, it appears he doesn't want to be bothered with doing his job. It's his last year in office, and he'd like to enjoy and live it up on the taxpayers dime, because afterwards, he might have to start paying for his own vacations. Bummer
What should he have done, in your noble opinion?


Well-Known Member
What should he have done, in your noble opinion?
Baseball game should have been out of the question. Allie just got bombed, you fly back to DC and meet with officials. Call Belgium, show solidarity. Ask them if they need supplies, and possibly some advice from Trump on immigration. Then he should have gotten on the phone with Trump, and have him engineer plans for a border wall.

Free prosperous countries full of opportunity build walls to keep people out,
Communist countries build walls to keep people in. Would you like to know why?