Is Islamic terror a way of life now for peaceful Europeans? Brussels attack.....


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we can't blame China for benefiting financially from a decision American leaders made.

incidentally, that's exactly what USA did for ww2


Well-Known Member
I know this isn't relevant to all but it never ceases to amaze me how, when you highlight to people, they've been lied to, brainwashed & exploited and they rush to the defence of the offenders.

it's akin to Munchausen Syndrome


Well-Known Member
Only because the game is rigged that way.

No point playing by the rules of kerplunk when monopoly is the only game being played
Human nature is what it is. Until we all become selfless, socialism isnt really an option.

In America you still have the latitude to be comfortably wealthy if you choose to work hard enough for it.


Well-Known Member
Human nature is what it is. Until we all become selfless, socialism isnt really an option.

In America you still have the latitude to be comfortably wealthy if you choose to work hard enough for it.
One simply cannot accept the status quo and state something like you have and then complain about terrorism.

Both our nations wealth is built by denying it to others or taking it by force.

Logical conclusion... terrorism


Well-Known Member
there is more than enough food and resources to go around.

Current farming methods and land can feed 12 BILLION, population 7 BILLION, yet people starve


Well-Known Member
Human nature is what it is. Until we all become selfless, socialism isnt really an option.

In America you still have the latitude to be comfortably wealthy if you choose to work hard enough for it.
since you make less than poverty, socialism as you describe it would probably work pretty well for you.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Inaccurate I'm affraid.

The invasion was illegal for a start.

Sadaam Hussein was trained at the school of America's (by the USA) how to take over Iraq by coup...which he did.

As far as the US were concerned he was 'their guy'

He started like a good little puppet should, had a war with Iran because, after their revloution where they kicked out the USAs puppet shah, Iran was on your shitlist.

But then he started misbehaving.

He wouldn't allow US companies unfetted access to all his oil. Bad puppet.

Now Bush senior didn't want rid of him, he wanted him to play ball so they didn't have him killed after the first gulf war. The bush's are all about oil, love the stuff.

Many years of sanctions followed and he was still a V naughty puppet.

Unfortunately for Iraq, as your CIA had trained him, he knew how the CIA would try to depose him. It works like this.

1) Discredit him.
This works in 'democratic' nations where the press are onside such as Britain or the USA.
Ineffectual with dictators.

so on to method

2) Bribe him.
Now this works well in areas like Indonesia and it's the same method Pablo Escobar used so successfully. Offer money or a bullet (it is this method that has bought you so many votes at the UN btw)
He was sitting on an ocean of black gold, no bribing him...bad puppet

3) Assassinate him;
Problem here was they'd trained him so those methods that served America so well in south American countries (Bribe security guard to place bomb on aircraft and then control the 'crash' scene) he was aware of...hence why he handpicked his own security guards and employed body doubles.
IF the CIA managed to bribe a bodyguard, the bodyguard couldn't be certain they were blowing up the correct 'Saddam'
Get that wrong and it's a world of pain for you and your entire family and the end of your bloodline.

You trained him too well. it left one option


Now, research dick cheney & halliburton, have a look who got the first contract once you'd 'stabilised' the country.

You also failed to stabilise the country and needed Iran's help...yes, Iran's... they hold more sway there than you and the Sunny's hate the Shia's so well done for that.

That war was mega expensive...all those deaths and all that money...but your taxes and the lives of others paid for it, private corporations creamed the profit.

...but you carry on blaming Obama for everything if you wish.

p.s your petty internal political charade that is being played out, right vs left, I care not one jot about.

My only agenda is sharing the truth



Well-Known Member
based on?

Well if that's bullshit I'm bloody impressive. I wrote that in a couple of mins on my mobile phone whilst at work, I was able to do that because this is knowledge I've read and re read from various sources.

If you're suggesting I was making it up, a work of fiction then I need to change my job...but, alas, I'm not that creative .

Still, thanks for the valuable and well constructed feedback


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="Uncle Ben, post: 12453739, member: 46130"secondworldwar

You're a Bush man eh.

You are aware that dubbya's grandad was profiteering by trading with the Nazis whilst the USA was at war with them.

Supplying oil no less, through Spain. (meaning tanks that killed American troops were fuelled by Prescott Bush)

It's when the Bush family went from moderately wealthy to powerful.

Of course, I'm full of shit so have a read of this

This is common knowledge so I'm sure you know this as you wouldn't give your support to anyone without research, that'd make you look foolish and you wouldn't want that.

Interesting little side note; The files into the investigation of Prescott Bush were kept in an office in building 7 of the WTC.

That's the building that had a shit load of gold reserves in the basement (that were never recovered, army moved in and removed a load of stuff though, inurance paid out on the loss ;) )

The building that collapsed, into its own footprint, without any impact stress whatsoever.

The building that was reported on BBC news as having collapsed 20 minutes BEFORE it collapses
(check on you tube, the building is behind the reporter as she tells us it's collapsed...before the live feed conveniently gets dropped)

The building that the downed aeroplane (where the passengers took on the terrorists) was actually headed for.

All under dubbya's watch!

Lead to a very profitable war

Nothing to see here though.

Them Muslims are a problem, let's hate
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Well-Known Member
here's a special treat for you uncle Ben

If you watched that you'll now be experiencing this
Cognitive dissonance
In psychology, cognitive dissonance is themental stress or discomfort experienced by an individual who holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values at the same time, performs an action that is contradictory to one or more beliefs, ideas or values, or is confronted by new information that conflicts with existing beliefs, ideas, or values.[1][2]

You might feel the need to comfort yourself, realign your world view.

Reply to me, tell me what I say is bullshit. That'll do it

Then you can comfortably go back to believing your pre-exsisting views irrespective of the FACTS.

You won't be alone, people do this all the time.

Have a nice day though