Donald Trump

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This next rally should be some excellent democratic Klan hat wearing fucking whack a mole outside the event. Don't miss it, this is going to be some great stuff. TRUMP!

I just heard a new term that will be used to deny the dumpster the nomination at the convention, has anyone ever heard the term 'zombie delegates'. These are delegates from candidates who have dropped out of the race and can by projected convention rules, be awarded to the candidate that the establishment feels has the best chance of winning.

Plus the dumpster has the worst support among women than any candidate in history. Do you see a problem there? You can't win the presidency without women support.



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Bikers are planing to police the protesters at future rallies! Fucking A, this is going to be great stuff. TRUMP!

Patriotic Bikers Have Pledged To Protect Trump Rallies?
Posted by RightAlerts on March 26, 2016 2:37 pm
Categories: polls

Patriotic Bikers, from all across the United States are planning to show up at ALL future TRUMP rallies to make sure that any paid agitator protesters don’t take away Mr. Trump’s right to speak. Or interfere with the rights of Trump supporters to safely attend. WE SHALL NOT BE SILENCED!

The bikers plan to provide security outside of all future Trump rallies and events.
They want to stop the paid protesters agitators from the increasing atmosphere of violence.

We all need and up for what for our Country like these Patriots.
Bikers, white supremest what's the difference? I have seen plenty of bikers rocking them gay ass SS bolts so seems fitting. Have you ever seen a non white patched in Hells Angel? Because I sure as shit have not and I've met Outlaws and Hells Angels just never had any interest in being another man's bitch.
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Bikers, white supremest what's the difference? I have seen plenty of bikers rocking them gay ass SS bolts so seems fitting. Have you ever seen a non white patched in Hells Angel? Because I sure as shit have not and I've met Outlaws and Hells Angels just never had any interest in being another man's bitch.

Who said the Angels were coming? There are a lot of Vets that ride and support Trump of all colors. Why is it always black or white and hitler shit? You need to open your mind up a little bit more and realize that the world isn't what you think it is. When I think of a biker I don't automatically think the shit you do, and I know a lot of them. TRUMP!
Who said the Angels were coming? There are a lot of Vets that ride and support Trump of all colors. Why is it always black or white and hitler shit? You need to open your mind up a little bit more and realize that the world isn't what you think it is. When I think of a biker I don't automatically think the shit you do, and I know a lot of them. TRUMP!
Then I guess we'll see just how many of those colors are actually providing security.
Bikers, white supremest what's the difference? I have seen plenty of bikers rocking them gay ass SS bolts so seems fitting. Have you ever seen a non white patched in Hells Angel? Because I sure as shit have not and I've met Outlaws and Hells Angels just never had any interest in being another man's bitch.
I grew up with the haight ashberry and oakland H.A. chapters (oakland being the head chapter)...they always knew my whole family is jewish. They couldnt give 2 fucks and we've been working on their bikes for years....having said that they are all white as far as im aware.

And i agree on 1 point though. NEVER owe these guys anything! I'll do some basic stuff for them (mechanical and such) but i wouldnt work with them (if you take my meaning) as pretty quick that devolves into working for them and then you're their bitch.

As far as working security everyone forgets that 1 of the groups they worked security for the most over the years was the grateful dead. (Granted mostly to sell drugs....but still)

My experience has taught me that for the most part the H.A. judge people by their actions and the way you handle yourself.

I think any man who has any REAL experince in this world holds himself in similar ways. Most racist assholes ive met are usually cowards who have spent their lives hiding in little insulated worlds. Its always "someones doing it to them" as opposed to them simply being inept or an asshole....or hell...somtimes shitty stuff just happens in life (Suck it up pussy...the world wasnt created just for you). Its like a lifetime of deferential treatment as a white male has turned some people into spoiled children throwing a tantrum cuase they didnt get a present at someone else birthday party.

Nothing like physical and mental segrigation to dim ones view. long as they remain keyboard warriors let them scream their pathetic retoric till they cows come home.

I hope it makes them feel better.
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actually, it's made right here in the good ole US of A..battery acid, pseud, 2 liter coke bottles and 4 have a rolling lab..very popular in the meth capital of northern florida.
Pretty sure that's old school amigo. Mexico has super labs and ships it in by the ton. Pure crystal meth. Can only make a few grams with a coke bottle.
I grew up with the haight ashberry and oakland H.A. chapters (oakland being the head chapter)...they always knew my whole family is jewish. They couldnt give 2 fucks and we've been working on their bikes for years....having said that they are all white as far as im aware.

And i agree on 1 point though. NEVER owe these guys anything! Ill do work for them (mechanical and such) but i wouldnt work with them as pretty quick that devolves into working for them and then your their bitch.

As far as working security everyone forgets that 1 of the groups they worked security for the most over the years was the grateful dead. (Granted mostly to sell drugs....but still)
Yeah, I seen a black guy in an Outlaw bar but not a member probably just business crack is huge in Daytona Beach, FL. They are rascist but just like the Aryan Brotherhood money comes first then their race. It's really stupid the White power gang around me rat each other out. Lol, Apparently I have one on Facebook I kind of like fucking with him a little. Lol, kid is a joke used to be alright but now he's all into that shit and still lives in his mom's house with no running water and they shit in a bucket. LMAO, And get this kid used to listen to rap. Lol
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