This is why voter turnout from both liberal and conservatives alike is down to a record level, especially the young voters that are coming up. Old and young people are starting to realize that it doesn't matter who you vote for as other than titles and party lines the lies, deceit and story line is the same in the end. No matter who you vote for they will come after your freedom, way of life and do everything they can to divide us with lies and purposely thought out gov opts. You can't even think for yourself anymore without worrying about loosing your freedom or other harsh penalties ..and this is from both sides. It's their way and they do the thinking for you; we're just peasants in their way and they are continuously looking for ways to eradicate us. If everybody just stopped supporting the system all at once and united ..maybe we could sit back and watch the system destroy itself. How insulting is it to get a letter from the social security office that says you can't count on it and that it's going to be non existent when you retire but they are still collecting money or you go to jail. People really need to wake up...but I don't know if that will happen as stated we have so many stupid people now and that's exactly what they have been trying to create for decades.
Cool. You sound like Boétie...
Excerpt from his Discourse on Voluntary Servitude -
Pitiful, miserable, disordered peoples, nations obstinate in your evil and blind to your
own good! You allow the best part of your income to be taken away from you, you allow
your fields to be ravaged, your houses to be despoiled and stripped of your ancient
ancestral possessions! You live in such a way that you can claim nothing as your own
and it seems that now you would be quite content to rent your possessions, your families
and your lives from others. And all this devastation, this misfortune, this ruin comes upon
you not from enemies, but certainly from the enemy, from the man you make so great as
he is, for whom you go so courageously to war, for whose greatness you do not hesitate
to lay down your lives. He who oppresses you has but two eyes, two hands, one body,
and has only what the least inhabitant of the infinite number of your own cities has,
excepting the advantage you give him to destroy you. Where did he get so many eyes
with which to spy on you, if you did not give them to him? How does he have so many
hands to strike you if he did not get them from you? Where did he get the feet with which
he tramples on your cities if they are not your own? How does he have any power over
you except the power you give him? How would he ever dare to attack you if he had not
intelligence with you? What could he do to you if you did not harbour the robber who
plunders you and were not accomplices of the murderer who kills you and traitors to
yourselves? You sow your fruit so that he can destroy the harvest; you furnish and fill
your houses so that he can plunder them; you raise your daughters so that he can sate
his lust; you bring up your children so that the best he can do for them is take them to
fight his wars and be butchered, make them ministers to his greed, executors of his
vengeance. You harden your bodies to suffering so that he may live a life of luxury and
wallow in filthy and base delights. You make yourselves weak so as to make him
stronger and more able to keep you on a shorter leash. From such humiliations that the
beasts themselves, were they to feel them, would not endure them, you can deliver
yourselves if you make an effort, not to deliver yourselves, but only to want to do so. Be
resolved to be slaves no more, and you are free. I do not want you to push or overthrow
him, just do not support him any longer, and you will see, like some great colossus
whose plinth has been removed, he will collapse and be broken under his own weight...