I'm considering moving to the Philippines

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Well-Known Member
I laughing you funny! They have more of a normal winter there. Alaska is 9 months of hard core winter. Is Philip like nice warm all year long? I picture it that way. Cool to have a female around here chat with a bit!


Well-Known Member
Has anyone looked at the penalties of growing weed in the pines? @ODanksta you leaning toward moving there or her here?

My friend, he was planning to move their. I posted about it very early on.

I'll be honest. I don't know much, but I think we have it better in Murica even though sometimes I'm not proud of my country anymore. We spoilt homie. Period. End of discussion. Poor people here in the US are the middle class of some countries. Just sayin. Peace and love.
she is coming here..


Well-Known Member
OK ODP that's much easier to type. One dumbo question what kind of foods you going to try new to you I mean. Like real Italian French what? I bet you have some secret recipes & what not. We should swap some time. I Italian so cooking,growing &_ family is my life!


Well-Known Member
OK ODP that's much easier to type. One dumbo question what kind of foods you going to try new to you I mean. Like real Italian French what? I bet you have some secret recipes & what not. We should swap some time. I Italian so cooking,growing &_ family is my life!
You would be amazed, where she lives in Qatar they have super crazy good food.. And she works at Chili's in Qatar, so she knows what American food is.. Filipinos eat alot like Mexicans here, which is great, because I love Mexican food too.. But they do a lot whole pig roast there.. And lots of chicken.. Her food looks like a mix between chinese and mexican food.. And she can cook too!!!! lol


Well-Known Member
I sent a few too.. Didn't know you were invited to the bukkake?.. The more the merrier!
Lol she asked me "what is bukkake"? lmao.. So I am trying to explain it to sweet innocent catholic girl.. You and sunshine are assholes.. But she got a laugh out of it.. So it's all good


Well-Known Member
@Princess Odanksta2 Do you know how to give people likes yet? At the bottom right of someones post there is a Like button next to the reply button. If you like someones post press like. So instead of posting to every post you can like it.. I guess you could probably care less, just wanted you to let know..
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