Donald Trump

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I would rather just watch him fuck China.

Metaphorically speaking.
He's doing it already.

Trump Towers Scandal: Properties Relied On Rich Chinese Investors Who Wanted Green Cards

Of course, his first move was to screw over people that can't pay millions for their green card. And subvert the immigration system for financial gain, thus screwing you and me.

His next step is to declare bankruptcy on those properties. Everybody around Trump gets screwed.
He's doing it already.

Trump Towers Scandal: Properties Relied On Rich Chinese Investors Who Wanted Green Cards

Of course, his first move was to screw over people that can't pay millions for their green card. And subvert the immigration system for financial gain, thus screwing you and me.

His next step is to declare bankruptcy on those properties. Everybody around Trump gets screwed.

How did Trump issue green cards? Oh wait, it was the GOVERNMENT that issued the green cards.

You are mad because Trump used legal immigration laws to achieve both what he wanted (financing) and what the investors wanted (green cards). Will there be an FBI investigation? Is he under investigation for criminal activity? I mean, at least he is not likely to get indicted within the next 3 months no matter how hard the anti-trump crowd works at it.
I would rather just watch him fuck China.

Metaphorically speaking.



How did Trump issue green cards? Oh wait, it was the GOVERNMENT that issued the green cards.

You are mad because Trump used legal immigration laws to achieve both what he wanted (financing) and what the investors wanted (green cards). Will there be an FBI investigation? Is he under investigation for criminal activity? I mean, at least he is not likely to get indicted within the next 3 months no matter how hard the anti-trump crowd works at it.
So, If Bill Clinton used connections to help get a green card for a Chinese investor in one of Bill's businesses, that would be OK with you too?

You cannot compete in the clothing industry if you try to make clothing here. It is simply too expensive.

Maybe Trump wants to fix that eh?

He is bad when he goes bankrupt and he is bad when he is a smart businessman. He cant win with you no matter what eh?
You cannot compete in the clothing industry if you try to make clothing here. It is simply too expensive.

Maybe Trump wants to fix that eh?

He is bad when he goes bankrupt and he is bad when he is a smart businessman. He cant win with you no matter what eh?

Asking for financial forgiveness (that cost you and me) and utilizing $1 a day labor is the American way!

We really should stop leasing communist labor, I can't make out the fine print.
Veteran Bikers plan to show up in force at Trump rally in WI. Fuck this is going to be some great stuff tomorrow. I don't think SORO"S 15.00 per hour for protesters is going to pay off. LOL TRUMP!
Viva Mexifornia!

Trump isn't the problem, the supporters of his right wing agenda are, and I'm no lefty by any means but his shit isn't even planned out. If Hitler had had the yes men and modern resources that Trump will have if another terrorist attack happens, the world should definitely worry. The man is a pathological bully & the world doesn't need him in power.
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