Embarrassing Trump Audio Exposes Him as Totally Clueless


Well-Known Member
Well, since you've asked. Yes, I'm a woman. I'm also a retired medic. I have one son deployed and one about to leave for basic. Vague description, I know. I usually don't bring my gender, my career, or my service into any political debate because I dont want to appear as though I'm using it to add validity to my opinion. I asked for the talking points to be cited because there is often a much broader picture to take into consideration. Like I said, I'm no fan of Hillary Clinton, but the idea of Trump as CIC should scare anyone, regardless of gender, race, or occupation.
somehow i thought you were (woman).

did you support sanders at any time?

PS..thank you for your service:hug:

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
odd to see support for trump coming from a woman and a mother. a father announcing publicly that he wanted to fuck his daughter and you will willingly support that?
I saw him say if he were another man, he would date his daughter. It is a way of saying any man would be lucky to have her.


Well-Known Member
I saw him say if he were another man, he would date his daughter. It is a way of saying any man would be lucky to have her.
How can you interpret that as anything other than "If she weren't my daughter, I'd fuck her." especially when taken into context with other disparaging statements that he's made with regards to women in general?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Well, since you've asked. Yes, I'm a woman. I'm also a retired medic. I have one son deployed and one about to leave for basic. Vague description, I know. I usually don't bring my gender, my career, or my service into any political debate because I dont want to appear as though I'm using it to add validity to my opinion. I asked for the talking points to be cited because there is often a much broader picture to take into consideration. Like I said, I'm no fan of Hillary Clinton, but the idea of Trump as CIC should scare anyone, regardless of gender, race, or occupation.
Hillary should scare you too. She is one of the elites that have been fucking the little guys.

Later when I am at a computer I will post my sources. It's a pain to post links on my phone.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I should've worded that differently. I DO support him. I should also add that my OP was more rhetorical than anything. It seems to me that many who support Trump do so on the basis of Hillarys tainted record of unreliability and underhandedness. As if Trump is some pillar of genuineness because he's "not a good ole boy". LOL ;-)
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Well-Known Member
Hillary should scare you too. She is one of the elites that have been fucking the little guys.

Later when I am at a computer I will post my sources. It's a pain to post links on my phone.
at least hillary doesn't want to fuck her own child.

oh, and she isn't a wacked out racist fascist, like your hero donald trump.

but more importantly, hillary would not fuck her own child. like trump eants to do.

trump wants to fuck his own daughter.


Well-Known Member
I wonder if the GOP will implode after this election? How will they ever recover from nominating Trump? (never mind the wreckage from the whole Palin debacle)

The fact that he even got this far is a disgrace and all of these so called attempts to stop him are too little, too late.

:idea:I guess if there is one good thing that came out of all this...is that women of the world can now weed out the half-wits and misogynistic pricks during the first week of dating American men. Just look around his place for Donald Trump paraphernalia. :spew:

For the women that support him.....I have no words :confused:

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
Please, please, please let the dumb MF's in the GOP nominate this clueless bloviating orangutan so Hillary can pick his ass apart.

From day one I've been saying this bozo has no policies whatsoever he spends 1 hour at his rallies dissing others, race baiting, throwing out red meat to his devoted bigots and self aggrandizement and his clueless followers just eat that shit up. It's sad to think that the Republican voters would want to make this idiot their CiC. Really you couldn't make this shit up if you tried.


Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I wonder if the GOP will implode after this election? How will they ever recover from nominating Trump? (never mind the wreckage from the whole Palin debacle)

The fact that he even got this far is a disgrace and all of these so called attempts to stop him are too little, too late.

:idea:I guess if there is one good thing that came out of all this...is that women of the world can now weed out the half-wits and misogynistic pricks during the first week of dating American men. Just look around his place for Donald Trump paraphernalia. :spew:

For the women that support him.....I have no words :confused:
If denying Hillary my vote is supporting trump. Then yes. I support him.

He is the shiniest turd IMO. 50% chance he is a plant for Hillary to win or bringing Clinton s and bushes back into the white house through cabinet positions.

So my choices are

A) vote for hillary. 100% chance of Hillary and Bush cronies.

Or B) vote for trump. Only 50% chance of Hillary bush cronies.

Cuts my odds of cronies in half!


Well-Known Member
I wonder if the GOP will implode after this election? How will they ever recover from nominating Trump? (never mind the wreckage from the whole Palin debacle)

The fact that he even got this far is a disgrace and all of these so called attempts to stop him are too little, too late.

:idea:I guess if there is one good thing that came out of all this...is that women of the world can now weed out the half-wits and misogynistic pricks during the first week of dating American men. Just look around his place for Donald Trump paraphernalia. :spew:

For the women that support him.....I have no words :confused:
What happens after Trump is soundly beaten is a great question. I don't know but here is a good article that matches what we've been seeing on this site and around us for some time:


The theory posed in this article is that the conservative movement is dead and being replaced with an authoritarian right within the GOP. If true then we may one day be nostaligic about Trump when we see who the next great leader these people rally around.

And their violence is going to get worse.

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
If denying Hillary my vote is supporting trump. Then yes. I support him.

He is the shiniest turd IMO. 50% chance he is a plant for Hillary to win or bringing Clinton s and bushes back into the white house through cabinet positions.

So my choices are

A) vote for hillary. 100% chance of Hillary and Bush cronies.

Or B) vote for trump. Only 50% chance of Hillary bush cronies.

Cuts my odds of cronies in half!
I've also believe, not as confident now as I was in the beginning that the dumpster might be a Hillary cronie.


Elwood Diggler

Well-Known Member
at least hillary doesn't want to fuck her own child.

oh, and she isn't a wacked out racist fascist, like your hero donald trump.

but more importantly, hillary would not fuck her own child. like trump eants to do.

trump wants to fuck his own daughter.

holy shit.......i've never seen that pic. it's beyond creepy because it's pretty clear by looking at it there's something going on with those two. it wouldn't surprise me at all if he has been fucking her. pics don't lie


Well-Known Member
What happens after Trump is soundly beaten is a great question. I don't know but here is a good article that matches what we've been seeing on this site and around us for some time:


The theory posed in this article is that the conservative movement is dead and being replaced with an authoritarian right within the GOP. If true then we may one day be nostaligic about Trump when we see who the next great leader these people rally around.

And their violence is going to get worse.
Their violence? LOL!!! Only if a bunch of agitators show up and start shit. Oh wait, that is the plan....


Well-Known Member
Their violence? LOL!!! Only if a bunch of agitators show up and start shit. Oh wait, that is the plan....
Would you cry the same way if people broke up a klan meeting?

"Their violence? LOL!!!"

If the meeting itself calls for violence, like Trump rallies do "I'll pay the legal fines if you get arrested for committing violence!", then you can't really say much about the violence that might erupt because of it


Well-Known Member
Would you cry the same way if people broke up a klan meeting?

"Their violence? LOL!!!"

If the meeting itself calls for violence, like Trump rallies do "I'll pay the legal fines if you get arrested for committing violence!", then you can't really say much about the violence that might erupt because of it
He said if someone stopped violence against him then he would pay their legal fees. Seems pretty reasonable to me.

The violence is coming from the left, not the Trump supporters.